Come to The Peak

Chapter 558: : White Maple Island

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One hundred Southern Navy knelt on Luo Yu with one knee in the shocked eyes of everyone, respectfully saluting.

At this time, everyone also knew the identity of Luo Yu. The so-called Guozong was the Zixia Tianzong. There were more than one sects in the Qin Empire, but there was only one Zixia Tianzong.

The ruler of the bright side of the Great Qin Empire is the imperial court, but everyone knows that the imperial court is the power that Zixia Tianzong supported in the world, and it can also be counted as a part of Zixia Tianzong, and a core of Zixia Tianzong A disciple is much higher than a general commander in a military.

Generally, the centurion commander is a true-spirited martial artist, and the centurion commander serves as a condensate warrior.

There are so many warriors in the Qin Empire, and there are many warriors in the Ningyuan Realm, but the core disciples of Zixia Tianzong are only 3,000. All of these 3,000 are geniuses in the same rank.

Therefore, the identity of Zixia Tianzong's core disciples is very honorable, but if they know that Luo Yu is a top ten core disciple with the general status of a 10,000 generals, I do not know what they will become.

"He! He is the core disciple of Zixia Tianzong! The core disciple of Guozong!"

A feeling of despair rises in the youth of the Jinpao. This time, he is really kicking the iron plate.

He didn't even think about escaping. The core disciple of Zixia Tianzong, this is the core disciple of the real ruler of the Da Qin Empire. Where can he escape?

His family is also a big family in Yuhuo Island. He is more agile, but he is also unwilling to offend a core disciple of Zixia Tianzong in Ningyuan Realm.


Luo Yu snorted coldly and said nothing, and the middle-aged man and others stood up awkwardly, and then Luo Yu walked to the Jinpao youth.

This time, the middle-aged man, the Southern Navy, and others did not dare to block anything. The identity of the other party is far from theirs. Even if Luo Yu wants to face them, they dare not say anything.

The young man in Jin Pao watched Luo Yu come over, a hint of fear appeared on his face, and then he tried hard to squeeze out a smile: 大 "Master ... adult, the villain doesn't know the identity of the adult. Just offend a lot more, please invite more adults ... "


The youth of Jin Pao hadn't finished saying that Luo Yu's hand was a slap in the face.

This slap was so strong that the young man in the Jinpao flew out, spit out blood, and had white teeth at the same time.

The Jinpao youth slammed on the ground, and just touched the broken arm wound again, rolling with pain, Luo Yu walked over and stepped on the chest of the Jinpao youth, lowered his head and said coldly: "You know I don't know the person you hit just now is my elder brother. "

"No ... not a few, big lascivious, a few lascivious really are your big ones, otherwise how dare you hit him?" The young man in Jinpao vomited blood and said straight.

"Then you know now?" Luo Yu murmured again.

"How many, how many"

Jinpao youth nodded again and again.

"I'm going somewhere else. If I come back and find you dare to avenge my brother, I will destroy your family," Luo Yu said coldly.

"Dare not, dare, little prostitutes don't have the courage," said Jinpao Youth again and again.


Luo Yu heard a cold snoring, and then released the Jinpao youth.

Gu Yuan saw that Zhuang was all touched. He knew that Luo Yu was leaving, so he threatened the Jinpao youth to prevent him from revenge after he left.

Luo Yu came over at this moment, showed a smile to Gu Yuan, and then looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Are there any ships to Baifeng Island now?"

"White Maple Island."

The middle-aged man heard a word and then immediately began: "Adult is going to Baifeng Island, there are some, there will be a merchant ship to Baifeng Island at 8 o'clock tonight, that is the one"

The middle-aged man spoke away pointing at a large three-story building boat far from the pier.

Luo Yu nodded when he heard the words. At eight o'clock, and now it was almost six o'clock, Luo Yu turned around and hugged Gu Yuan: "Brother Gu, the younger brother will leave, we will have a period later."

"There will be a period later, Brother Luo Yu, please remember to go back to our village when returning," Gu Yuan also said with a fist.

"Oh, rest assured, I want to eat the fish soup made by Xiaoxiu Zongzi again, so let's stop there." Luo Yu grinned, hugged Gu Yuan, and then turned around and took Bai Ze to the merchant ship smartly Go on.

After boarding the merchant ship, Luo Yu paid a hundred or two silver in the awe of others, and then set foot on the merchant ship. Under the leadership of the merchant ship manager, Luo Yu arranged the best first-class cabin for Luo Yu.

Just now Luo Yu's great power and the Southern Navy kneeled at him. People at the dock saw it. The management of this merchant ship naturally respected Luo Yu and did not dare to neglect.

The first-class cabin is similar to a first-class guest room, with everything in it. Luo Yu took a bath and slept comfortably in bed.

& Zyong 2: Watch for a long time: O 小 _ 说 E

At 8 o'clock, the large building ship, which was dozens of meters long and more than ten meters high, was anchored after the sound of the ship's number, and then the building lights on the building ship turned towards the vast sea.

This large-scale building ship is fully equipped with compasses, satellites, etc., which means that the navigation equipment is complete, and naturally you are not afraid of losing the fairway at night.

