Come to The Peak

Chapter 523: :arrest! (Credit Maintainer)

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In winter, the sky was covered with snow, and the earth was plated with silver.

Zixia Tianyu has also become a snow and ice world, and eight towering giant peaks have also become snow peaks.

Fire Lingfeng, in the courtyard of the winner of the Southern District Wending Summit, the plum blossoms in the courtyard are blooming, exuding the fragrance of winter.

Ge Xiuzhu and Luo Yu sat beside the stone table. There was a black and red plate on the stone table, and they were fighting a tragic chess game.

Waner and Qinger, two stunning women, are like a pair of good sisters, sitting beside each other and chatting, looking at the man they love from time to time.

Luo Yu and Ge Xiuzhu confronted each other, and some boring members of the summit summit were watching.

"Brother Yu, then Jin Zhen sent another challenge letter."

Luo Qing whispered as Luo Yu frowned as she pondered the chess.

Luo Yu didn't say a word, slammed the horse away, ate it, and ate Ge Xiu. Then he said, "Don't bother him, he turned three of the top ten cores in the middle of a spiritual state three or five times to challenge me. It ’s just his joke. ”


Luo Qing nodded when he heard the words, and did n’t say much. Luo Yu had been out of the beastly secret for a month, and within a few days of returning to the Fire Spirit Peak, Jin Zhen often sent someone because of his sister's beating by Luo Yu. Luo Yu sent a challenge letter.

However, Brother Yu didn't bother him. A core disciple in the middle of the agile state asked him to play against him. Will he go? He is not stupid, even if Luo Yu is not afraid, there is no need to go to a fight stupidly, and then he is wounded and wounded for seven or eight days.

"Oh, Xiaoyu, then Jin Zhen is very annoying to do this. I will meet him when I have time."

Ge Xiuzhu chuckled, while moving his fingers to block forward, to prevent Luo Yuma and cannons from forming generals.

"No, you don't have to worry about Brother, that Jin Zhen's troubles will naturally stop for a while, right, what's going on with Swallows and Li Lingshan?"

Luo Yu didn't look up, looked at the chess game and asked Luo Yan who looked aside.

That Liling Mountain was also the place where Chen Bo was killed. Luo Yu found the sitting mountain of Lingdi Lingru. Liling Mountain was the name Luo Yu gave to the mountain.

When Luo Yu came back, he also told everyone about the earth's milk and the earth's roots. Everyone was shocked and happy when he heard it. Then he asked Luo Yan to arrange to protect Liling Mountain.

"Rest assured, I have arranged it. There are five disciples from Ningyuanjing who sit in the town outside the mountain. The mountain is also filled with the banner of the Flamingo I asked for the summit. "

Luo Yan said confidently.

Today's Wending Summit has become the most powerful summit other than Bafengtang. Although there are still more than a hundred people, most of them have broken through to the practice of Ningyuan Realm. This cultivation speed naturally comes from Wending's richness. Resources.

First, Qi Feng is a master of alchemy in four grades, and can refine Ningyuan Dan that enhances the true Yuan.

Second, Fu Xuanxuan and Luo Yu both became Sipin Casters, and each month they will make some treasures in exchange for a large amount of Yuanshi resources.

The third is that Wen Ding himself has a monthly fee. In addition, Ge Xiuzhu often leads the team to perform the tasks of the summit, and there is no shortage of contribution points. Wen Ding people often enter the Zixia secret realm.

It's not surprising that most people broke through the Ningyuan Realm for more than a year, but most of them were in the early Ningyuan Realm, and only a few people such as Xiaoqiao, Qi Feng, and Wang Tao practiced in the middle and late Ningyuan Realm. Just Luo Yu.

Of course, Ge Xiuzhu's strength is unfathomable and not included in it.

"Well, okay, that earth root can provide us with a lot of earth milk every month, and this must be arranged properly."

Luo Yu nodded with satisfaction, Luo Yan arranges things he always feels relieved.

"Oh, you also have a great chance, even that earth root can be met by you"

Ge Xiuzhu laughed again.

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When Luo Yu heard the words and smiled, she looked at them clearly.

"Xiao Yu, you are now in the late stage of Ningyuan Realm, and it is not far away from consummation. It is time to consider going to the South China Sea to find the water and fire and save the flowers."

Ge Xiuzhu remembered something and suddenly looked up to Luo Yu.

"Oh, brother, rest assured, I have already planned. After the opening of the year, I will take a mission to the South China Sea to take the opportunity to find the water and fire and save the flowers."

Luo Yu laughed, and the two took another count of chess. At last, Ge Xiuzhu came to the car and sealed all of Luo Yu's handsome chess. Luo Yu was completely killed.

"Hahaha ... brother, admire, you can learn to play this chess with me for a few days, you can lose or win, admire it"

Luo Yu looked at the checkmate and laughed and sighed.

"Hehe, the chess you have worked out is really exquisite. This little grid contains great wisdom. Every step you take must consider the reaction of the opponent's next step."

Ge Xiuzhu laughed, this chess was made after Luo Yu's cultivation, there is no chess in this world, and now this stuff has become a game of confrontation when members are bored.

