Come to The Peak

Chapter 559: : City of Lords

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"Yeah, but that one hundred flowers can also be a powerful person in the state of being alive, and there are several people in the government who can bear him," another sighed.

As the so-called said unintentionally, listening to the intention, Luo Yu, who was drinking aside, heard the name Hua Baican and her eyes narrowed.

What is the purpose of his coming to the South China Sea, is not to kill Hua Baican to complete the mission of the ancestral gate and to find the flower of water and fire, and now that he has heard news that one of the targets, how can Luo Yu miss it.

"Guest, your beef is here."

At this moment, Xiao Er brought a large plate of cooked beef in one hand, and came to the jar with the red cloth sealed in the other hand.

The world has so much vitality that even ordinary people can reach 200 with a single arm. Don't be too surprised that these two small hands can lift a large plate of 100 kilograms of beef.

"Thank you, Brother Er"

Luo Yu thanked him, then cut most of them with a knife and threw them to Bai Ze, and told Luo Yan that he was holding an altar of wine, and walked to the wine table with a cut of beef.

"Three brothers, the younger brother just heard you say that there are hundreds of flowers, who is this flower and how can it kill so many people of the empire?"

Luo Yu walked over and casually put wine and beef on the table and asked with a fist.

The three of them saw a sudden glance at Luo Yu and then looked at Luo Yu. With a white robe and a handsome sword, Luo Yu with a huge sword on his back naturally had an extraordinary temperament.

The white robe youth was obviously a warrior, but the three of them could not see the breath of Luo Yu, and could not help but feel a slight stab in his heart.

"A master!"

The man headed by this is a strong man wearing a black robe with a lion's mouth and nose. With a real vigor, he immediately stood up and hugged Luo Yu and said, "Brother is ..."

The other two also got up and gave a fist, and looked at Luo Yu in doubt.

"Oh, look at this, younger brother Yu Luo. Just now I heard three old brothers say that this is a hundred flowers, and the younger brother just came to Baifeng City. I couldn't help but wonder."

Luo Yu laughed.

"It turned out to be Yuluo brothers, please sit down!" The man in the black robe smiled at Luo Yu with a smile.

Then the four of them sat together again, and Luo Yu opened the jar's wine seal, and the wine was overflowing, giving himself and all three a bowl of wine.

"Three brothers please," Luo Yu laughed, holding the wine bowl.

"Brother Yu Luo please" the three also raised the wine bowl.

Then the four of them started to talk when they touched the bowl and drank.

"Brother Yuluo, you have just come to Baifeng Island. I don't know. This flower is a famous murderer in the South China Sea. It is said that it has also been on the top ten empires list."

The man in the black robe put down the bowl and said.

Luo Yu looked at her ears.

The man in the black robe said again: "This flower is full of ruins. It was Baifeng Island, which appeared three years ago. When the first crime was committed, a hundred young women under the age of 30 were murdered.

Those who were raped and killed were all Yin Yuan sucked clean and died. This hundred-defectiveness should be the practice of Yin Yin and Yang Yang. This incident caused a lot of sensation at the time.

At that time, Bai Fengcheng, who had recently taken office, advocated that Huan was even more furious, and the entire city was blocked to mobilize the Southern Navy to search for the hundreds of misfortunes. However, the hundreds of misfortunes were extremely cunning. Every crime was not captured by the Southern Navy. of"

"Oh! Such a thing, it seems that it is not easy to spend hundreds of repairs, otherwise how can I escape every time?" Luo Yu Wenyan expressed a very surprised expression.

"Yes, that's right, this flower is a powerful and powerful person. On several occasions, our Lord of the City invited us to take a shot, but every time the Lord of the City arrived, the guy escaped ahead of time." The man in the blue robe next nodded.

"Master, the Lord of the City! I wonder what this Master of the City is, and can scare away the flowers of the spiritual realm with all kinds of flowers?" Luo Yu asked in surprise again.

"Oh, speaking of Zhang Huan, our master, I have to admire him. He came to our office in Baifeng City four years ago. He was trained to be in a state of agitation, and Baifeng City reduced the number of fishermen. Taxes will be held once every six months, and the outstanding martial arts contestants can get the master's guidance and martial arts skills and rewards. "

The man in the black robe smiled again, and there was a little admiration in his eyes. Obviously, the master of the city was very popular in Baifeng City.

Luo Yu nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words, and then asked, "How often does this spend a lot of disability come out to commit a crime?"

"We haven't paid much attention to this, but it seems that the time between crimes is not too long, about one or two months. Only three years have passed since the emergence of this disability. No fewer than a thousand women have been murdered. ,

It ’s really wicked, and it ’s fierce on Baifeng Island. Hey ... I do n’t know when the empire sent a master to solve this case, otherwise this Baifeng Island will soon be panicked by the hundreds of cruelty. ”

The man in the black sigh sighed, and hated the flower in his eyes.

This kind of thing will be hated by a warrior with a little blood and conscience. The brutality between the warriors is brutal, but generally they don't kill ordinary people.

