Come to The Peak

Chapter 557: : Meet you

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"You slapped him, I broke your arm!"

Luo Yu said coldly, dropping the **** broken arm on the ground.

"Ah ... you ... little beast, what are you two still doing? Kill him, kill him."

The young man in the Jinpao rolled on the ground holding his torn arm shoulder, and cursed at the two burly men in black clothes.

"Ah ... Master!"

At that moment, the two burly men awoke from the shock of this scene, and then looked at Luo Yu fiercely.

"Boy, how dare you hurt our young master, today you are dead"

A man with a yellow complexion in the two big men said fiercely, then the two looked at each other, pulled out the scabbard waist knife hanging from the waist, stepped on the sole of the foot, and killed Luo Yu in the past.

The energy on the sword was dazzling, and it was clear that the two were also martial arts soldiers.

Luo Yu's face was ridiculous, and he did not evade the knife cut by the two, and his two hands stretched out a knife that caught them.

He took the white blade empty-handed, and he didn't even Zhenyuan wrap his palm, so he just held the knife of the two.

The two were astounded and knew that they had met a master, but at this moment Luo Yu shook her palm fiercely, and two white-white waist knives were pinched and broken.

Luo Yu's fists banged on the heads of the two again, and two beeps, the heads of the two were exploded by the two fists, and their brains were red and white.

Blood spurted out from the broken point where the head was broken, and shot more than two meters high, but no drop could stick to Luo Yu, and all were ejected by an invisible gas field.


Two headless corpses landed on the ground, and the corpse twitched unconsciously.

This horrific and **** scene truly shocked everyone.

Smash the weapon empty-handed, and two punches blasted the heads of two Nine Heavenly Warriors, what strength?

Even the Jinpao youth who climbed up and hugged his arm with a broken arm for a while also forgot the pain temporarily, staring blankly at the two headless corpses on the ground, and then looked at Luo Yu, and finally appeared on his face A touch of horror.

The only person present was Gu Yuan, who looked fiercely at Luo Yu. However, he had seen the scene of Luo Yu fighting the Eight-footed Demon Chapter, and he was not scared of Luo Yu's strength.

Luo Yu walked over and kicked the broken arm into a mud, then slowly walked towards the Jinpao youth, looking calm and calm, as if it was not just two people that were killed, but two chickens and dogs.

"You ... you ... what are you doing, don't come over!"

The young man in the Jinpao retreated back and forth with his broken arm, his eyes were full of panic.

The strength of this young man is too terrible, at least he is a master of congenital realism, otherwise how can he lightly kill two nine heavy martial arts soldiers, and it is still a spike.

"What are you doing?"

Luo Yu heard a cruel arc at the corner of her mouth.

"Don't you say you're going to kill me? I'll ask for it"

Luo Yu walked happily and slowly, while the Jinpao youth kept backing and turned to leave, but then a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Master Jiang, someone is going to kill me. Come on, Master Jiang!"

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Jinpao youth shouted, Luo Yu frowned.

I saw a sergeant wearing a blue armor with a long waist-knife across the road. He was headed by a middle-aged man also wearing a blue armor, but with a white cape behind.

The middle-aged man heard the words for a moment, looked over, and saw two young robes with headless bodies and broken arms on the ground.

"What's going on here?"

The middle-aged man sang loudly, then trot over the team, and immediately surrounded Luo Yu and Jinpao Youth League.

"Master Shui, what is going on with you? How did you make this look?" The middle-aged man frowned, looking at the young man's broken arm, and then looked at the two headless bodies on the ground.

"Master Jiang, catch him quickly. He killed my two men and killed me!" Jinpao Youth saw Luo Yu surrounded by the group, and said Luo Yu with the remaining finger.

"What, there is such a thing!"

The middle-aged man was shocked by the words, although he looked fiercely at Luo Yu and yelled, "Boy, how dare you kill people in broad daylight"

Luo Yu calmly looked at the surrounding blue armor sergeants. These are the armors of the Southern Navy. These people are the Southern Navy on the island.

