Come to The Peak

Chapter 570: : Block Sword

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The two stood looking at each other at tens of meters apart, and those southern navy soldiers had already stepped out of the range.

In the battle of strong men at the level of agility, everything within a kilometer range will be affected by the battle.

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"It is indeed one of the ten core disciples of Zixia Tianzong. Luo Yu, I did not expect that you could kill the tenth dust on the list of dragons. Unfortunately, Baifeng Island only received the news on the list of dragons. Your two brothers will not die tragically. "

Zhang Huan looked at Luo Yu, with regret in his eyes and murder.

When Luo Yu first arrived, he did not know that Luo Yu was the top ten genius on the rising dragon list, and he did not know the news until a few days ago. When it was known that Luo Yu was the tenth strength on the rising list in the middle of the agility Zhang Huan had a bad hunch in his genius.

It's a pity that he knew it all too late, otherwise he wouldn't send the disabled and missing to kill Luo Yu, but shot it himself.

"I don't want to be an enemy of the empire, but unfortunately it was forced by me, Luo Yu, you realize it."

Zhang Huan took a long shot and pointed at Luo Yu obliquely.

"Enlightenment? Oh, I never understand what Luo Yu is. Zhang Huan, don't think that you can overpower me when you have a spiritual state of cultivation. Later, it's broken!"

Luo Yu roared, and a red elixir wrapped in Zhenyuan burst open in the body, and the blood in the body immediately boiled and burned, and the momentum of Luo Yu suddenly increased.

That elixir is a burning blaze that Luo Yu took long ago without refining.

Luo Yu, a good thing like Luoxue Dan, is naturally available, but one is very expensive, and one sect door sells for two thousand yuan. Ordinary people really can't afford it.

If it is outside, a burning blood Dan will sell for a more expensive price, after all, this elixir can save lives at a critical moment.

Zhang Huan looked at Luo Yu's ascension as his own, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, but then it turned into a cold killing intention.

"Is it a strength that is enhanced by mystery or elixir? After all, it is not your original strength. Today you must try for my brother!"

"Oh, it's really a power boosted by elixir, but it's enough to kill you and spend a lot of money!"

Luo Yu sneered, and the two eyes stared at each other. Suddenly, Yuanyuan rioted twice, turning into a blue and red light and killing each other.

Zhang Huan fired a shot like Ben Lei, and Jinghong went straight to Luo Yu's throat.

When Luo Yu's horizontal sword was blocked, the tip of the gun stabbed a string of sparks on the sword surface, and Luo Yu was shocked by the power of the gun and retreated to the street.

At the same time as Luo Yu backed down, Zhang Huan made a palm knife in the other hand and cut down Luo Yu. A red swordman screamed at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's other hand clenched into a fist.

Roar roar ...

Eight tiger screams rang through the night sky, and the eight-headed tiger fist slammed into the palm of the sword.

Bang bang bang bang

Eight heads of tiger fist and palm knife collided and exploded. The bluestone paved on the street was shattered and exploded into pieces of gravel. However, two tigers bombed Zhang Huan after the palm knife shattered. past.

The Eight Tigers Ben Leiquan is definitely a top-level presence in the same level of Xuanjie top-grade martial arts.

Seeing the two tiger tiger boxing banged at himself, his face remained the same, one palm shot, a flame-wrapped palm print patted away, and the two tiger boxing shadows were scattered.

The two figures, one blue and one red, bombarded together in an instant.

Luo Yu punched out, Zhenyuan wrapped the fist, and the air was shocked. A huge air vortex was formed in front of his fist, and Zhang Huan was killed with severe wind pressure.

Zhang Huan saw a pistol, while the other hand was also pinched into a fist, the flames wrapped around the fist, and the air snored.


As if two meteors slammed together, an explosive muffled sound rang through the city, and the circles of true energy waves radiated open. The wooden buildings on both sides of the street were swept up by the storm after they were struck by the true energy waves, and they collapsed and raised A piece of dust.

