Come to The Peak

Chapter 527: : Hundreds of people blew themselves up!

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On the spacious square outside the Law Enforcement Hall, there is a stone platform with a radius of 100 meters.

The stone platform is bluestone, but it is covered with black and red stains. These stains are the blood of disciples who have been punished on the criminal law platform over the years. The entire criminal law platform has a kind of evil spirit and **** gas.

On the criminal law platform, there was a cross black iron frame, and a hanger was used to cut off the sword. At this time, the criminal law platform was crowded with people, and Luo Yu's hands and feet were tied to the cross by the law enforcement deacon.

The members of Wen Ding all looked down from the stage, looking at Luo Yu who was about to be tortured. Many of them had red eyes, and Fu Xuan Xuan Qing'er's elder sister and lover's beautiful eyes had turned red.

Below, many people who have festivals with Luo Yu look at the youngsters tied to the criminal law platform and sneer.

"Oh, Luo Yu, you will know the taste of bone eclipse in a while"

Feng Chen looked at Luo Yu who was tied up, and all his heart was full of smiles.

Elder Wu watched Luo Yu be tied up, and then yelled and ordered: "Execution!"


Suddenly, two deacons wearing blue robes shot on the criminal law platform. One of the indifferent middle-aged men took out a black leather case, which was full of rows of black nails.

The nail is three inches long, thinner than the little finger, and extremely sharp, exuding cold light, and at the same time there is a trace of black gas lingering on it.

The other deacon, Zhen Yuan, gushed and fixed Luo Yu's body firmly on the torture rack.

Luo Yu's face was very calm. Looking at the two, there was no trace of fear in her eyes.

How much pain and frustration did Luo Yu experience today, and how many life and death ordeal he experienced? In order to strengthen his strength, he will practice the flames, endure the scorching fire, and he will be afraid of being punished?

The middle-aged deacon was holding a black bone-eating nail, and the palm of his hand was violently patted on the head of a bone-eating nail.


With a bang, the bone-eating nail shot into Luo Yu's left palm, and a splatter of blood splashed. The bone-eating nail penetrated Luo Yu's hard golden jade bone and stuck it in the center of the palm.


Luo Yu stared, his head was trembling with blue muscles, and his whole body trembled.

pain! Real pain! A kind of pain that really penetrates the bone marrow, this kind of pain is more than the pain of practicing the flame cultivating body to resist the burning fire.

I don't know what is on the bone-etching nail. After the nail is inserted into Luo Yu's palm, the trace of black gas is wrapped around the bones like a bone of a bone, corroding a broken bone marrow, giving people a kind of deep bone marrow. pain of.

Luo Yu's teeth snapped, and Junlang's face twitched slightly, but he still didn't scream.

This scene surprised the two detainees who were executed, and they were the first to see those who were crucified and did not scream.

The bone eclipse itself is of special material and extremely sharp. General treasures can also be pierced, and the black gas on it is a kind of evil spirit. This evil gas is not poisonous and will not kill people, but he has a little, can Destroy the bone marrow and bring unbearable pain.

The two looked at Luo Yu's eyes with a little admiration, this perseverance is rock solid.


Qing'er looked at Luo Yu who was being tortured, and the tears flowed down, and the bone-eating nail seemed to be stuck in her heart, bringing pain in the heart.

"Brother Yu ...!"

"Sixth Brother!"

Brother Yu! "

Xiao Dan Fu Xuan Xuan and the members of Wen Ding could see Luo Yu's face twitching, and they could imagine the pain, the girls all shed tears, and the Luo disciples among the Wen Ding members also turned red.

The people they admire most are being tortured. He has said that those who follow him will endure great pain, and they are watching!

Although the two deacons admired Luo Yu's perseverance, they kept on.

Uh ...

Four bone-etched nails shot into Luo Yu's left arm at the same time, and the left arm immediately dripped blood and fell on the bluestone execution platform.

Luo Yu's whole body was twitching again. The body instinctively wanted to resist and struggle, but the whole body was tied up, Zhenyuan was imprisoned. He could only tremble for a while, and his eyes were red to endure the pain of bone erosion.

Putt-Putt Putt-Putt

Several more etched bones were shot into Luo Yu's other arm, then both legs, all nailed with etched bones, and eclipsed nails at every short distance on the limbs, all on the bone.


Luo Yu finally couldn't bear it, gritted his teeth and made a roar from his throat, and Junlang's face became choked.

pain! pain! pain! pain!

There was only one kind of sensation in his consciousness. Pain and tide-like pain came from his limbs. This pain stimulated him to fail to pass out.

"Brother Yu!"


The questioning people finally couldn't help, all crying, and crying at Luo Yu, who was struggling with tears.


The dragon phoenix on Qinger's shoulder could not help but flew away from Qinger's shoulder, and his body immediately became a terrifying purple giant bird with a wingspan of 500 meters and a length of 200 meters.

Covering the sky, like a purple cloud, giant birds, real giant birds, this scene shocked everyone present.

"You two get off!"

Long Huangque spoke out, and the wings were shot at the two law enforcement deacons, bringing a strong wind.

The two were frightened, and flew back with physical reflexes, leaving the criminal platform.