Baifeng Island is in the central area of ​​the Eighteen Islands in the South China Sea, and Yuhuo Island is only the sea island closest to Zixiajing. It is tens of thousands of nautical miles away from Yuhuo Island, so it will take several days for this merchant ship to reach the Baifeng Island.

This merchant ship was traveling in the sea unhurriedly, and Luo Yu sat cross-legged every day in the cabin to perfect the trick sword wave stack, improving some places.

It turns out that Jianbo Qianjie's attack range is relatively wide and the attack range is wide. The attack range of a martial art is too wide, which means that his attack power is also dispersed.

Luo Yu improved Jianbo Qianjie's attack range by a half smaller than before, but he has not experimented with the attack power, which should be much larger than the original.

After the ship had been on the sea for six days, a loud shout came from outside the cabin: "White Maple Island is here. Get off the ship!"

Luo Yu, who had been practicing on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes when she heard this sentence, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

"This White Maple Island finally arrived ..."

Luo Yu got up and took Bai Ze out of the cabin, standing on the third-floor deck, Luo Yu looked over, a huge island, not only a small fishing fire island, appeared on the distant sea.

After another half an hour, Luo Yu followed the public and went downstairs to the pier of Baifeng Island.

At this time at noon, there were a lot of people on the pier. The people who disembarked from the boat, blonde, red-haired, and various people from Tiannanhaibei could be seen on the pier.

Baifeng Island is vast, like a small continent. The island has tens of millions of residents, countless towns, and the center city is Baifeng City. Baifeng City is hundreds of miles away from the dock. far away.


Bai Ze roared loudly, and then the shape became large, turning into a snow-white beast that was two meters high and five or six meters long with a single head, resembling a tiger and a lion.

Luo Yu inquired a fisherman about the specific location of Baifeng Island, turned over and rode on Baize, and ran towards Baifeng Island, leaving only the back of countless surprised people at the pier.

Bai Ze dashed to the south of the pier. The speed from Bai Ze to the place of several hundred miles should not arrive in half an hour.

On a plain, a large city with an area of ​​no less than Red Flame City appeared in Luo Yu's sight.

The city is white in color and is made of a white reef that is not afraid of the sea wind. Like a white beast crouching on the ground, there are two large gold letters on the plaque above the tall city gate.

Bai Feng!

This city is the largest city of Baifeng Island, Baifeng City.

There is a continuous stream of people at the city gate of Baifeng City. A caravan enters and exits from the city gate. Some rush to other cities, and some rush to the pier to go to the sea.

Luo Yu rode in Baize and walked slowly towards Baifeng City, while at the gate of Baifeng City, a southern navy with dozens of people lived and checked the crowd.

Generally, in order to prevent the armed forces of other countries from entering the city, there are rules for entering the city. Any caravan with more than a hundred soldiers will be identified. The caravan is like a mercenary regiment.

There are records in the chambers of commerce of the Daqin Empire. The chambers of commerce where you belong to Daqin have records that can be checked. Of course, single warriors like Luo Yu will not be controlled by anyone.

Bai Ze's fierce breath was too noticeable. Luo Yu riding Bai Ze into the city attracted the surprise and attention of the people around him, but there were many warriors on ordinary mounts and even monster mounts, and others didn't pay much attention to him.

The city is very prosperous, the streets are crowded with people, and there are many shops and restaurants on both sides.

Luo Yu took a dragon phoenix who became Luo Yan and Bai Ze who became smaller into a guesthouse.

"Little brother, give me a hundred pounds of beef, a daughter of fifty years of red"

Luo Yu shouted to a Mai Yi Xiaosi after entering the inn.

"Hundred pounds of beef!"

This little second was also surprised when he heard the words, but when they saw that they were one beast, they were relieved. Luo Yu and Luo Yan were both dressed up by warriors, especially a large giant sword on the back of Luo Yu. Everyone could see that he was walking by name. Warriors of the rivers and lakes.

The warriors let go of their meals in an astonishing amount, and no one was surprised by eating dozens of pounds of meat.

"Dele, sit on your side, please."

The shop second responded and ran to Zhang Luo to eat in the kitchen.

Luo Yu and Luo Yu's two brothers sat at an unattended dining table and waited. There were many people eating on the first floor, and there were more than twenty people in threes and twos.

"Have you heard of it? Yesterday, the flower was broken again."

A man in a black robe said to two companions next to him.

"Of course I heard about it. One of my brothers who was on business in Guanfu said that in Chengnan yesterday, dozens of women under the age of thirty were killed by the hundreds of rapes who sucked Yin Yin."

A blue robe man sipped.

"Ah, it's dozens of ordinary human lives. It took hundreds of lives to appear from three years ago. It's a crime to kill thousands of lives. It's a wicked thing. The government bins let him escape every time. It's really a bunch of waste

"It's no wonder that the government house is useless. The flowers with hundreds of repairs are high and the people are cunning. It was probably not a person from Baifeng Island in the past. The Lord of the City is the No. 1 master of Baifeng Island. "

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