Come to The Peak

Chapter 532: : Furious Vigor (雩 Baby)

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"Now invite Luo Yu, the core disciple of Fire Spirit Peak, and Feng Chen, the core disciple of Lei Lingfeng, to step on the stage of life and death!"

Elder Yan Su said aloud in mid-air, and his voice spread across the square.


As soon as Elder Yan Su's words fell, a slender, handsome young man in a green robe surrounded by countless people flashed glistening on the stage, and a quick blast hit the five-meter-high life and death platform. The speed was almost one Blink of effort.

This Qingpao youth was Fengchen. When Fengchen came to power, he bowed to the three palms, and then to the elder Yan Su, he stood upright and stood quietly on the platform of life and death. His eyes were cold and he looked at the crowd. Somewhere.

Among the crowd, the handsome young men surrounded by the members of the summit were spotlessly dressed in white robes, the purple swords on their backs were full of anger, and a pair of blue star eyes were as deep as the ancient waves in the well.


Luo Yu's soles of the foot struck fiercely, and suddenly a great shock came from the soles of the feet, and Luo Yu's bang also hit the five-meter-high life and death platform.

When Luo Yu stepped on the stage of life and death, he bowed down to the three palms and Elder Yan Su, and stood quietly opposite the wind and dust.

Elder Yan Su saw that both parties had come to power, and nodded his head and said, "Luo Yu, Fengchen, once you step on the stage of life and death, it means endless death. In the end, only one person on the stage can step down alive or they all die together. You two Can anyone understand? "

"Disciple understand!"

They said in unison.

"Okay, then the two of you will start fighting, indecisive birth and death, fighting than fighting!"

Elder Yan Su said loudly, and then flew back over the platform of life and death, and flew over the edge to watch the two.

Suddenly, eighteen yellow beams of light on the stage of life and death stand up from all corners of the stage of life and death. The light on the stage of life and death is full of prosperity.

Those disciples who have not seen the start of the life and death stage show shock, but those old disciples who have been in the sect for many years have a look of calmness, which is obviously not strange.

"Well! Isn't this the Five Elements?"

Luo Yu looked at eighteen yellow beams of light in the fog and was surprised to himself.

This is the location of the eighteen pillars of light, which is the location of the formation of the Five Elements. Luo Yu has seen it in the Luo tribe, so I have some impressions.

After a while, the yellow mist disappeared, and the figures of Luo Yu and Feng Chen also showed up, but the surrounding scene changed greatly. The original life and death platform turned into a rocky desert from the Gobi desert.

The massive rocks on the ground, the wild grass, and the sand and sand beneath it all look very real. These are all transformed by the vitality of the Five Elements Array method, all of which are entities.

At the edge of the desert is a layer of light yellow transparent junction light film, which isolates people outside, and people outside can also clearly see the scene inside.

Luo Yu and Feng Chen stood at the center of the desert. Luo Yu looked at Feng Chen with a cold eye every 100 meters away, and the same was true of Feng Chen.

The tens of thousands of people in the audience couldn't understand each other silently, watching the two quietly.

Whimper ...

Around the whole life and death platform, only the cold gust of wind was blowing, blowing everyone's robes and hunting, while also blowing Luo Yu's shawl long hair.

Rumble ...!

At this time, a thunderous sound came from the high sky, and the originally cloudy sky began to roll, and the raindrops of the cowpea fell.

There was a thunder in the spring, and the storm moved!

A wind and plume are about to begin.


Luo Yu, who had been watching the wind and dust silently, began to speak, and the raindrops penetrated the light film and fell on him slowly.

"The biggest mistake of your life is to clear your mind and send someone to kill me and involve my brothers and sisters to be punished with me. Today, it will be the day of your death."

Luo Yu said coldly, and the life and death of the dust was set at the opening, and a domineering emanated.

"Hahaha ..."

Fengchen laughed loudly when he heard the words, then sneered on the face, sneer: "Luo Yu, I'm not mistaken, don't think you can kill me if you can kill Hu Blade.