Who is not an ordinary person? Those who have relatives and friends do not have ordinary people, so even if they are exterminated, they will give ordinary people without repair the rootlessness.

Luo Yu heard a anger and a killing in her heart.

Although he also killed countless people, those people also sought to kill him to provoke him, and never killed ordinary people.

After that, Luo Yu talked with the three people about some of Baifeng Island's customs, humanities and geography, and other miscellaneous things moved away from the topic just now.

After the ghost talked, Luo Yu left this wine table and returned to his own wine table.

"Brother, how's it? Are there any gains?" Luo Yan asked.

Luo Yu frowned and shook her head: "There is nothing very useful information, but from the words of the three people just now, I have some vague speculation."

"Guess what guess?" Luo Yan asked Luo Yu to the bowl of wine.

Luo Yu narrowed his eyes holding the wine and said, "If I didn't guess, this flower should be related to the government army, or this person has an official inside line."

"Oh! How do you say"

When Luo Yan heard the words, he frowned, and touched Luo Yu with a drink.

Luo Yu put down the wine bowl and said, "This flower can be hidden for three years in the empire's white maple city without being captured by siege. It has committed one big crime after another. It was absolutely abnormal for officers and soldiers to escape before the arrival. "

"Well ... it really makes sense for you to say that." Luo Yan nodded solemnly.

They will complete this task this year, and **** if the investigation becomes so troublesome.

"I don't want to, after all, we have just arrived, and the information is not enough. Let's go to the city's mansion first. There should be a lot of information about it. Little brother, checkout."

Luo Yu stood up and said, Luo Yan nodded, then the two paid for the wine and took Bai Ze out of the inn.

After leaving the inn, Luo Yu inquired a little and knew where the city's main mansion was. Two people and one animal followed the passerby and pointed to the city main mansion and quickly rushed past.

After walking for half an hour, people came to a castle.

This castle covers a very large area. It is estimated that it is not a problem to live with a thousand people. A group of ten southern sailors wearing blue armor is guarded by the gate of the palace wall outside the castle.

From time to time, some people came in and out of the gate of the wall, and Luo Yu and Luo Zebaize walked over.

"Comes stop, here is the main military place of the city's main government, outsiders must not enter without authorization."

As soon as approaching the house wall, a Southern Navy immediately came forward and yelled.

Luo Yu frowned, and stopped and said, "Please report to your Lord Lord, and say that it is Zixia Tianzong Luo Yu."

"A disciple of Zixia Tianzong! You are a disciple of Guozong. Do you have any credentials?" Southern Navy heard a hint of surprise and doubt.

Luo Yu smiled slightly, and then took off the identification plate around her waist and gave it to the Southern Navy.

The southern naval officer took a look at it, and suddenly showed a hint of shock, and then bowed to Luo Yu and said, "It was an adult of the national patriarch. Please wait for a while.

The southern naval fighter gave Luo Yu the identity plate, and Luo Yu took it with a smile.

The Southern Navy greeted several others and ran into the castle.

Luo Yu was not in a hurry, waiting silently with her hands behind her back, and those southern naval soldiers around him also looked at Luo Yu respectfully.

When Luo Yu took out her identity plate just now, they also knew Luo Yu's identity.

"Hahaha ... Guozong's adult came to visit, I welcome Zhang Huan far away."

Before the people arrived, there was a hearty laughter in the castle.

A handsome man in a white robe with a sharp face and sharp edges came out surrounded by a group of people.

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The man stepped out and glanced at Luo Yu with a smile: "This brother is a disciple of Guozong, Zhang Huan, Bai Fengcheng Lord"

The smile of the man in the white robe was very kind and gave a kind of intimacy.

"Meet the Lord Lord of the City, Luo Yu, the core disciple of Xia Zixia Tianzong"

Luo Yu smiled and hugged fists.

"Oh, my brother is so young is the core disciple of Guozong. It has a very bright future. If the brother doesn't want to give up, he will call me Brother Zhang." Zhang Chengzhu laughed.

"Brother Zhang!"

Luo Yu also laughed at the snake.

"Well, Brother Luo Yu, this is my wife Yiqiner," Zhang Huan said to a woman with a beautiful face wearing a long black dress next to her.

Luo Yu saluted again with a fist, called Zhang Huan, and the woman smiled back.

Luo Yu also briefly introduced Luo Yan.

"Brother Luo Yu, it should be very hard for the boat and car to go along this way. Come on, please, I will take a big banquet to clean up the brothers' dust."

Zhang Chengzhu laughed, quite a bit of arrogance.

"You don't need to set up a feast, just come casually." Luo Yu shook her head and refused to smile. He didn't want too many people to know that his core disciple was coming.

After all, he already suspects that Huabaican has something to do with the government, and doesn't want others to guess what.

"That's all right, just go to my house. I had a good drink with my brother as soon as I saw it," Zhang Chengzhu said.

Luo Yu didn't refuse this time, and a group of people walked into the city's main government ...

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