Come to The Peak

Chapter 533: : Fighting hard (listening to jokes in your breath)

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"Guru! Spirit ... spirit ... late period of spiritual activity!"

A disciple disciple widened his eyes and looked at the momentum of the two whispered to the touch, and could not hide the horror in his eyes.

Not only him, but also tens of thousands of disciples, including those of the top ten core disciples.

Cold as frost, Jin Zhen, Tong Lengming, Tuoba Hong, Lie Hai, and so on, all have shocked eyes.

Fengchen was also surprised to see that the momentum was comparable to that of Luo Yu.

"How is it possible! How could he have such a strong momentum? Does he really have such a strong strength?"

Fengchen's heart was roaring, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Dust, I said, today will be your day of death!"

Luo Yu's sky blue hair danced wildly, blue light in her eyes like electricity, said coldly in her mouth.


Fengchen heard a cold hum, saying: "Luo Yu, don't think you are not weaker than me and you can say this. Strength is the essence. You don't have the qualification to kill me!"

"I don't know if I have qualified to fight"

Luo Yu said indifferently.

The two eyes met, and then the air slammed.


A purple thunder fell from nine days and crossed the sky, and the world was pale!



At the moment when the world was white, two different roars sounded.


The two figures crossed a distance of 100 meters like Jinghong, one with blue light and one with blue light!

Hundred meters away blinked away.

Luo Yu's eyes were cold, and a punch wrapped Zhenyuan bombarded, the air was shocked, and a series of sonic booms sounded in front of the fist, although the rear airflow formed an air vortex with suction wind pressure and blasted to the wind and dust.

This punch is enough to smash a hill.


Fengchen looked ugly, and shot it with a sigh of cold, and the cyan real elements on the palm dangled. The cyan real elements seemed very sharp, and the air was torn apart with a single shot.

The two of them collided together in the blink of an eye, their fists met, a thunderous thunder sounded, and a circle of true air waves radiated and opened a few hundred meters away, and the radiated area all blew an explosion.

The two of them flew a hundred meters away in an instant.

Luo Yu's complexion remained unchanged, but Fengchen's complexion was gloomy and watery, and it was very ugly. Just now I tried to find out who the rivals were.

At the same time, Fengchen also inferred that the current explosive power of Luo Yu has indeed reached the basic explosive power of the late stage of agility.

"Somewhat interesting, now you come to try martial arts"

Feng Chen sneered, and then the palms of the real Yuan rioted, the two palms were combined, and the glorious flourish, a sharp breath emanated.

"Blade of the wind!"

The two blades of the wind blade merged into one, with a loud bang, a huge cyan wind blade with a size of four to five feet shouted and chopped off at Luo Yu, and the air made a ripping sound, which was extremely powerful.

1st. New Chapter) 1 on 9

"Interesting is still behind!"

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed and she was radiant, and after the mouth corner was raised, Zhenyuan rushed to the fist through the meridian. When he reached the fist, Zhenyuan immediately boiled.

"Eight Tigers Ben Leiquan!"

Luo Yu groaned and punched out with a punch.

Roar Roar ...!

Suddenly, eight tigers screamed on the side of the audience, and eight tiger fists rushed out of Luo Yu's fist one by one, banging on the chopped wind blade with violent momentum.

The fist shadow is violent and the wind blade is sharp. As soon as these two martial arts are released, the sand and stones on the ground passed by are either shattered into dust and turned into vitality. Obviously, they are drawn by the wind blade into a deep crack.

Roar ...


The eight tiger tiger shadows slammed on the wind blade.

The first tiger tiger shadow was chopped, the second, the third ... the fifth, all were chopped by the wind blade, but the sixth head was slammed and opened with the wind blade.


But two other tiger boxing shadows blasted into the dust, and the dust and dust complexion changed, and a snap shot was taken, and a blue palm print whistled and shot on a tiger shadow, and the fist dissipated with the punch, and finally A head blasted on Fengchen's body protector.

Fengchen's protector Zhenyuan was blasted wildly, and Fengchen was struck back by a dozen steps.

This martial arts suffered a small loss against him.

And this scene also surprised the tens of thousands of disciples around.

At first, everyone said that Luo Yu was undoubtedly seeking to die, but then Luo Yu broke out with amazing momentum and strength, and then let those sarcastic people shut their mouths obediently.

Now the scene where the wind and dust are losing out is hitting those people's faces.


Just when Luo Yu's attack slightly gained the upper hand, Luo Yu burst out again. A whip leg wrapped Zhenyuan and pulled away with a strong wind toward Fengchen's head.

Fengchen also burst out after taking a few steps back, and withdrew one leg.


The two legs met and ejected, and then Luo Yu leaped and kicked down again. As with the same handle knife, he severely chopped to the top of Fengchen's head, and the air was torn and made a cry.

Fengchen's arms were glazed and crossed by one block, Luo Yu's legs were severely chopped on his arms, and Fengchen's body with a strong pressure on his legs was slightly curved.

After Fengchen roared suddenly, his arms violently lifted Luo Yu and flew out. At the same time, his hands flashed blue, his arms flung, and two slaps of blue wind blades swept away from Luo Yu.


The speed of the two wind blades was very fast, and the moment when Luo Luo was thrown away, he reacted, because his consciousness had covered the dust for a long time, and the consciousness for the dust also covered him.

So for both, the advantages of consciousness are offset, and they are still their own abilities to react.

Luo Yu flew at the same time with two fingers,


Nine blue pulse Jianmang shot at the wind and dust.


Two wind blades crossed Luo Yu's left arm and thigh, making two deep openings, flesh and blood flowing out.

In the face of the pulse Jianmang Fengchen that Luo Yu sent out instantly, his face changed, and a figure swayed away quickly, but there were still three Jianmangs who did not dodge, and a piercing true Yuan bodyguard.

Uh ...! Two deep wounds were marked on the chest.

They both sustained minor injuries at the same time.


After Luo Yu landed, Zhenyuan sealed the wound to stop bleeding, and then blasted to the wind and dust, and another fist bombarded away.

After the eight-sounding tiger howl, eight violent tiger fists blasted to the dust.

Fengchen's face changed drastically. The figure quickly moved away dozens of meters away to avoid it, but there was no choice. The eight-headed tiger boxing bombarded a boulder that had been transformed to a height of seven or eight meters.

With a bang, the boulder was directly blasted into crushed stone powder and dissipated.

Fengchen did not stop after avoiding, Zhenyuan surged out his palms in his hands, and two blue palm prints whistled towards Luo Yu.

Luo Yu twisted her body, dodging one palmprint while punching out, and blasted another palmprint.


After several serial attacks, the two shot at each other again.

One blue, one green, two shining figures are like two streamers, constantly interweaving collisions, and the power of each collision erupted the tens of thousands of disciples on the sidelines.

Even the elder Emperor Wuwang, who is high above the fire, couldn't help but stop breathing, watching the two men fighting ...

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