This is the battle of the agile powerhouse, the destructive power is no less than a missile.

Both Luo Yu and Zhang Huan retreated tens of meters away after being shaken by each other, and two broken marks were found on the street.

Luo Yu leaned back, her purple giant sword in her hand paused to stand on the ground, and at the same time, the cold light flashed in her eyes and her feet shook.

With a bang, Luo Luoyu struck a deep pit more than one meter in length, and Luo Yu's body ejected toward Zhang Huan like a cannonball.

The purple giant sword in his hand clasped his hands and raised it over his head, his body bent into a bow shape in the middle of the sky and fell down Zhang Huan, and the purple sword edge crossed the sky, with a dangerous and beautiful arc, an air sent out a Strings of sound boom.

The power of this sword is no less than 200,000 catties!

The sword did not come, and the sword gas came first. The sword gas stabbed Zhang Huan's scalp, and Zhang Huan's complexion changed. The spear held two hands in two hands. Zhenyuan agitated and raised his head to block Luo Yu.


A dazzling spark lighted up in the night, and a sound of gold trembling shook the ears of people who were thousands of meters away.

Zhang Huan was chopped by Luo Yu's sword, and his feet had fallen deeply into the street. The bluestone around his feet was also cracked by the huge force.


Zhang Huan's body was pressed more and more by Luo Yu, and Zhang Huan burst into a huge force and stunned Luo Yu after exiting a dozen meters away.

At the same time, Zhang Huan exploded, and his spear went straight to Luo Yu like a red lightning bolt.


Luo Yu was too late to dodge, and was shot in the waist and abdomen with a shot, and blood spewed out.

Luo Yu had a pain in her waist, and at the same time her eyes flashed fiercely, and she grabbed the spear with one hand and pushed forward.

"Jianbo Qianjie!"

Luo Yu stabbed out with a flat blade, and the sword intention of Ba Jian merged into the real Yuan. The sword wave radiated to Zhang Huan four times after the sword was stabbed.

Buzz buzz

Ping Kong sounded a trembling sound of Jianming, four rounds of Jianbo shot at Zhang Huan fiercely, and Zhang Huan instinctively used all the real elements on his body.

The first circle of Jianbo shocked the protector Zhenyuan dim, and the second circle of Jianbo and Zhenyuan protector collapsed together.

But there is a third and fourth wave!

The remaining two waves hit Zhang Huan severely.

Zhang Huan's complexion was white, he felt the internal organs of the internal organs, and his body was sore and painful. A spurt of blood spewed out, and the power of holding a gun was less than half.

"It's now!"

In Luo Yu's eyes, Jingguang flashed a hand and grabbed the spear. He pulled out the piercing gun and slammed into the body, and punched Zhang Huan's chest fiercely.


Zhang Huan's body was bombarded by Luo Yu a few hundred meters away like a broken sandbag, and the blood in his mouth sprayed all the way.

Luo Yu kept on, shooting at Zhang Huan who was blasted off, and the sword in his hand pierced.

As soon as Zhang Huan landed, he saw Luo Yu assassinate him, and it was too late to hide.


A figure suddenly fell from the air, blocking Zhang Huan.


The purple giant sword pierced the body fiercely, and the blade of the sword protruded from the chest of this tender body, carrying blood.

Luo Yu froze, staring blankly at the figure blocking Zhang Huan.

This figure is Yiqiner.

Yi Qin'er was struggling with Luo Zebai Ze in the sky, and saw Zhang Huan being assassinated by Luo Yu and he was in front of Zhang Huan without hesitation.

Luo Yu froze. How similar this sword blocking figure was to Nangong Xiner who had blocked his deadly palm at the same time.

He even forgot to use the bloodthirsty ability of Aster to **** the blood of Yiqiner.

But not only Luo Yu, but Zhang Huan could hold them.

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