Come to The Peak

Chapter 520: : Blue sky

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"This stone cliff is weird. Obviously it is a bare stone, but it has grown so many vines, and the other cliffs don't say that there is no grass, but there are not so many plants."

Luo Yu murmured at Shi Ya, and then he looked back at the cave covered by vines behind the pine tree he had just seen.

"Is there any treasure here that is impossible, otherwise how could Chen Bo come here?"

Luo Yu's eyes turned, and there was a hint of speculation in her heart.

"Little white, you are waiting for me"

Luo Yu gave a command to Bai Ze, then stepped on one's soles, and a huge force kicked back, Luo Yu slammed into the sky and shot at the stone hole in the middle of the mountain.

As soon as Luo Yu stretched out her hand, she grasped the trunk of the pine tree and stood on the pine tree with a strong waist.

The pine tree came out obliquely, Luo Yu stepped directly on the pine tree and walked towards the stone cave.

When I walked to the stone cave, the cave was not very large, it was two meters high, and many vines with dead vines were hanging from the entrance to cover the entrance. In addition, there was a pine tree outside. I really couldn't find this cave after a close look.

Luo Yu poked the vines to both sides, and entered the dark cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, a cold chill blew across their faces, and one could not help but feel cold.

A red flame rose in Luo Yu's hands, lighting up the cave.

This cave is very deep. The cave in front of Luo Yu stretches to the depth with a slope, and the space becomes larger as it gets deeper.

However, it seems that the cave is uneven, and this cave should be formed naturally. Luo Yu and Long Huangque stepped slowly into the cave.

A more chilling air came from the more I walked, the chill was absolutely cold for ordinary people.

When Luo Yu and Long Huangque walked a hundred meters deep, the cave was extremely wide. The cave was more than ten meters high, and the square circle was seventy to eighty meters wide, like a spacious hall.

Above the cave are densely packed stalactites, and in the center of the cave there is a cold pool of twenty meters in length. The water in the cold pool bursts with cold air.

The cold air in this cave came from this cold lake in the cave.

When Luo Yu looked around here, she found no other hole.

"Brother, look at it, what's in the middle of that Hantan!"

Long Huangque said suddenly.

Luo Yu heard the words and looked away. There was something looming in the middle of the cold lake.

"Well! What's that?"

Luo Yu made a shock, then walked towards the Hantan, and walked to the front of the Hantan. A pair of ordinary red yuan wings condensed on Luo Yu's back and flew to the center of the Hantan.

He flew to the center of Hantan to discover what it was.

In the center of the Hantan, there is a whole milky oval oval jade standing in the center of the Hantan, and in the center of the jade, there is a large bowl-shaped groove, which contains a milky liquid like milk.

"This ... then ..."

Luo Yu and Long Huangque looked at the milky white liquid and their pupils shrank, and Luo Yu seemed to think of something, and a little excitement appeared on their faces.

Luo Yufei got down from the stone platform and fell on top of the jade platform. Luo Yu took out a piece of white jade, and the real fire rising from his hands began to smelt the white jade.

After a while, the white jade was smelted into a liquid. Under the action of Luo Yu's consciousness, the liquid white jade turned into a jade spoon.

As soon as the flames closed, the jade spoon quickly cooled down.

Luo Yu took a spoonful of milky white liquid in the depression with a mood, holding her heart with excitement.

This jade spoon is similar to the spoon we used for dinner. Luo Yu picked up a small spoon and put it under the nose to sniff.

A strange fragrance came from this milky white liquid. The fragrance was not like a floral fragrance, but a bit like a mastic on a woman.

Luo Yu smelled even more excited on this scent, and her tongue gently rolled up a drop of milky liquid in a jade spoon.

Suddenly Luo Yu felt fragrant, a cold air filled her mouth, and then the drop of milky white liquid turned into a huge and pure vitality and poured into Luo Yu's body.

This vitality is huge and pure. Generally, the vitality of a hundred yuan stones is not so huge, and it is pure, pure and contains no impurities. It is directly converted into true energy by the method of practice, and it has not been refined. Refined real elements are very large.

"Hahaha ..."

Luo Yu felt an ecstatic laughter after feeling the strangeness in her belly.

"Yes, it's the Everlasting Earth Spirit Milk, it's the Everlasting Earth Spirit Milk"

Luo Yu laughed happily, looking ecstatic at the milky white liquid in the cauldron.

"Big Brother is really the everlasting earth earth milk!"

The dragon and phoenix on his shoulder also showed joy?

Luo Yu nodded excitedly and placed the jade spoon on the mouth of the dragon phoenix. The dragon phoenix sucked another drop in its beak and then closed the purple pupil. After almost breathing, the dragon phoenix opened its eyes again. Color of surprise.

