Come to The Peak

Chapter 529: : Dare to step on the stage of life and death

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Chapter 529: How dare you step on the stage of life and death

"Life and death, fight for life and death, don't give up!"

When Luo Yu said this, everyone was horrified and looked at him in shock. Only the members who asked him could understand the anger and thoughts of Luo Yu's heart at the moment.

"Mum! I heard you right, Luo Yu is going to fight with Brother Fengchen for life and death, slap me and see if I am dreaming!" Said a disciple disciple.



The people nearby gave him a slap, and the buddy spit out blood.

"Cough, it's not dreaming, life and death stage, once the life and death stage is endless, one side does not die and the other side must not stop. This is the most cruel and sacred competition in Zongmen. Even the palm leader cannot intervene in the intervention."

"Yeah, is this Luo Yu angry and faint? Or is he blindly confident in his strength? He is only in the late Ningyuan Realm. Although his combat power is amazing, even the 26th Hu Dao can kill.

But Fengchen is the fifth brother of Lei Lingfeng in Zixiabei. The strong man in the middle of the agile realm has a gap of more than ten times that of the late Ningyuan realm. "

The young man who hit the disciple next door also said in surprise.

Everyone was talking, and they were shocked by what Luo Yu said.

Dao Huizhang ’s eyes also had a hint of surprise. Once she died, even if Luo Yu was a student of Lin Sheng, that disciple, she wanted to favor Luo Yu.

The life and death platform is the cruelest and most sacred competition platform. Emperor Zixia Wu personally established it. Once you set foot on the life and death platform, you will have to die or die, but you cannot have two people alive. You must have one to die.

All who are fighting on the platform of life and death are disciples who have endless lives and deaths with each other.

Fengchen was also surprised to hear Luo Yu's words, and then turned into sarcasm. He was naturally not afraid of fighting with Luo Yu. His strength and realm were all here.

"Luo Yu, you can think clearly. Once you decide on a life-and-death battle, you and Fengchen will have to die."

Dao Huizhang looked at Luo Yu and reminded.

"The disciple thinks it out, please fulfill your respect."

Luo Yu's tone was firm, and she cut gold and iron.

"Okay, Feng Chen, Luo Yu will fight with you after death. Can you agree?"

Dao Huizhang no longer said much, and looked at Fengchen again.

"Since Brother Luo Yu wants to find death, that disciple will fulfill him, and the disciple promises!"

Feng Chen sneered, then bowed to Dao Huizhang.

"Okay! The emperor decided that Luo Yu, the core disciple of Huolingfeng, would fight with Master Lei Lingfeng after fighting his wounds, and fight at Zixiafeng's life and death platform!"

Dao Huizhang nodded and promised. There was imposing majesty in his voice, which spread to every corner of Bafeng ...

After the sound passed through the eight peaks, both the disciples who practiced in their own training room, the disciples discussing in the match field, and people who did other things were shocked.

At this moment, there were more than 10,000 disciples in the public hearing, but the news shocked more than 100,000 disciples of Bafeng, and they were all stunned to digest the news.

Not only Zongmen's disciples, but also thousands of deacons in Zongmen, many of the elder Wu King in the divine fire realm were surprised to hear the news.

Fire Lingfeng, in the main hall of the peak.

In a fiery robe, the burly man was talking to a man with a somewhat thin white robe drinking tea.

Suddenly Dao Huizhang's words echoed in the fire spirit peak.

When they heard the words, they put down the tea cups and showed a hint of surprise.

"Hehe, Brother Zhang, you, the core disciple Luo Yu of Huolingfeng, and Master Lei Lingfeng, Fengchen are going to have a life-and-death fight. What's going on?" The man in the white robe asked with a smile.

This man in the red robe is the master of the fire spirit peak.

The master of Huolingfeng revealed a bit of bitter smile when he heard the words, saying: "I don't know Master Zhou, I don't know about this, then I haven't contacted Luo Yu when he arrived at Huolingfeng"

"Oh! This Luo Yu is the newcomer king. Now he is ranked thirty-fifth in the Zixia Monument. Did n’t you accept him as a disciple?"

Asked the man in white gown in surprise.

The Lord of the Fire Lingfeng heard a bitter bitterness, and accepted Luo Yu as a disciple? He didn't think about it, but at the introductory ceremony, he knew that Luo Yu was the indifferent attitude shown by the fire and water. Luo Yu may have some mustard about him, the master of the fire spirit peak.

Now, with Luo Yu ’s demon achievements and cultivation talents, it is impossible to create another miracle that can break the water and fire body. Luo Yu wants to worship the master. There must be a lot of elders in the fire world. Don't think about it.

"Ah ... I don't know if you travel abroad"

The master of the fire spirit peak sighed and told Luo Yu what happened when he entered the sect, but the man in the white robe sighed a little strangely, and sighed a pity.

Huo Lingfeng's Shou Yuan is not much. For the past 100 years, he has always wanted to accept a personal disciple as a heir. He has never met the heart, but finally Huo Lingfeng encountered a good seed and was missed by him.

"But it's useless to say that, and this Luo Yu now has to fight against Fengchen. You and I don't have to think about this ending, but unfortunately, this Luo Yu has just shown his own evil talent."

Huolingfeng Lord sighed.

