Come to The Peak

Chapter 524: :public trial

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"Hey, you know how fun"

The beard sneered, and then said to the two law enforcement disciples around him: "Copy him up"

The two law enforcement disciples nodded, and one of them patted the storage bag with one extra black handcuff in their hands. The two went forward and handcuffed to Luo Yu's hands in the eyes of the fire-breathing crowd.

Luo Yu was handcuffed by the handcuffs. The handcuffs flickered with white runes, and a white energy poured into Luo Yu's body.

Luo Yu only felt that the speed of the movement of the true yuan in his body became extremely slow, and he could not exert 30% of his strength.

This handcuff is a forbidden Yuan handcuff. It is made of black black iron. The warriors under the King of War are constantly shocked, and the inscription on the top is more able to restrain Zhen Yuan. This handcuff is a handcuff unless you are the emperor Shocked.

This forbidden yuan handcuffs is also a special tool of the Law Enforcement Hall, and was only issued to law enforcement disciples in the Law Enforcement Hall.

After Luo Yu was shackled, the bearded man snorted, "Let's go."

Then two people next to Luo Yu followed, and a group of people walked out of the compound.

"Brother ..."

The members of Wen Ding were naturally furious at seeing this scene, but they could not stop it.


Qing'er exclaimed, and then the figure rushed to Luo Yu's side with a shake, holding Luo Yu's hand in one hand, a look of life and death.

Luo Yu smiled slightly when she saw it, and pinched Qing Qing's hair with handcuffed hands, and said nothing.

Having said that, ups and downs and riches and riches depend on each other, and naturally no one will leave.

"Brother Yu!"

At this time, everyone who rushed up rushed up and followed Luo Yu.

"Brother Yu, let's go with you. What you said, life and death are inseparable.

Luo Qinghong stared.

"Yes, life and death are inseparable, and ups and downs," others said.

Looking at all the worried people, Luo Yu's heart warmed and laughed: "Go, then go with me for a while to this Law Enforcement Hall!"



Two low-pitched bells sounded somewhere on Zixia Peak, and then the thick bell rang to the side of Bafeng.

"Well ... the bell is ... the court bell of the Law Enforcement Hall!" Jin Lingfeng, the disciples who heard the bell were surprised.

"Yes, it's the court bell of the Law Enforcement Hall. It's that disciple who committed the felony crime again. This bell will not ring unless it is a capital crime."

A chubby young man nodded.

"Hey, go, take a look, but for a long time I haven't heard the bell of the Law Enforcement Hall ringing. I don't know who this time, and what crime was committed?"

The two hurried over to Zixia Peak while talking.

At the same time, the panic sounds were everywhere in Bafeng, but there were many people in Luoling Peak who saw Luo Yu being handcuffed with handcuffs, and then Luo Yu committed a felony felony. His disciples spread throughout Bafeng.

Lei Lingfeng, in the hall of Lei Tang.

Fengchen sat on the throne and heard the bell sneer on his face.

Yesterday, a disciple of Mu Lingfeng named Chen Zhong took something to look for Fengchen. This thing solved a certain doubt in Fengchen's heart. Then he brought this disciple named Chen Zhong to Zixiafeng Law Enforcement Hall.

"Luo Yu, Luo Yu, should I thank you for killing Hu Dao or should they hate you, even killing four core disciples of the Zongmen, even if you have Uncle Lin Sheng as a backer, it will not help."

The wind murmured to himself, his eyes were full of venomous colors, and then he got up and hurried to Zixia Peak.

The boring Zongmen disciples in the Eight Peaks also all visited the Deacon House of Zixiafeng to see who had committed the felony of Zongmen.

The deacon hall is located in the west of Zixia Peak. The black body of the deacon reveals inexplicable majesty. The hall is extremely spacious and it can accommodate thousands of people.

At this time, in the deacon hall, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a short-skinned face was sitting on the main seat with an elder sapphire nameplate on his waist.

On the lower side of the hall, there were two rows of deacon deities wearing blue robes with purple pattern sleeves and dark ink-colored high-class deacon nameplates on the waist.

Standing in the middle was a young man in a white robe with a handsome face. The young man was wearing black handcuffs on his hands, with a calm expression. The storage bag on his body and the purple sword on his back were all taken away by a deacon next to him.

At the bottom of the hall, there are no fewer than thousands of people, and there are tens of thousands of people outside the hall. The members of the Wending Summit are also under the hall, looking worriedly at the young people standing in the middle of the hall.

Qing'er's pair of small hands were clenched tightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of anxiety, and this was true of all the people who answered Xuan Luo, Luo Yan, Xiao Dan, and Xiao Qiao.

When others saw the young man standing in the middle of the hall for public trial, he had surprises, doubts, sarcasm, sneer, and misfortune.

However, they are all afraid to say anything. The atmosphere in the hall is so scary and suffocating, and everyone's eyes are staring at the white robe youth in the center of the hall. Body.

In Zixia Tianzong, only the core disciples on the Zixia monument are eligible for public trial. Other disciples have committed felony crimes. When the Zongmen has conclusive evidence, he will directly send someone to kill them. Mouth opportunities.

