Come to The Peak

Chapter 531: : Gathering Life and Death

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Luo Yu, who was sitting on the bed, opened her eyes and shot out two fine lights, and slowly spit out a milky airflow in her mouth.

In Luo Yu's body, in the Dantian, the real elements that are sticky like porridge slowly flow in the body, exuding a powerful breath.

"In the time of one and a month, Xiu Ling was finally pushed to the Ningyuan Realm by the earth milk."

Luo Yu murmured to the true body in her body.

Now, as long as he can merge water and fire, and then condense out Yuan Zang to spend the three thunderstorms, he will break through to the peak of the innate three realms and be alive.

Luo Yu got up and got off the bed, went out of the room, went downstairs, and came into the hall.

There was no one in the downstairs hall. Luo Yu screamed, and a disciple at the summit immediately ran in from outside.

"Brother, you're out!"

This questioning disciple said with a touch of surprise.

"Well, Ah Xin, what about the bone injuries of the brothers, are they all well?" Luo Yu asked with concern.

"Hey, you brother, don't worry, brothers' bone injuries have recovered after taking guagudan"

This asked Ding disciples with a smile.

Luo Yu was relieved when she heard what she said, and then said, "Go and bring everyone together, I have something to say."

"It's Yu!"

This questioning disciple didn't ask much after hearing the words, and immediately ran out to gather people.

Luo Yu sat on the teacher's chair directly in front of the hall, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it, then waited quietly for the crowd.

After a while, all the members of the summit, including Qinger, Fu Xuanxuan, Xiaoqiao, Wang Tao, Luo Qing and Luo Zheng, gathered in the hall with more than 100 people.

"Yu! You're out!"

As soon as Qing'er came, he showed a hint of joy, and quickly walked to Luo Yu, who nodded with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Yu, have you cultivated to the Ningyuan Realm?" Luo Qing laughed.

Others were also excited to look at Luo Yu, and practiced to the great consummation of the Ningyuan Realm. As long as Luo Yu could condense out of the Yuanzang, he broke through to the spiritual realm.

"Yes, I did practice to the great consummation of Ningyuan Realm, and I want to say this to everyone."

Luo Yu nodded.

"Haha, that's great. That brother and Fengchen's life-and-death battle is a little more chances!"

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed.

Sitting at the lower left of Luo Yu, Ge Xiuzhu frowned, "Xiao Yu, do you want to fight with Fengchen immediately?"

Luo Yu's face was condensed, showing a bit of evil spirit, saying: "Brother, I don't want to drag on this thing, Fengchen must die"

"Hey ... I understand your mood. You and Fengchen have set a life and death battle, but without specifying the specific time, we can wait for the cultivation to reach the spiritual realm before fighting him late. Presumably Dao Huizhang set the life and death battle without Determine the time, just to say that after you are hurt, it is probably to give you a little bit of room. "

Ge Xiuzhu sighed and said.

"Big brother, rest assured, I have a certain number of things in my heart to do so, and I will not have a life-and-death fight with him without the means to deal with the dust," Luo Yu said.

Ge Xiuzhu nodded when he heard the words, and didn't say much. He and Luo Yu had been together for a year, and the two seemed to have a good spirit and knew each other well.

He also knew that Luo Yu was not sure that he would not fight with Fengchen for life and death, but he only persuaded this because of his concern for Luo Yu.

Luo Yu then turned around and said to the crowd at the summit of the summit: "You help me spread the news of the injury from the customs clearance, and at the same time say that Luo Yu is injured, wait for Fengchen to fight with me in life and death!"


Everyone below should be holding their fists in unison, and then all went out to spread the news.

It didn't take long for a news to spread in every corner of Bafeng. Luo Yu was well wounded, waiting for Fengchen to fight him alive!

As the news spread, one stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the disciples of Bafeng immediately shook, and then one after another showed excitement.

For more than a month, the disciples of Bafeng have not talked about the life and death battle between Luo Yu and Fengchen. Although they think this is a unilateral overwhelming battle, they still excite them.

This is the battle between the newcomer king and the veteran ten core disciples, and it is worth everyone's expectations.

"Hahaha ... waited for more than a month, this Luo Yu's injury is finally healed, and finally I will fight against Fengchen for life and death."

Jin Lingfeng, a handsome yellow robe youth in Jintang laughed.

It was Jin Zhen.

"Hum, I hope that Luo Yu was killed by the wind and dust, so that I can relieve my hatred."

The woman in the red dress next to Jin Zhen, Jin Yingying's eyes flashed a ruthless color.

"Oh, Yingying, naturally, Luo Yu and Feng Chen will have a life-and-death battle. Needless to say, well, let's go to the battle table to see how Luo Yu was killed by Feng Chen. Due to Feng Chen's narrow-minded temperament, I'm afraid he will let Luo Yu suffered humiliation before killing it. "

Jin Zhen stood up and laughed, Jin Yingying smiled, holding his brother's arm, and then took Jintang's hundreds of people to rush to Zixia Peak.

Lei Lingfeng, in the hall of Lei Tang.


Fengchen was drinking tea, and a Leitang disciple rushed into the hall.