The dragon phoenix fell on the criminal law platform, and a pair of giant wings guarded Luo Yu.

"Brother, brother!"

Long Huangque looked down at Luo Yu crying with dense bones on her limbs and said that fists and tears were falling from the huge purple pupil.

"Second ... second brother, huh, I'm okay and I can't bear it"

Luo Yu squeezed out a smile, his teeth were bitten, and his mouth was full of blood.

Life and death are interdependent along the way, the souls of the two brothers have resonated, Luo Yan can even feel the pain and trembling of Luo Yu's soul.

"Hum, get me this soul bird!"

Elder Wu hummed at the scene.

"Yes, elder!"

Suddenly more than a dozen deacon in the dynamic state rushed out.

Everyone's whole body was agitated, and all kinds of true elements were sprayed out in the palm of the hand, forming a cable chain that wrapped around the neck, wings, legs and body of the dragon and phoenix.

More than a dozen people condensed Yuanyi to pull in the air and suddenly pulled a huge dragon-phoenix bird off the criminal law platform, hitting him on the side of the empty ground.


"Second Brother"

The two brothers both roared, and the Dragon Phoenix was no longer able to fight against more than a dozen warriors who were higher than him. They were imprisoned in the open space by more than a dozen deacons.

At this time, the two law enforcement officers rushed to the law enforcement platform again to run out of the remaining bone erosion nails.

"Do not!"

At this time, a scream of sorrow erupted from Qinger under the stage, his whole body momentum rose sharply, his eyes turned into dark gold and rushed to the law enforcement platform, a sword like Jinghong stabbed at the two.

The two were shocked again. They didn't dare to see anyone. The young girl's status in Zongmen was much higher than them, so she had to retreat.

After Qing'er rushed to the law enforcement platform, the sword was thrown on Luo Yu and he hugged Luo Yu quietly and wept.



Luo Yu couldn't move, just being held by Qing'er couldn't do anything to pinch her, and the limbs came with painful pain due to the disorder.

Qing'er's dress was also wet by Luo Yu's blood, and the two looked stern.

"Brother Yu!"

And the more than a hundred members of the question below couldn't help but rushed to the stage. Ge Xiuzhu Waner was among them, one by one protecting Luo Yu, holding a weapon and looking at the surrounding ancestral gates.

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"What are you going to do, rebel? Where is Bafengtang?"

Elder Wu shouted at this scene.

"The disciples are here!"

Immediately, the crowd rushed out of the crowd and there were hundreds of disciples.

These people are all disciples of the Eight Major Summits.

"Catch me all the people who asked the summit"

Elder Wu whispered.

"It's the elders!"

Hundreds of people answered at the same time, and they were going to shoot the criminal law platform to subdue the people who asked the summit.

"Don't fuck, don't move, whoever touches me will explode immediately"

Among the members of the tripod, Luo Qinghong roared with eyes, and at the same time, the real Yuanyuan in the body burned, and the whole body exuded a violent atmosphere.

If Luo Qing burns all the true elements and then countercurrents the meridians, they can self-explode. A Ningyuan warrior who self-explodes can drag countless people back.

"Yes, whoever dares to move us all explodes, everyone is finished!"

More than a hundred people all roared, and at the same time all the real elements in the body burned up, and the collective breath rushed into the clouds.

Every face was embarrassed, and there was really a desperate posture.

In this scene, all the disciples of the Eight Peaks Church who rushed forward were frightened and retreated, and all the onlookers retreated a few hundred meters.

If more than a hundred people blew themselves up, the power could kill a warlord.

"Crazy, you're all crazy!"

Elder Wu was astonished to see this scene.

"Yes, we are crazy. Anyway, Luo Qing's life was given by Luo Yu. I am Luo Qing's life. If you dare to touch him again, I will explode immediately, everyone will die together."

Luo Qing looked mad, and the others were as dead-hearted as possible.

When Luo Yu saw this scene, her eyes were also red, and she burst into tears.


"Huh, is this a group of people trying to rebel?"

Then a cold hum came again in the air, and a beautiful woman in a long red dress walked over in emptiness.

"Meet the Palm!"

All the people present were shocked when they saw this scene, and then all bowed down and saluted. Only the members of Wen Ding did not move, but they all looked at the beautiful woman in horror.

Dao Hui waved his hand, and the vitality around Luo Qing and others suddenly fluctuated. The burning real elements in Luo Qing and others were all pressed back into Dantian by an invisible force, and then a group of people snorted and all were A huge force was pressed on the ground, unable to move.

Turning hands, a group of rioting Ningyuan Realm was subdued, and the power of the Emperor Yuan Realm was terrifying.

What is the emperor of martial arts? The emperor of martial arts. On every continent of the world, the martial arts emperor is a real strong man. Martial arts stands on top.

A military emperor's hand can destroy an army of tens of thousands of people, a palm shot can turn a mountain into a fan, and a punch can destroy a small city.

This is the Emperor Wu, also known as the powerful man!

Thanks for your baby's three bottles of essential oils. Thanks to the breathing brothers for their strong unblocking and June guardianship. Thanks to the two brothers for supporting October in this way. Today's absenteeism and code will be updated tomorrow

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