Later, this game was spread in Zixia Tianzong. It was greatly loved by some deacons and elders. At the same time, he lamented the wisdom of Luo Yu and invented such a game of chess that could not play Go.

"Well, Brother Ge, admire, you can win one game of Yuge in three games. I will play ten games, and each game will be defeated by Yuge in less than a quarter of an hour."

Luo Qing laughed aside, and people around laughed.

"Luo Qing, can your head melon seeds be better than Yu Ge?"

Luo Zhu laughed very funny, Luo Qing was not angry, hehe smiled.

Just then, a group of uninvited guests came outside the gate of the courtyard.

Here are five Zongmen disciples wearing white robes with purple pattern sleeves and a sharp sword in front of their chests.

This is the person from Zixiafeng Law Enforcement Hall.

The head of the five was a burly man with a big beard.

As soon as the five entered the courtyard, the bearded man looked at everyone and said, "Who is Luo Yu?"

The people who asked Ding were frowning, and Luo Yu stood up and smiled, "This brother, I'm Luo Yu. I don't know what happened to me?"


The beard heard a cold snorting, and then said to the four people around him: "Go and charge Luo Yu to me!"

"Yes! Brother Tu!"

The four heard a fist and walked towards Luo Yu.

The questioning people were naturally frightened when they heard the words, and then they took out their respective swords and weapons one by one in anger, and more than twenty people surrounded these five groups.

"Fuck, who are you, what do you want to find Yu Yu!"

Luo Qing drew out the white fury sword.

Ge Xiuzhu Waner and Qinger all came to Luo Yu, all of them were staring at the five disciples.


The bearded man sneered, and then took a blank piece of paper from his arms. The bearded hand shook the blank piece of paper and said in a cold voice: "Huo Lingfeng's core disciple Luo Yu, now you have been arrested by the Law Enforcement Hall for violating the rules. Now you are back. Zi Xiafeng Law Enforcement Hall is subject to public trial, and the elders of Law Enforcement Elder Wu have personally apprehended the seal. "


When the beard made this statement, the enthusiastic member was astonished.

"Brother Yu will be arrested!"

When Luo Yu frowned, her heart seemed to guess something, and her heartbeat speeded up, but Qing'er showed anxiety and stepped forward and hugged Luo Yu's arm tightly.

"Well, what the **** are you fucking, and why do you arrest Yuge?"

Luo Qing, however, did not buy it, yelling with a mad knife.

"Yes, why did you arrest Yuge?"

The other twenty-odd members also held weapons and kept Luo Yu behind him.

The movement here also attracted the attention of other members in the attic room in the compound. One after another ran out, and there were seventy to eighty members in the courtyard.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong? What's going on?" Wang Tao, a burly giant nearly three meters tall, asked in a humming voice.

"Huh, Xiao Tao, brothers, these guys wanted to arrest Yu with a piece of paper."

Luo Qing Lengheng said.

"What, brother Yu!"

The surrounding members were all shocked, and then furious, they immediately surrounded the five people with impunity, one by one.

"You ... what do you want to do! This is the order of the Palace of Law Enforcement. This is the order of Zongmen. Don't you want to rebel against Zongmen?"

The beard looked angrily at the murderous questioning people around.

"Hey, we didn't say we were going to fight against Zongmen, but you said that you would arrest Yuge Fei if you thought we were going to bully the summit."

Luo Zhu sneered.

They ask here that most of the practitioners are in Ningyuan Realm, and the five law enforcement disciples are no more than Ningyuan Realm. This bearded man is a consummate master of Ningyuan Realm. A group of Ningyuan Realms surrounds five Ningyuan Realms. Fighting them must be a loss.

"This is the order of the Palace of Law Enforcement. It is the order of Zongmen. If you dare to stop, you will be against Zongmen."

The bearded man whispered.

"Well, go to your mother's Law Enforcement Hall. This is the summit of questioning. It's not Law Enforcement Hall, you ..."

" enough!"

Luo Qing still wanted to curse and Luo Yu stopped with a low drink.

"You all give me up"

Luo Yu said to the people who blocked him.

"Brother Yu!"

"Brother Yu!"

Asking everyone was anxious.

"Let's go! Do you want me to say that the third time will not work?"

Luo Yu said in a low voice.

After hearing the words, everyone looked at each other and finally gave up.

When Luo Yu saw everyone out of the way, he fisted out to five law enforcement disciples: "Sorry, a few of me, these brothers have a bigger temper, yes, I don't know why the Law Enforcement Hall will be arrested."

Luo Yu asked expressionlessly.

While others are looking at these law enforcement disciples, Leng's gaze seems to be saying that if these people don't give a word, don't want to leave here today.

"Because, hum, you will know when you arrive at the Law Enforcement Hall. This is an order given by Elder Wu of the Law Enforcement Hall. Luo Yu, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you dare to disobey, you will be against Zong Men. be punished"

The bearded snorted, but said nothing.

Luo Yu was silent, and everyone around Fu Xuan Xuan Qing'er looked at Luo Yu with anxiety.

After Luo Yu was silent for a moment, she nodded to several people and said, "I'll go with you!"

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