Come to The Peak

Chapter 521: : Earth root

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Luo Yu roared, his fist wrapped Zhenyuan punched and blasted at the drawn dragon tail.


With a thunderous thunder, Luo Yu's fist slammed against the dragon tail drawn by Han Li, Luo Yu was shocked and hit the stone wall, and Han Li's dragon tail was also beaten with flesh. blurry.

When Luo Yu slaps the stone wall, she will shoot at Han Li, and Han Li's retreated body also bows and slams into Luo Yu severely.

This man and a dragon and beast fought in the stone cave, and the surrounding stone wall was shaken constantly.

Luo Yu's heart was very strange. In addition to defending himself with Yaoyuan, this Hanli did not attack him with Yaoyuan.

It's all about physical strength against him.

Although Luo Yu is a human race, she can practice the phagocytosis, her physical strength is comparable to the ordinary third-order ancient beasts, and she is attacked by Zhenyuan, which is a disadvantage.

With the battle of one person and one beast, Luo Yu also wanted to understand the reason. This Hanli did n’t use the demon element to attack because he was afraid of accidentally hurting the earth root. He and Luo Yu were fighting to avoid the earth root.

It didn't take long for the battle and Hanli had been covered with bruises. His scales were broken and looked very horrible, but this guy still refused to attack Luo Yu with his magical powers or attack with Yaoyuan.

"Hmm! Han Li, I will kill you if you keep your hand. It's boring to fight with you."

Luo Yufei said in the air looking at Han Li who was blown into the stone wall by a punch.

He didn't kill Han Li, and deliberately provoking the battle was also a militant factor in his body.

But he was killing Han Li completely.

Han Li supported her **** body, and a pair of golden pupils looked angrily at Luo Yu.

"Enough for humans, don't hurt Hanli!"

At this moment, Luo Yu's head sounded a boy's voice.

Luo Yu was frightened, and looked up at the top of his head, only to see that the earth lingen, which was originally a stalactite, wriggled for a while, and changed into a beautiful young man wearing a white robe.

The young man had exquisite facial features, staring eyebrows and eyes, a tall nose, and lips as thin as a blade, but his body exuded a weak breath, which was also the appearance of the early stage of agitation.

The young man stood in the air, and flashed and appeared next to Han Li's body, and Han Li's body became smaller and became a thick thigh with a length of more than two meters, but his body was still full of scars.

"Xiao Li!"

The teenager hugged Han Li distressed, bit his own finger, and a red liquid that was more vigorous than Earth Earth Milk dripped into Han Li's mouth.

After Han Li sucked the boy's red liquid, the whole body's wounds healed quickly!

Luo Yu in the air looked at this scene blankly.

"Oh! This earth root is completely psychic and can evolve into form."

The dragon phoenix on Luo Yu's shoulder made a surprise sound.

"Psychic evolutionary form! Second brother, what does this mean?"

Luo Yu asked Xianglong Huangque.

"Oh, brother, you don't know, but if all the spirits of the heavens, earth, plants, and plants can produce a certain level of spiritual cultivation, they can fully psychic, and after psychic, they can escape from the body and cooperate with their own blood to evolve human figures.

However, this evolved form is not a true metamorphosis. This young man's seemingly spiritual practice does not have the power of the spiritual realm at all, unless he cultivates the true fusion of the soul and the body of the divine fire realm. Fighting.

However, this kind of heaven and earth spirits or plant-elves are more difficult to cultivate than monsters, but their lives are endless, and once they have cultivated in the realm of **** fire, it is very scary to become a demon king. It is stronger than the general demon king Wu Wang many"

Luo Yuque on Luo Yu's shoulder explained.

"Then you mean that this boy is also considered a demon?"

Luo Yu asked in surprise.

"Uh-huh, the spirits of the earth and the earth can be counted as monsters after they are psychic. That cold glass should be the guardian monster of this earth's spiritual root.

This earth spiritual root has not cultivated to the divine fire realm, and his body is still in the stone cliff. No wonder this cold glass does not want to attack you with natural magical powers, nor does it use the demon element. It turns out that it is afraid of hurting the earth spiritual root.

Dragon bird nodded

Luo Yu was relieved after hearing it, and at the same time, there was a strange feeling in her heart. This cold glass was killed by herself and did not need to attack the demon. It was because she was afraid of hurting the boy's body. Somehow, Luo Yu had a kind of heart Guilt.

Many demon clan will definitely be more loyal to many people than many human beings, and human beings have too much mischief, especially if it involves their own interests, their brothers may also turn against each other.

In terms of affection, many human beings are ashamed than the demons.

Luo Yu remembered the ape spirit. He saved the ape spirit because he saw the ape spirit fight to protect his own group Luo Yu. Now the ape spirit has been guarding his family by Bai Lu.

Luo Yu looked back to Han Li's gaze and retreated, a little more respect.

He Luo Yu admires most, and he also likes this kind of affectionate person, because this kind of person is the same kind of person as him.

