Come to The Peak

Chapter 566: : Confused

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Luo Yu was relieved to see that the Long Huangque and Bai Ze cooperated with each other to kill the tall and thin man. It would be really dangerous if the tall and thin man really blew himself up just now.

"Brother, who are these two people?" Luo Yan flew over to ask.

Luo Yu frowned and shook her head, slowly speaking, "I don't know, I don't seem to have seen these two people."

"Go, go down and see if there is anything on him to prove his identity"

When Luo Yu talked, her golden wings closed and fell slowly towards the sea.

Wrapping his feet with real yuan, Luo Yu walked towards the dwarf man's body floating on the sea like a bristle without any trace of weight.

After the dwarf man died, his arms also turned blue and black, and the scale armor receded.

Luo Yu glanced at the corpse with a sense of consciousness. The man had nothing else in a storage bag all over his body.

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Luo Yu unpacked the storage bag and searched it with divine knowledge, and found some yuanshi clothing and other things. There was also a sword that was used by the man just now. It was a sword with four patterns and four inscriptions. It's not too precious.

Luo Yu frowned when he saw this. There was nothing to prove his identity on the short man. As for the tall and thin man, the whole body was burned to ashes by the dragon and phoenix, even if it was burned now.

"Brother, will these two people be sent to kill us by the young man whose arm was cut off by you on Yuhuo Island?" Luo Yan frowned, guessing.

"This is unlikely. That guy should not dare to retaliate after knowing my identity of Zixia Tianzong's disciple, and I guess he is not so capable of killing me with two smart masters."

Luo Yu shook her head and denied Luo's speculation.

"Who would it be? We don't have any enemies in the South China Sea, wouldn't it be a hundred flowers?" Luo Yangu said.

"Hundreds of flowers!"

Luo Yu heard the words, but her eyes suddenly lighted up, then fell into contemplation.

"If the enemies who came to the South China Sea have something to say, they will only spend hundreds of them, and few people will know **** them, except for Zhang Chengzhu and his wife ...

Wait, it's hard! "

Luo Yu suddenly remembered something, and took a strand of hair **** with a filament from Qiankun Ring.

Luo Yu sniffed on the tip of her nose again, and then she smelled the faint scent, the scent that made him familiar.

"This scent is ... this scent is floral! It is the floral scent of the main city!"

The light in Luo Yu's eyes lit up, and he finally knew why he felt the fragrance familiar.

The scent was exactly the strange floral scent he smelled in the courtyard where the city owner lived.

The person expects that in that environment full of floral fragrance, it will naturally be stained with that floral fragrance. The faint scent on the hair is also the floral fragrance in the courtyard.

"Hahahaha ... I finally know who is the one who spends hundreds of flowers"

Suddenly Luo Yu smiled from the sky, she scared Luo Yan, and looked at Luo Yu in surprise.

"Brother Zhang! Master Zhang Cheng! Huh, it's like a prisoner who steals. You should end up in this play now."

Luo Yu retracted that strand of hair and murmured.

Why the flowers can be escaped in the hands of the Southern Navy and Zhang Huan every time, and why the women obviously made an insulting impression without being insulted, all this is just for the purpose of covering people's eyes.

All Luo Yu didn't understand now that Luo Yu also has the answer.

"Brother, do you know who has spent hundreds of disabilities?" Luo Yan asked.

"That's right, you've seen the flowers!"

Luo Yu smiled lightly, all eyes were cold.

"I've seen it?" Luo Yan was even more puzzled when he heard it.

"Well, hehe, I'm not 100% sure yet, but we can get the answer by next month." Luo Yu's mouth evoked a radian.

Now that he knows who is a hundred flowers, he naturally knows how to take it apart.

"So what do we do now? Is it back to White Maple City?"

"No, it's not urgent yet, time is running out. It's not too late to go back next month. Now we go to find water and fire and save the flowers."

Luo Yu shook her head.

Luo Yan naturally has no opinion. He always said what Luo Yu was, as long as he could accompany Luo Yu.

"Let's go, the next submarine volcano is six thousand nautical miles west of Baifeng Island."

Luo Yu said that Luo Yan turned into a slap-like dragon and phoenix and stood on Luo Yu's shoulder.

Luo Yu turned over and rode on Bai Ze, pointing in a direction, Bai Ze snarled and blasted in the direction of Luo Yu's finger ...

After more than half a month.

Luo Yu's vibrating golden wings were suspended on a volcanic eruption, her face was a bit ugly.

At this time, he was in a territorial waters called Qingjiang Island, and this submarine volcano was already the 26th submarine volcano he had explored. For more than half a month, he was almost riding a white zeal across the Qin Empire. Territorial waters, and this is also the last submarine fire mountain range of the territorial waters of the Great Qin Empire, but he did not find the shadow of water and fire blossoming.

As soon as Luo Yu touched the ring on his finger, a scroll appeared in his hand.

Luo Yu opened the scroll and looked at the Fire Mountain marked above.

"There are still twelve fire mountains that have not been explored, but these twelve submarine fire mountains are all in the territorial waters of the Tatar people, which is a bit difficult."

Luo Yu frowned as she looked at the underwater fire mountains marked above.

The rest of the underwater fire mountains are all in the territorial waters of the Shan people.

The Tatar people are one of the four major aliens in the ancient Cang continent. The relationship with the people is not immortal, but it is definitely not good.

Similar to the werewolves, but no large-scale war broke out, but small-scale conflicts are common.

The merchant ships of the Great Qin Empire were often robbed by the Tatar people when they traded in other countries, so it is very risky to go to the territorial waters of the Tatar people to explore the submarine volcanoes to find water and fire and save flowers.

"It seems that I can only go and see the territorial waters of the Tu people."

Luo Yu sighed.

In any case, he is inevitable to have a good time, and a five-year agreement has been set, so Luo Yu has no retreat.

"Brother, let's go to the territorial territorial waters now?" Long Huangque asked.

"There is no time to go now, and it is three days before next month. That flower hundred cans should also appear. It is also time for us to resolve the case of flower hundred cans."

There was a hint of murder in Luo Yu's eyes, and he said lightly.

Then the man drove one beast and one bird in the direction of Baifeng Island.

Qingjiang Island is about 20,000 miles away from Baifeng Island. Baize also arrived at Baifeng Island after flying one day and one night.

When he arrived at Baifeng Island, Luo Yu did not return to the inn where he originally lived. If Huabaican is really that person, that inn is estimated to have been monitored by him already, and he would not be stupid enough to reveal his whereabouts.

Luo Yu found an inn closest to the city's main house and waited quietly, now everything is waiting for the flower hundred cans to show up on their own ...

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