"Brother Feng, Luo Yu is hurt. You are invited to fight against him at Life and Death!"

The Leitang disciple said quickly as soon as he came in.

"What! Luo Yu is injured? Haha ... great."

Fengchen heard a laugh and heard that he could not wait for Luo Yu to get hurt sooner, and then went to life and death to be killed by him.

"Luo Yu! Luo Yu! Your death is here ..."

Feng Chen shattered the tea cup in his hands, killing in his eyes.

"Bring people, we rushed to the platform of Zixiafeng's life and death, and faced Luo Yu!"

Zixia Peak, the other disciples of the Seven Peaks quickly rushed to Zixia Peak after hearing the news, and the disciples in the sky with various colored wings flew by, or the birds on the bird, the disciples sitting on the animal pet were quickly Rush to Zixia Peak.

On the pontoon connected by Bafeng, countless disciples quickly walked on the pontoon injury, all eyes were fiery.

Luo Yu and Feng Chen, both of them are the existence they absolutely have to look up to. The life-and-death struggle of these two people naturally excites these early and middle-aged realities, and even the enlightened outsiders.

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This is the life-and-death battle of the top figures among their disciples. The peak matchup among the disciples is absolutely attractive to them.

At the same time, in the halls where the elders in the Eight Peaks lived, all kinds of streamers rose into the sky, and then flew towards a place in Zixia Peak.

Even many elders in the divine fire realm were shocked, and rushed to Zixiafeng's life and death platform.

Today's weather is extraordinarily heavy, and the sky is covered with dark clouds, and thunder sounds from time to time, as if heavy rain is coming.

The most western area of ​​Zixia Peak is near an open area of ​​several thousand feet cliff. A spacious stone platform with a height of five meters and a black circle and a kilometer is standing here.

There are many dark brown mottled marks on the stone platform, all of which are dried up from the blood and blood left by the fighting disciples on the platform of life and death.

I think that such blood stains cover almost every corner of the stage, and the whole stone stage reveals the slightest evil spirit.

This is the most brutal life and death stage of Zixiafeng's disciples.

"Yishengtaitai, life and death battle, one side does not stop!"

This sentence is engraved on a huge stone monument near the platform of life and death. The font is blood red, as if written with blood, it looks like a tragic atmosphere ...

The crowds around the life and death platform at this time came from all directions, and streamers fell here.

These people were naturally disciples and deacons who came from the main peaks such as Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu Lei Bing.

After half an hour, more than 100,000 people have gathered here, except for those who practice in the secret world of Zixia, hone in the fierce beast and practice deacon missions.

It can be seen that Luo Yu and Feng Chen are very attractive.

In the sky above the life and death platform, there are fifty or sixty elder fire kings with sapphire nameplates hanging from their waists. The elder wings condensed into the void, and the powerful breath and soul coercion sent the tens of thousands of doors below. Disciples tremor.

Even the Emperor Wuwang of Shenhuojing attracted so much.

In the Suzaku Hall, White Tiger Hall, and Xuanwu Hall suspended in the center of Zixia Peak, three red, gold, and blue streamers rose into the sky at the same time, and then shot in the same direction.

The four suspension halls of Zixia Peak are also more than forty miles away from the most western life and death platform, but these three streamers flew to the top of the life and death platform within ten breaths. The speed can be said to be a thousand miles in a flash.

Rumble ...

There was a violent roar of the heaven and earth's vitality over the platform of life and death, a burly man wearing a purple robe with white tiger patterns, a young man with a purple robe dragon and tortoise pattern, and a beautiful woman wearing a phoenix crown and wearing a phoenix.

It is Dao Chong, Dao Yi, Dao Hui, the three great emperors.

The three stood still in the void, and more than 100,000 people bowed in salute in unison

"Meet the three palm lords!"

Dozens of elder martial arts warriors in the air also bowed down to salute

"Meet the three palm lords!"

The sound was trembling, straight into the sky.

"Hehe, the elders of the disciples are free from courtesy."

At the same time, Sanfa Zhangzun said with a smile, Gu Pansheng, the majesty of the Emperor Wuhuang who was born in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Xie Zhangzun!"

Hundreds of thousands of people bowed down at the same time, then stood up and stood still.

At the same time, one individual was shocked. Luo Yu and Feng Chen's life and death battle even shocked the three palm lords together. Usually, these three people are hard to see. They would not show up without major events, but today Luo Yu Appearing with Feng Chen's life and death battle, we can see the importance attached to this matter.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a blue shirt flew from mid-air to the top of the life and death platform, and gave another salute to the three palm lords.

Then he turned to face the tens of thousands of people below: "Yan Su, the elder of the commandments of the king, was presided over by the order of the three chiefs to preside over this life and death battle.

The core disciple of Luoling Feng, Luo Yu, and the master disciple of Lei Lingfeng, cannot be adjusted due to contradictions. Today, a battle of life and death is set on the platform of life and death. ,

Now invite Luo Yu, the core disciple of Fire Spirit Peak, and Feng Chen, the core disciple of Lei Lingfeng, to step on the stage of life and death! "


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