"Yes, that Fengchen is the top ten core disciples in the middle of the agile state. Luo Yu and Fengchen don't know any deep hatred, but they are going to get to the stage of life and death. Isn't this looking for death?" The man in the white robe also frowned.

Talks like this are everywhere in Bafeng, everyone thinks Luo Yu is stupid, and go to death with Fengchen.

It's so normal to have such an idea. In the later period of Luo Yuning's Yuan Dynasty, plus his strength, he may be in the top 20, but it is basically impossible to defeat or kill Fengchen.

Fengchen itself is cultivated as a spiritual state in the middle period. In addition, he is also a heterogeneous true martial artist with wind attributes. The true trueness of a heterogeneous true martial artist is more aggressive than the five elements.

So basically everyone thinks Luo Yu is looking for death.

Zi Xiafeng, all members of the questioning team supported each other and jumped onto the back of the maximized dragon phoenix, and Luo Yu had all her limbs waste, lying in Qinger's arms, and Qinger's left arm also had There were several scars of bone erosion nails. All the bone erosion nails on their bodies had been pulled out, but there were small holes in the bone, which looked terrifying.

Although the bone eclipse was pulled out, this pain would not last for several days.

Luo Yu lay back in Qing'er's arms, expecting that the wounds on the jade arm of his opponent's jade were full of heartache.


The dragon and phoenix queen raised a clear and long chanting, the wings of a wing rolled up a strong wind, and then took off in the complex eyes of 10,000 people.

At the same time, the demon Yuan aroused the formation of the dragon phoenix and protected everyone on their generous backs.

The phoenix bird fluttered towards the Fire Spirit Peak ...

Seven days later, Luo Yu was lying on a bed in her attic, and the green-haired, bare-footed, playful girl, Xiaoqiao, gently opened the green medicine cloth wrapped around Luo Yu's arm.

Qing'er looked aside, and there was a medicine cloth on his arm.

After dismantling the medicine cloth, the dense holes on the arm have healed and new white and tender flesh has grown. Xiao Qiao's green true Yuan probed into Luo Yu's arm and found the holes on the arm bones that were as bright as jade Has healed.

There was a hint of surprise in Xiaoqiao's pretty face.

"Sister Xiaoqiao, I said it's okay, don't you believe it?"

Luo Yu laughed in bed.

"Well, your recovery ability is too strong. The bone hole in everyone's body is the first to be recovered by yourself, and other talents have just begun to repair it."

Xiaoqiao said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, how is your bone erosion injury?" Luo Yu frowned again and looked at Xiaoqiao's arm. There was also the injury left by the bone erosion nail on Xiaoqiao's arm.

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"Hee hee, rest assured, our Shennong people's recovery ability is not much worse than yours. In two days, Qi Feng and I will fully recover from the injury."

Xiaoqiao grinned, but Luo Yu felt pain when she heard her words.

Xiaoqiao and Qi Feng were brought out by him, but after leaving Shennong Valley, they followed this kind of suffering. I'm afraid she and Qi Feng haven't had such suffering before.

"Yu, when are you going to fight life and death on Fengchen?"

Suddenly Qinger asked, there was a hint of worry in her eyes.

Luo Yu heard her arms pillowed behind her head, and a pair of blue crystal eyes narrowed, all of which was cold.

"After one month, this month I will use the earth's spiritual milk to promote the cultivation to Ningyuan Reality, and I will have one more chance to win."

Luo Yu said, squinting his eyes.

Ningyuan Reality is also known as half-step possession. When you reach that realm, you only need to compress the true Yuan into a Yuan possession, and then undergo the baptism of Three Thunders Thunderstorm.

And Luo Yu's proposal to fight against Fengchen is not his fool, but he has his own reliance. As for what reliance, please ask Rong Xiaofei to buy a pass.


Qing'er nodded and didn't ask any questions. She guarded the man for seven years. She naturally knew that she would not be stupid to do things with little confidence.


Just then the door of the room suddenly opened, and the three looked in surprise.

I saw a handsome young man in a black robe walking up from the door.


"Uncle Lin!"

Luo Yu saw someone jump up from the bed and bowed to the young man.

And Qing'er and Xiaoqiao also got up and gave this young man a gift.

The visitor was Luo Yu's teacher, Lin Sheng, the founder of the founder.

"Well, Luo Yu, all your bones are all good!"

Lin Sheng saw Luo Yu, who was rushing to life, with a little surprise in her eyes.

"Oh, back to my teacher, my injury is better," Luo Yu laughed.

"Well, your recovery ability is really amazing. It was originally for you to send guaiadan. It seems that you can't use it now," Lin Sheng sighed with a smile.

When Luo Yu heard the words, his heart was warm. Among the elders in this case, Lin Sheng cares about him.

With a wave of Lin Sheng's hand, a beam of light rolled over, and several white jade bottles appeared on the table, all of which were elixir.

"Luo Yu, these are the guavas that I asked the alchemist of the Yakushi Hall to make these days. Please share it with your summit students."

Lin Sheng said lightly.

"Thank you teacher!"

Luo Yu heard the words naturally thank you.

"Well, you two go out first, I have something to talk to Luo Yu ..."

once again

Thanks for your baby's three bottles of essential oils. Thanks to the breathing brothers for their strong unblocking and June guardianship. Thanks to the two brothers for supporting October in this way. Today's absenteeism and code will be updated tomorrow

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