Come to The Peak

Chapter 528: : Brother Yu, don't cry!

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Everyone at the summit was crushed to the ground and looked at Dao Huizhang in horror.

They also did not expect that this matter would attract the attention of Emperor Wuhuang's palm.

Feeling the feeling of being oppressed and imprisoned all over the body, a sense of weakness was raised in the hearts of all the members who were among the most questioned.

In front of the Emperor Wuhuang, they are like ants.


Dao Huizhang snorted coldly, then looked at Qing'er and Luo Yu who also looked at him, and said lightly, "Luo Yu, why can't you bear the pain of bone erosion?"

"Ha ha!"

Luo Yu heard a miserable smile when he heard the words, saying: "The palm is no stranger, they don't mean to be right with Zongmen. I can't bear the pain of bone erosion, please let Zhangzun release them. Continue to be punished "

"Very well, if you can't bear these pains, it really disappoints your teacher. He also endured the pains and persisted," Dao Huizhang said lightly.

When Luo Yu heard the words, she felt a touch of warmth in her heart. It is estimated that Lin Sheng was not sentenced to death this time.

Dao Hui's palm waved his hand, and all the people questioned felt that the pressure on themselves was gone, and the whole person recovered strength and freedom.

Each one got up and gave respect to Dao Huizhang, and then stood next to Luo Yu, looking at Luo Yu with dense bones on his limbs and leaving tears.

"Brother ... we are useless ..."

Luo Qing and others said with tears in their eyes.

"Brother Yu, ohh ..."

Xiao Dan ran directly to crying holding Luo Yu's waist.

"Oh, brothers, don't say that. I'm Luo Yu who can resist 360 bone erosion nails. You are all my brothers, my best brothers."

Luo Yu smiled and comforted.

Wen Ding and others cried even more after hearing,

"Well, two deacons, please continue to execute"

Luo Yu said to the two law enforcement officers.

The two men nodded, and then bowed to Dao Huizhang as they walked in front of Luo Yu. Dao Huizhang waved an invisible force and pulled Qinger and Xiaodan.

The two law enforcement officers shook their hands, and then shot into the shoulder bones of Luo Yu, and Luo Yu was twitching and cringing, and his handsome face was slightly distorted, but this time He didn't make a sound.

He didn't want Wending's siblings and Qing'er to hear more heartache.

Men, some pain and pain can only be carried by themselves.

"Brother Yu!"

"Sixth Brother!"

The questioning people cried when they saw this scene.

Fu Xuanxuan, who was also in a red dress, suddenly knelt down on Dao Huizhang, who was suspended in the air, and sobbed.

"Palm respect, disciple is willing to accept the remaining bone-eating nails on behalf of my six brothers.

After Fu Xuanxuan said, he struck him fiercely on the ground, and his beautiful forehead broke through the skin and blood came out.

Who can remember the blood-stained street in front of Yaochi Tower in Qingyang City in the past?

"The heaven is on the road. Six of us worshipped today as brothers and sisters of the opposite sex. It will be difficult for us to share the same blessings in the future. We do n’t want to be born on the same day of the same month. ! "

Fu Xuanxuan, Luo Yu's eldest sister, the eldest of the six siblings, stubbornly accompanied Luo Yu all the way, and there were two arrogant and overbearing girls.

She has always loved Luo Yu as her own younger brother, and looking at Luo Yu who has endured so much pain, she can't wait for him to share the pain.


Dao Hui looked at Fu Xuanxuan, a little flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Palm respect, disciple is also willing to accept the remaining bone-eating nails on behalf of Brother Yu, please palm fulfill."

At this time, the person who asked the question unexpectedly fell down on his knees and kept his head on Dao Hui.

This scene really shocked the hearts of countless disciples who were watching, and for the first time, they saw someone begging to be eroded.

One after another looked at the **** Luo Yu, with a little doubt and respect in his eyes.

On what basis and what charm does Luo Yu have for a group of people to defend him in this way, he can explode for him, and he can eclipse bones for him.

On what basis? Ha ha, yes, Luo Yu was too cruel and too fierce to the enemy, but he has only a sincere heart to his identified brother, and he will desperately defend his loved ones and brothers.

Heart change, coupled with the experience along the way and Luo Yu's maintenance of them, the hearts of this group of people have long been bound to Luo Yu.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu closed her eyes and cried and shook her head, and said, "Sister, brothers and sisters, I'm sorry for your kindness. Get up, you can bear these."

