Come to The Peak

Chapter 556: : Flight coming

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In the evening, a set of sunsets slowly subsided to the west, and the sea breeze was blowing. I didn't know how far it was on the sea surface, and finally saw the outline of the land above the distant sea level line.

After a while, the outline became clearer, and a huge island appeared on the sea.

"Brother Luo Yu, Yuhuo Island has arrived"

Gu Yuan, who shakes the pulp at the stern, laughed, and stopped the pulp in his hand.

After shaking the boat for a whole day, he was sweating too much. Thanks to him, he was a warrior and had much better physical strength than ordinary people.


Luo Yu, who sat cross-legged in the Wu Peng boat, opened her eyes with a smile, then walked out of the Wu Peng boat and looked over.

I saw a huge island appearing like a dormant beast on the distant sea level. With the sight of Luo Yu, you can see the continuous buildings on the island and the large ships docked at the dock.

There are also some large ships sailing from the dock to other sea areas.

Yuhuo Island, one of the eighteen islands in the South China Sea, covers an area of ​​less than 10,000 miles. Entering Yuhuo Island is truly a step into the area of ​​the South China Sea.

Yuhuo Island lived with the army of the Southern Navy, and each large island on the eighteen islands in the South China Sea lived with a South China Sea army.

"Brother Gu, thank you for sending this way, you can take it here, I will go the rest of the way"

Luo Yu smiled and hugged Guyuan.

"It's okay. I'll take you to the dock. I will also go to Yuhuo Island to buy something. I will start tomorrow. Otherwise, I will easily get lost in the waterway at night. Hey ... I should also buy you some new clothes . "

Gu Yuan smiled and waved.

For warriors, most of their lives are practicing martial arts climbing, or pursuing fame and fortune. For ordinary people, life is nothing more than chai oil and salt. As long as they can feed and feed, they will be satisfied.

"Well, that troubles Brother Gu," Luo Yu said with a smile, but didn't say much.

"Hi, my brother"

Gu Yuan answered with a smile, and then continued to row the boat to Yuhuo Island.

"Be careful, if you break this thing a little, your ten lives aren't worth it!"

On the pier of Yuhuo Island, countless ships docked at the pier, and a large merchant ship on the third floor is unloading.

Two savvy linen men dressed as ordinary fishermen were carrying a large wooden box made of a mahogany top, and slowly walked from the deck to a wooden board on the pier towards the pier.

A young man with long yellow hair in a brocade arrogantly directed the two ordinary men carrying wooden boxes.

At this time Gu Yuan was rowing a boat and was about to dock.

Suddenly at this moment, it seemed that something under the ship hit the wooden boat fiercely, and a bump in the Wupeng wooden boat deviated from the direction and crashed into the merchant ship that was unloading there. The piece of boarding between the ships.

"Go away!"

Gu Yuan at the stern sang aloud, and the two fishermen who were unloading were astonished when they saw the situation, but they were too late to escape.

The Wu Peng boat hit a connecting wooden board and the two of them fell off the wooden board, and the mahogany box fell into the bluestone staircase with a bang.


With a crisp sound of glass cracking, the contents of the mahogany box shattered!

"No! My ruby ​​coral!"

The young man in the brocade saw a sad cry from Zhuang.

The wooden box contained a ruby ​​coral tree worth tens of thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, it has now become a pile of broken stones.

As early as when Luo Yu was about to hit, Luo Yu shot on the deck of the merchant ship next to him, turned his head and looked at the sea. The dorsal fin of a tiger shark swept across the sea. At this time the Wu Peng boat also docked.

The tiger shark Bacheng accidentally bumped into the shed in search of a ship when hunting just now, which caused the scene just now. Hey, this can only be regarded as bad luck for Guyuan.

"Abominable, I have worked hard to carry the ruby ​​coral from Yan Guo, this is my birthday gift to my dad! You, the boy who just sailed, just roll over for this master!"