At this time, after the younger Han Li became smaller, her injuries recovered and she looked at Luo Yu coldly in front of the boy.

"Xiao Li, don't care about me, use all your skills, this human is very strong, you also care about me and you will be killed by him"

The eyes of the teenager behind Hanli were all distressed.

He hasn't been fully psychic for a long time, just a few hundred years, and Han Li just absorbed this earth spirit milk and hatched in this stone cave. Later in the day, Han glass cultivated with his earth spirit milk, and Han Li protected his body.

This beast has been around for hundreds of years, and no one can do without it. The young man feels guilty, and sometimes humans break in to protect him and fight.

And because he can only integrate the soul into the evolutionary form of essence and blood, he has nothing to do with nothing.

Every time I saw Hanli injured, the teenager always felt a pinch of pain.

"Yuan, you shouldn't be transformed. Now this human knows that you have psychic ability to take your essence."

Han Li vomited the girl's voice, blaming the young man, her golden pupils were all soft, without the indifference when watching Luo Yu.

"But I can't see you being beaten alive." The youth face was full of helpless pain.

Then he looked at Luo Yu again and said coldly: "Human, I know you want my blood, I can give it to you, as long as you let Xiaoli go, otherwise I will explode that you will get nothing."

Luo Yu in midair heard a bitter smile, how he seemed to be the wicked in the previous TV series that forced others to die.

However, at this moment, he really looks a bit like this. When he took the Earth Spirit Milk, Han Li didn't come out to stop it, and when he approached the Earth Spirit Root, Han Li mistakenly thought that he would hurt the Earth Spirit Root, so he came out to protect the Earth Spirit Root.

And Luo Yu could not help but say that Han Li was bruised all over.

Luo Yu smiled bitterly, and said to Han Li and the boy, "Two of you, I don't seem to have said that I would take your essence and blood, nor did I say I would kill this Han Li."

"Well! Isn't it that you approached me for blood?" This time the white robe boy was surprised.

"Huh! Yuan, don't trust him. Humans have always been greedy and selfish. Before that guy took the Earth Spirit Milk once. It was not enough. They would come every year. Now that this human finds you psychic, he won't let you go."

Hanli spit words, looking at Luo Yu coldly.

"Two people, I don't want to explain anything else. Now that I have got this Earth Spirit Milk, I don't want to bother you, leave!"

Luo Yu only smiled helplessly when he heard the words, and then clenched his fists to one person and one beast and left.

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"Brother Mu, it was the sound of fighting from this cave just now."

At this time, a man's voice came from outside the cave, and Luo Yu frowned when she heard the voice, and couldn't help stopping.


Then two sounds of breaking through the air, two figures quickly sneaked into the cave, a few breaths came to this spacious cave.

This is a young man in a yellow robe and a young man wearing a robe of Zongmen disciples.

As soon as they came in, they saw Luo Yu and Hanli Baipao Juvenile and others.

"Well! Someone, wait, aren't you Luo Yu's brother?" The young man in the black robe called Luo Yu's name with a surprise.

Then he saw the cold glass in front of the boy, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It's Hanli! Haha, I've been looking for the spirit and blood of the beast, I didn't expect to meet a Hanli today, it's really my family Mu Fan"

The young man in black robe saw a glimmer of joy at Han Li.

Luo Yu frowned as he looked at the two.

"Isn't Xiaobai guarding outside the cave? How could he get these two in?"

"Hehe, elder brother, Xiaobai stayed in Juyuan Pagoda for so long in Da Zhoutian, it was broken early, and you might as well run away as soon as you leave it."

Long Huangque laughed.

When Han Li and Baipao Ju saw two people coming in, it was naturally a look of anger.

At this time, the young man in the black robe looked at Luo Yu again, and smiled at Luo Yu with his fist: "Master Luo, under Mu Fan, after hearing the name of Master Luo, I finally can see Zhenrong today"

Luo Yu also said to Mu Fan with his fists: "It was Brother Mu Fan on the Zixia Monument."

Mu Fan, ranked eighty-ninth on the Zixia monument, Luo Yu also had a slight impression on the name, but he did not take it to heart. This Mu Fan's strength is much worse than Qingying, and now Luo Yu is ranked purple. Thirty-five Xia monuments are naturally uneasy about Mu Fan.

"Hey, since it was Brother Luo who came here first, how did that brother and his brother join hands to kill this cold glass? Fine blood you are seven, three, and three"

Mu Fan laughed at Luo Yu with a humble attitude. Of course, this is also due to Luo Yu's strength. If Luo Yu was too much stronger than him, he would make a profit?

When Mu Fan said this, the white robe boy and Han Li were frightened, and Han Li became a dragon more than 20 meters long, and looked at Luo Yu and Mu Fan vigilantly.

Luo Yu Hanli could not cope with it alone. Two more human helpers were added. Han Li raised a hint of despair in her heart. She turned to look at the white robe boy, and her golden eyes were full of worry ...

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