"Take it! Brother Yu, why do you bear it all? In Luo and Qingyang, you stand alone against the clan, you bear it alone, you fight against the Lin family alone, you are chased and killed. What is stronger in the trial? The enemy is you resisting, in Zongmen, all the challenges are you taking,

Why, why are you alone, Laozi Luo Qing this time just disagree, why are you alone, I always listen to you, you do not frown if you ask me to die, but this time I Luo Qingbu Listen to you, bear it, come together "

Luo Qing burst into tears and stood up in front of the deacon. In his surprised gaze, he snatched several bone-eating nails in his hand and pierced his other arm.


Luo Qing's face was twisted for a while, and he couldn't help crying out. He didn't have such a strong tolerance.

But he gritted his teeth and inserted the remaining bone-etched nails into his thigh. The pain caused him to twist and roll on the ground. He only suffered from more than a dozen bone-etched nails. Luo Qing was actually a tough guy , But pain into this can imagine the arrogance of bone erosion nails and Luo Yu's perseverance.

"Luo Qing!"

Luo Yu's eyes turned red. Luo Qing could be said to be the most desperate person in Luo people.

At the same time, the people who answered the question were silent, and each of them stood up and took several bone-etching nails, including the girl, in the eyes of the deacon's surprise, and then inserted them together.

Hundreds of people's tragic sounds were heard in unison on the law enforcement platform, and their voices were very low. They were trying to suppress the pain and did not want Luo Yu to hear it.

Everyone in the audience looked at all the members who were digging into their bones without any help, and there was a burst of blood in their hearts.

"Yong; for a long time free of charge K to read the novel K

Not all girl disciples bit their lips and left tears. The scene of the eroded bone nails of hundreds of generations is indeed shocking.

What kind of summit is this? What kind of people is this, Luo Yu? Is he a cruel Shura or a **** moving leader?

Why can he have this charm.

Surprised, shocked, moved!

This scene shocked everyone.

Dao Huizhang's pair of willow eyebrows also wrinkled. Finally, looking at Luo Yu who had suffered several eclipses and ran to Qing Er, who was nestling beside Luo Yu, shook his head and sighed.

"Why are you so stupid ..."

Luo Yu burst into tears.

The heart is convulsing, touching, tingling, acupuncture-like stinging!

"Brother Yu, don't cry, hehe, I haven't seen you cry before Luo Qing." Luo Qing climbed to Luo Yu's feet, stood up and smiled.

After everyone else was suffering, they also showed a warm smile to Luo Yu.

"Brother Yu, don't cry!"

"Brother Yu, don't cry!"

All members of Wending looked at Luo Yu and grinned.

The smile was **** and twisted, and the smile was warm.

"Too stupid, you are all so stupid"

Luo Yu closed her eyes and wept, she couldn't bear to look at the smile on their faces.

It is more painful to see those who defend themselves suffer on their behalf than torture themselves.

"All right"

Dao Hui spoke.

"Since all the bone-cracking nails have been accepted by the questioned members, it is understood that Luo Yu needs to kill one of the top ten murderers within one year to plead with Zongmen."

Dao Huizhang faintly said to Elder Wu, Elder Wu should have been in a hurry.

Dao Hui ’s palm is about to fly away

"Palm respect. Hold on!"

This time Luo Yu spoke again.


Dao Huizhang heard the words and looked down at Luo Yu.

"Zhang Zun, this is all because Fengchen sent Hu Blade to chase the disciples and let the disciples commit the crime of killing the same ancestors. Therefore, after the disciples apply for injury, they will be on the stage of life and death with this Fengchen.

Luo Yu gritted the broken teeth, and looked at the crowd with a sneer-like expression in a cold voice, sounding like Jiuyou Hanbing, which made people feel cold.

It was because of him that he was besieged by Hu Ren and others, committed a major crime, and was blackmailed by Chen Bo.

It was also because of him that he was nailed to the torture rack and suffered the pain of corroded bones. Qinger, elder sister, Xiao Dan, all his brothers and sisters suffered the pain of bone erosion for him.

Feng Chen A man who is trying to clear his mind, this hatred must be reported.

Luo Yu rarely hates a person so much, a Luo Dao, a Lin Nu, and now it is Fengchen.

This pain must be tasted by blood, this hate must be returned, and this hatred must be divided into life and death!

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