I am god! And you are the land, what do I like Qing Er, can Qing Er be your waste that can't be hidden? Hum, you want to fight with me for life or death, and killing you, I'll go chasing it upright. "

"My aunt! Qinger can also be called a scum scum like you? Are you God, you and I will know in a battle"

Luo Yu gritted his teeth coldly.

After turning over the conversation, they looked at each other coldly.

Suddenly a violent momentum erupted from Fengchen and rolled towards Luo Yu. The violent momentum turned into a strong wind, and a blast of flying sand swept across Luo Yu.

"Eight poles really burst!"

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly there were eight beeping sounds in Luo Yu's body. Eight water-type true elements burst. The violent blue true elements filled Dantian, roaring in the meridians, and the red fire attributes were forced into one. corner.

"The Power of the Nine Bloodlines!"

The nine blue rays rose from Luo Yu's body again, and the power of the deep blue blood veins merged into Luo Yu's true water element, and Luo Yu's momentum rose wildly.

Ningyuan Realm is Great! The beginning of smart state! The peak of the early stage of smart state! The middle of smart state!

Luo Yu's momentum has also exploded to the middle of the spiritual realm! The eight-pole avalanche has eight times the amplitude and six times the amplitude of the bloodline force. The superimposed explosive power is just like the explosive power in the middle of the spiritual state.

A violent momentum also rose from Luo Yu's body, and the flying sand and gravel within tens of meters were also rolled up and collided toward the flying sand coming towards him.

Rumble ...

The two momentums collided together and made a thunderous roar, and Feisha and the stone collided to form a tornado.

The tornado raged in the middle of the two and did not lean to either side.

The momentum of the two is even better than a fanfare!

This scene naturally shocked the tens of thousands of disciples outside.

"Oh my God, Luo Yu's momentum is not weaker than Brother Feng!"

"His ... What amplitude secret technique does he practice that can increase his power so much!"

Such surprises abounded, and the elders of the Emperor Wu of the Divine Fire Realm also showed a little surprise.

"It's at least Level Amplitude Secret!"

An elder stood in the air, looking surprised at the violent tornado and Luo Yu's momentum.

You need to know that there is only one aspect of the amplitude-dense technique, Zixia Tianzong. Only three major palm masters can practice this secret technique.

What is momentum? Momentum is the product of energy fluctuations formed in vitro. The higher the value, the stronger the true element, the stronger the energy fluctuations and the stronger the momentum.

"How could it be! This kid's momentum is not weaker than me!"

Fengchen showed a hint of surprise, and then he sneered again.

"Hum! I don't have amplitude secretion?"

Fengchen took a step forward, and the real elements in his body rioted, and the momentum had a late stage of agitation!

A stronger momentum was injected into the tornado, and the tornado became stronger after being injected into the momentum.

A few hundred meters of flying sand and gravel were all rolled, and the tornado rolled over Luo Yu.

Woohoo ...!

The wind pressure brought by the tornado forced Luo Yu to take a few steps back, her white robe was blown and hunted, her hair was disheveled.

Luo Yu's eyes flashed fiercely, and a cold hum smashed a red elixir prepared in the mouth. The red elixir was bitten and swallowed into the stomach. The energy of Qi is melted into the true element for energy.

Burning Blood Dan, triple stack!

"In the late stages of the spiritual state, it's broken!"

After Luo Yu made a roar from her throat, her momentum suddenly rose to the end of the spiritual state! At the same time Luo Yu took a few steps forward,

A stronger momentum than before just poured into the tornado, and the tornado that was forced was stiffened and stopped.


The tornado's momentum was even stronger, and the flying sand and gravel within a thousand kilometers were rolled, forming a wind column with a height of several hundred meters and a diameter of several tens of meters standing between the two.

Whimper ...

There is only one sound in the world around, that is the sound of howling winds. After the raindrops pass through the light film, they are immediately rolled into water mist by the strong winds, just like the end of the world.

Luo Yu, wind dust, robes flying, standing on both sides of the strong wind, eyes looked at each other like electricity.


The two suddenly roared at the same time, a blast of wind pillars blasted, and the flying sand and gravel were shaken into dust, and then they re-dissipated into heaven and earth.

The momentum is equal, evenly divided!

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