Hearing the middle-aged man's reprimand, Luo Yu just glanced forward at the middle-aged man with his hands behind his back and said lightly: "Bright daylight killing, sir, the two I killed were warriors. The royal court and the army seemed to be It wo n’t interfere with ordinary martial arts killing grudges. ”

The warriors in this world can only be described as floods and disasters. There are wars when there are warriors, **** killing when there are battles, and the warriors are very strong. Sometimes, because of unreasonable killings, they also happen. The army is too lazy to control.

I didn't have that much energy to manage.

Hearing Luo Yu's words, the middle-aged man's complexion was dull, but he didn't know what to say, because Luo Yu was right, the general situation of the killing among the warriors would not interfere.

But then the eyes turned and drank, "Boy, you just came to our Huohuo Island, don't you know that this pier is a place forbidden to martial arts? How dare to kill here is to despise the king's law, come here, give this boy I grabbed it and brought it back for interrogation. I see him as a spy from another country. "

"It's an adult!"

Hundreds of Southern Navy soldiers around said that, then they pulled out a dazzling waist knife and forced them to Luo Yu.

At least Qitiantian warriors can enter the national army, and these people have a great momentum together.


Luo Yu heard a sneer, then stepped out, and cracks on the ground spread in all directions, then the blue real element overflowed the body surface, and a majestic momentum erupted. All hundred people are shrouded in it,

These forced Nanhai army only felt that a huge rock was suddenly pressed on their bodies, and their breathing was a little uncomfortable. The young man looking at the blue Zhenyuan's inspiration showed a shocked look.

"What! You ... you are the strong Ningyuan Realm!"

The middle-aged man looked at Luo Yu's body as if it had substantive energy, and the momentum was exaggerated, and then his body's golden light shone, and an energy wave much weaker than Luo Yu was emitted to resist Luo Yu. Momentum.

This middle-aged man is a true warrior.

"Ning ... Ningyuan Realm!"

The Jinpao youth was also shocked. He knew that Luo Yu was very strong, and it might be true spirit, but he did not expect Luo Yu to be a strong person above Ningyuan Realm.

He really kicked the iron plate this time.

After Luo Yu radiated this amazing momentum and shocked everyone, he untied the white jade plate on his waist and threw it to the middle-aged man.

"Hum, see if I am spy?"

Luo Yu snorted with both hands on her chest, Zhenyuan withdrew Dan Tian, ​​and the amazing momentum that disappeared without energy disappeared.

The southern navy around them felt light, wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads one by one, and stared in horror at the young man who looked very young in white robes.

"He turned out to be a strong man above Ningyuan Realm!"

The middle-aged man took the white jade nameplate subconsciously after hearing it, and saw that one side of the nameplate depicts a purple cloud, while the other side reads Luo Yu, the core and other words.

When the middle-aged man saw this jade card, his face changed suddenly, then he knelt down on one knee, raised his hands with his fists, and looked at Luo Yu said, "The villain met the grown-up, and I didn't know how much the offender had, just forgive me! "

Seeing this scene, all the people on the dock were stunned. Looking at this scene sternly, it was no less shocking than Luo Yu's revealed strength. The Southern Navy also looked at their officer and the youth with surprise.

Although this young man is a master of Ningyuan Realm, he should not let their adults kneel. You must know that behind the army is the country, and behind the national royal court is the behemoth of Zixia Tianzong.

How can an ordinary warrior let the warrior of the army kneel, and what is the identity of this young man?

"What are you still doing? You are not ready to kneel down and meet the adult. This is the core disciple of Guozong and the adult of Guozong." The middle-aged man looked at his men and shouted, breaking Luo Yu's identity.

"What, he is the core disciple of Guozong"

"This this!"

Everyone at Wenyan changed his face and looked at each other, then looked at Luo Yu in awe.

"Meet your lord!"

The group of southern navy soldiers who surrounded Luo Yu knelt on one knee together after looking at each other, raised their fists and looked at Luo Yu, their eyes turned into awe.

The young people in Jinpao, the parcel Guyuan and other people on the dock are all overwhelmed and look towards this scene ...

When did this young man become the adult of Zixia Tianzong?

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