Therefore, as soon as the disciples of the Eight Peaks heard the bell of the public trial, they knew that some core disciples on the Zixia Monument had committed a felony, and all of them ran over and watched.

The top 100 disciples on the Zixia Tablet are recognized elites among more than 100,000 disciples, and their affairs have attracted other attention, not to mention the commission of felony crimes.

When I saw Luo Yu, everyone was shocked and suspicious.

Luo Yu, Zixia Tianzong is the newest disciple in the past 50 years.

He entered the Zixia Tianzong with the record of No. 1 in the Four Realms, and was determined that the water and fire could not be hidden. The most talented caster and Dao Huizhang respected the agreement to hide within five years, but now it is more than one year. a little.

This young man set up his own summit and entered the thirty-fifth place in Zixia Monument. A while ago, in the Zixia Secret Contest, a man of thirty-three core disciples in the Zixia monument was selected by a manpower.

Now, one year later, he has cultivated from the real Qi state to the late Ning Yuan state, and his cultivation talent is called evil spirit.

But now this evildoer is handcuffed to commit a felony felony to go to the court of law enforcement!

Luo Yu's face was calm. His blue eyes were like the ancient well without waves, without joy and sorrow. He stood as straight as a javelin, calmly accepting the eyes of the people around him, while calmly looking at the law enforcement elder sitting in the main hall.

Wu An, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, and the King of the Seven Fires in Shenhuo Realm, is notorious for his indifference. He served as the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall.

In Zixia Tianzong, you ask who is the most powerful of the elders except the four palms. It is estimated that few people can say clearly. Whoever you ask is the most rigid and serious, then everyone will say Elder Wu.

Elder Wu, the law enforcement elder who was sitting on the main seat, opened his eyes closed suddenly. A pair of tiger eyes shot two red lights, looking at the white robe youth below.

Elder Wu's eyes stared at Luo Yu. He seemed to want to see something in the eyes of this young man, but disappointed him. The young man's eyes were calm, without any confusion, his eyes were frank and candid. Dang, not like a guilty person.

"Well, I'm in a good mood."

Elder Wu snorted slightly, and then his voice suddenly increased, and he said, "Luo Yu, you know the guilt!"

"Luo Yu, you can confess!"

This shouting resounded as a thunder blasting in the hall, shaking everyone's ears with numbness, and the hearts were shocked.

This sound seemed to have great coercion.

Luo Yu's heart was also shocked. Just now the elder Wu shouted and shook his soul. He almost wanted to say the word of guilt, but his soul was stronger than others and was not really affected.

He didn't know that Elder Wu's yell and reprimand had been blessed with the power of the soul of the divine fire realm, but the Xiao Xiao generation's soul shook and scared the mind.

Luo Yu's face was calm, and he said humblely, "Back to the elders, the disciples don't know, why are the disciples responsible?"

Elder Wu was surprised that Luo Yu was not affected, and then he said in a cold voice: "I don't know? Luo Yu, I advise you to bear it well, and you will not be able to take the initiative to accept it. You are alive "

As the so-called confession is wide and sits at the bottom of the cell, Elder Wu's words naturally have the elements of cheating Luo Yu.

Luo Yu, with a face of doubt, replied again: "Return to the elder, the disciples have been practicing in Zongmen, and what crimes have they committed to public trial of my Luo Yu?"

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"Huh! I think you ’re a hard-boiled duck with a hard mouth, but now you pretend to be stupid. Then the king asked you, ranked 26 on the Zixia monument, and Lei Lingfeng ’s core disciple Hu Blade died in a beastly secret six months ago. He died with two ordinary core disciples, but you killed them? "

Elder Wu grunted coldly.

And the disciples who watched in the hall outside the hall below were so shocked that Luo Yu was able to kill the 26th Hu Blade on the Zixia Monument half a year ago! What strength did Luo Yu have?

Many people's lips wriggled and communicated using sound-sounding secrets, all looking at Luo Yu in surprise.

Among the people in Jintang, Qin Mao and the youth with the surname Du were shocked and looked at Luo Yu. Six months ago, they had the ability to kill No. 26 Hu Dao. It is ridiculous that they had troubled him not long ago. Eat arsenic, do you want to die!

There is a group of female disciples all wearing Zongmen robes, the head of which is a cold-haired girl with white hair and a white palace dress. At this moment, the girl looked at the youth with a complex look, and there was a trace of imperceptibility. Worry.

This woman is the cold as frost that Luo Yu touched all over, the ten core disciples, the master sister Bing Lingfeng, the owner of the ice hall.

Luo Yu heard a big shock in her heart. "Zongmen's killing of Hu Blade was discovered by himself, but how did Zongmen know? Chen Bo, the only person who knows it, has been killed by him, and Qing'er, Qing'er It's impossible to betray yourself, wait, is it ... is it ...! "

Luo Yu's heart was very chaotic. It seemed to guess what was on her face, but there was still no difference in color. She said indifferently, "Elder, you said that I killed Hu Ren and two core disciples. Do you have evidence?"

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