Come to The Peak

Chapter 567: : Huabai Can Appears

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Late at night, dark clouds covered the sky, and the stars and moon retreated.

The tall city fortress was brightly lit, and a group of sergeants wearing blue armor patrolled the castle.


A shadow passed quickly through the dark corners of the castle, rushing out from one corner of the castle.

This dark shadow seemed very familiar with the castle, avoiding a group of southern navy soldiers, finally stepped on the wall of the house, and shot at the brightly-lit Bai Fengcheng.

Tonight is June 3rd, the curfew time of Baifeng City. There is no one in the streets. The fireworks of Liuxiu Lane, the liquor store, have no Yinggeyan dance tonight, no women's playful jokes.

Silence, death-like silence, no pedestrians can be seen on the street, and sometimes a pair of more than one hundred people of the Southern Navy hurriedly walked across the street, eyes staring vigilantly.


On a certain street in Baifeng City, a group of southern navies had just gone far, and a dark shadow crossed the street and entered a small alley.

Hei Ying looked at a balcony on the third floor in the alley, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hei Ying touched his toes lightly, and jumped on the third-floor balcony more than ten meters high. There was no sound on the floor.

The shadow came out of the balcony into the room, and an iron door separated the balcony from the room.

The dark shadow hand was gently placed on the iron door, and a faint light glowed on the hand, and a dark energy poured out from the hand.

The dark energy wrapped the iron gate, and then a terrible thing happened. The iron gate turned into a pool of molten iron silently. This weird scene was terrible.

The iron gate melted into the molten iron, and Black Shadow entered the room.

There was a faint scent of women in the room, apparently a woman's room.

And in a soft couch, a young woman wearing a white tulle and faintly hidden was sleeping on the couch.

The woman slept soundly, with closed eyes and slender eyelashes. This is a very beautiful girl.

Hei Ying looked at the **** the bed, her eyes full of guilt, then changed to cold and ruthless, and walked towards the sleeping **** the bed.

Heiying wrapped in black real yuan in one hand and stuck it to the woman's back.

"Oh, I advise you not to mess around!"

At this moment a clear man laughed behind the black shadow.

Black Shadow was so frightened that he looked back quickly.

I saw a young man with a handsome face wearing a white military robe with a purple giant sword obliquely behind him, standing on the balcony, looking at him coldly, arms folded.

There was a touch of shock in the eyes of the dark shadow.

"How could it be ... how could he be alive, that disability and deficiency ..."

At this time, Luo Yu was also looking at the appearance of the black shadow. This person was about 1.78 meters tall, wearing a hooded black robe, and could not see his face. His figure was covered by a spacious robe, and he could not see the real Body appearance.

Luo Yu's consciousness covered the Heipao people, but then a hint of shock was revealed.

Because his senses could not see through the black robe at all.

The black robe had a wonderful function of blocking the sense of God, but when his sense swept through the slender hands of the man in the black robe, there was a smile again.

"Oh ...! Who are you?"

At this time, the beautiful woman who had slept in bed suddenly woke up, and when she woke up, she saw two people suddenly in her room. How could she not be alarmed and could not help but make a loud scream.

This scream was particularly harsh in the dark, and the lights in the surrounding buildings gradually lit up.

At the same time, a group of patrol southern navy soldiers rushed to the sound source immediately when they heard the scream.

"Oh, should I call you Yiqin sister-in-law or should I ask you to spend a hundred cripples?"

Luo Yu dropped her hands and looked at the black robe sneer.

Heipao people heard that the pair of long and narrow beautiful eyes suddenly shrank, and the beautiful woman on the bed heard the horror on the name Hua Baican even more, and curled up on the bed and looked at them tremblingly.

The man in the black robe shook his hands suddenly, and three black lights burst out towards Luo Yu, while the black Yuan on his body agitated and patted on the upper palm.

Luo Yu's figure quickly retreated to avoid the three black lights, and at the same time there was a crackling sound from the roof, and the roof was opened by a large hole in the Heipao people.

The man in black robe jumped up onto the roof, and at the same time, a pair of black yuan wings condensed behind him and fled away.

And Luo Yu avoided the three black lights and saw that the black robe man had fled through the roof and was not panic.

Also growing ejected golden wings flew out through the big mouth on the roof.

The beautiful woman stared blankly at the two of them, leaving her face in terror.


After the black robe man flew out of the room, he fled in one direction, but at this time in the night there was a roaring sound like a wolf.


A white figure flew in the place of the black robe man.

The man in black robe was terrified and saw a white beast hovering in the void a hundred meters across from her.

The fierce beast has white hair with a body length of five or six meters and a height of two meters, a long snow mane on his neck, a tiger-like head, a small white snowy horn on his forehead, and a purple lightning arc on his brows.

The beast was Bai Ze, and Luo Yu ordered Bai Ze to wait outside when he found the man in the black robe entering the resident's building. Once he found that Hua Baican escaped, he came out and stopped.

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The Heipao people were in shock, and after a humming, a jade hand patted Bai Ze, and suddenly a large black palm print whistled away towards Bai Ze.


The fierce light flashed in the white tiger's blue tiger's eyes, and a white cold spewed out. This cold spewed out immediately and condensed into an ice cone more than one meter long, and shot at the black palm print.


The black palm print was photographed on the ice cone. As if it was strongly corrosive, the ice cone was immediately melted, and then the palm print also dissipated and opened.

"Hundreds of flowers, don't run away!"

At this time, Luo Yu's cold voice came from behind, Luo Yu also chased up, and the Dragon Phoenix on his shoulder also flew up and turned into Luo Luo in the night, giving birth to the purple wings and Luo Yu.

Luo Yu, Bai Ze, Luo Yan!

The two men and one beast divided into a triangle and surrounded the sky, and surrounded the black robe man.

"Hundreds of flowers appeared!"

At this time, hundreds of Southern Navy soldiers coming down the street also saw this scene in the air. Someone screamed. A Southern Navy soldier took out a horn from his waist and blew it hard with his mouth.

"Woo ..."

The long horn horn echoed in the night sky, ringing for dozens of miles.

"It's a bugle. It's found that there are hundreds of broken flowers. It's the Northeast District. Go to the Northeast District!"

Everywhere I heard that the Southern Navy was patrolling, and the look of the Southern Navy changed, and then all hurried over to the sound source.

The master of the Ningyuan Realm in the Southern Navy directly condensed Yuanyi and flew towards the sound source quickly.

Residents in the city were awakened by the trumpet, and the lights of each building lit up. Many residents have run away from home.

"It's the Southern Navy. Quickly, I found that the flowers are overwhelmed. We used to help!"

"Walk around, spend a hundred cans, hum, my second sister was killed by him, and I don't wear it with him!"

Some soldiers in the city heard that the horn horns rushed to the sound source when they heard the sound of the horns.

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