Jinpao youth roared at Gu Yuan who had just disembarked.

At the same time, there were also two burly men in black strong clothes walking around the young people in Jinpao, grabbing Gu Yuan's shoulders and lifting Gu Yuan past.

Gu Yuan was frightened to resist, but the strength of the two burly men far exceeded Gu Yuan, and Gu Yuan couldn't move.

Obviously, these are the two great men who were cultivated as warriors far above Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan was left in front of the Jinpao youth with a look of panic.

"Boy, you **** know what you just hit? Ah!"

Jinpao Youth said, grabbing Gu Yuan's collar, looking somber.

"Sorry ... I'm sorry, can I compensate you?" Gu Yuan said bitterly and quickly.

"Compensation? Alas, can you afford to be a pariah fishing? You can't afford to sell your whole family!"


The young man in Jinpao slap on Gu Yuan's face with a slap, Gu Yuan was beaten a bit, a bite of blood was mixed with molars, and Gu Yuan was also thrown and flew away for several meters and fell to the ground.

The strength of this slap is not something that ordinary people can play. It seems that this young man in the robe is also a strong warrior.

The people on the dock looked at this scene with sighs. No one dared to say anything. Many people looked at the eyes of the Jinpao youth with fear.

"That little brother is trying to escape, and has provoked Shui Hong," a middle-aged man dressed as a sailor sighed.

"Yeah, uh ... there's another corpse on the surface"

Some people nearby also sighed.

The Jinpao youth strode to Guyuan who fell to the ground again. What was going to be done? When a white shadow appeared in front of Guyuan, he scared the Jinpao youth and could not help walking.

I saw a young man wearing a white robe with a handsome face and a purple epee appearing in front of Gu Yuan, with a purple chick standing on his shoulder.

Luo Yu lifted Gu Yuan who fell to the ground with a somber look, and at the same time he glanced at the Jinpao youth, and then looked at Gu Yuan.

Luo Yu's eyes were as cold as a knife, and with murderous power, he couldn't help but scare the coolness of the Jinpao youth.

The young man in Jinpao turned back from surprise, then looked at Luo Yu with an ugly look: "Boy, who is your mother, dare to care about Master Ben's affairs, do you know how to write dead words!"

"Brother Gu, are you okay!" Luo Yu asked softly with concern, turning a deaf ear to the Jinpao youth's drinking. Raised Gu Yuan and patted the dust on him.

"Oh! No ... nothing ..."

Gu Yuan spit out blood, and said something indistinctly, his teeth were knocked down and he talked through the wind, while his face became swollen and swollen.

"Boy, Master Ben asks you something, you **** it!"

When the Jinpao youth saw Luo Yuli ignored him, there was no light on his face, and he punched Luoyu fiercely. This punch was so energetic that he could blast a cow. This young man is a kung fu warrior .


Luo Yu turned around at this time, and his hand reached out like lightning. He caught the young man in Jinpao with a thunderbolt.

The youth of Jinpao changed his face. He only felt that his punch was hitting the mountain, and he felt a sense of weakness. At the same time, he tried to withdraw his fist, but felt that the other's hand was like iron tongs. Do nothing.

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"Is this the one who hit him just now?" Luo Yu asked coldly, holding the fist of the Jinpao youth.

The young man in Jinpao changed his face. He didn't say anything yet. Luo Luoyu grasped his right fist in one hand, and struck the young man's stomach with a kick, and the other grabbed the young man's hand and pulled it hard.

Uh ...!

Immediately a blood spattered out, and the arm of the Jinpao youth was directly torn down by Luo Yu, and the youth of the Jinpao screamed and flew away far away.

This scene was stunned by everyone present, and looked at Luo Yu in horror.

"You slapped him, I broke your arm!"

Thanks to the handsome guy for unblocking, thank Liu Kaiyang, the baby for the reward, thank Tang Qi for the five bottles of shampoo, and thank you brothers

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