"That's right, it's Wannianqingkong Earth Spirit Milk, not Millennium Bluesky" Dragon Phoenix nodded excitedly.

The earth spirit milk is a rare spiritual fluid between heaven and earth. It is divided into two kinds: the millennium blue sky and the millennium blue sky. The millennium blue sky refers to the thousand years of earth earth milk. A drop is comparable to a treasure of five grades. The earth spirit milk is quite six treasures.

Remember, a drop is equivalent to a Wannianbao.

And the earthy milk in this groove is the evergreen sky, although it only looks like a bowl, but this bowl has thousands of drops.

"Big chance, big chance, this kind of heaven and earth milk has been met by my Luo Yu. God, you are not thin to me."

Luo Yu laughed wildly, looking excited.

"Wait, wait, there is earth milk, is it possible!"

Luo Yu suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked up at the stone cave, and there was a dense stalactite on the stone cave, and there was a stone stalactite facing the bottom which was no different from ordinary stone stalactites.

This stone stalactite is milky white and emits a radiant white jade light, which is very soft. It looks no different in front of many equally milky stone stalactites.

But this stone stalactite exudes a strange wave, this wave is similar to the wave of the breath of life!

"Earth Spiritual Root! This really has Earth Spiritual Root!"

Luo Yu's eyes were full of excitement.

The birth of the earth spirit milk naturally has its origins, and the earth spirit root is a kind of heaven and earth spiritual root, which cannot be formed without thousands of years. The earth spirit root is a strange existence. It is a kind of rock, but it is a spiritual soul when he is said to be a rocky spiritual root.

The Earth Spirit Milk was born from the Earth Spirit Root.

At this time, a drop of earth stalactite was formed on the tip of the stone stalactite on the root of the earth.

However, Luo Yu's heart was ecstatic. With this earth spiritual root, this ten thousand-year-old blue earth earth milk is simply inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

The earth spirit milk is definitely a good thing whether it is used for cultivation or practicing pill.

Luo Yu took out a white jade bottle, and put all the earth spirit milk in the jade groove into the jade bottle, and filled two small jade bottles, no less than thousands of drops of earth spirit milk.

Luo Yu then condensed Yuan Yi and flew over the stone cave, and was about to enter the distance to watch this earth spiritual root.

The earth root is a product of heaven and earth, and has no fixed form. It can be like a stalactite or other forms.

Wow ...!

But at this moment there was a sound of water in the cold pool, followed by a roar similar to Long Yin, a slender figure appeared in the cold pool, and a pair of golden eyes stared at Luo Yu.

Both Luo Yu and Long Huangque were taken aback, and Long Huangque was even more surprised and said, "The Dragon Clan!"

"This is Hanli!"

Luo Yu also flew in the stone cave, looking at this monster in surprise.

This is a dragon with a length of twenty meters and a bucket full of white scale armor.

The head of the head has no horns, and a large mouth is full of fangs, and there are fins near the mouth, and short limbs on the abdomen. It is the dragon spirit beast, Han Li!

"Isn't this a ferocious beast here? How can there be spirit beasts?" Luo Yu stared at Han Li, surprised, staring at him.

He will not have any fear at that time, and the scent of this cold glass will only be completed in the Ningyuan Realm. Luo Yu is not afraid of the same people in the same stage.

"This ferocious beast had existed in ancient times, and it is not surprising that a spirit beast was born," Long Huangque spoke out.


Han Li snarled at Luo Yu, and then she gave out the girl's crisp sound: "Humans, get the Earth Spirit Milk and leave here"

Han Li spit out words, and the words were all threatening.

"Oh! Hehe, why?"

Luo Yu sneered and said lightly.

"Well, if you don't leave, you have to die!" Han Li said coldly.

"Hey, you said that instead of wanting to leave, I want to see what mystery is here"

The Phoenix wings behind Luo Yu ejected, replacing Yuan Yi.

He is ready for battle.

"Hmm ...!"

Han Li didn't speak when she heard the words, and also roared Long Yin, opened her mouth and bite at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu sneered, and flew in the air without escaping, and the real red body on the surface agitated a punch to Han Li.

Roar Roar!

After the eight-screaming tiger howl, eight red tiger punches blasted out.

Han Li's whole body was covered with white demon elements to form a body. Eight heads of fierce tiger fist attacked on the demon element's body, and the demon yuan's body was shaken after a burst of shock. The two undissipated two tiger fist shadow Hit Han Li's body.

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Han Li roared, and was shocked to fly back and hit the stone wall, which was turbulent.

The scales of Han Li's body were smashed and cracked, and blood was flowing out.

Han Li was another dragon groan, one tail yanked away from Luo Yu, Han Li's dragon tail was wide, the tail tip was like a fin, and the air of this tail fan crackled and made a sound ...

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