Come to The Peak

Chapter 571: : Heaven's Day, Non-Sin (Maintainer)

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Tick! Dripping! Tick!

Drops of scarlet blood dripped from the sword body of the purple amaranth that fell out from the chest, and a drop of blood hit the top of Luo Yu's heart with the same handle and hit Zhang Huan's heart.

Luo Yu's heart was aching, and the figure in front of her seemed to overlap with Nangong Xin'er. Reminds him of the young girl who moth fluttered fire three years ago.

"Did you know? Since you were rescued in the beastly mountain range, the picture of the young man who fights for the fifth heavens often comes to my mind, and the songs you sing to me often surround my ears, every time I see you I'm so happy "

"Luo Yu, can you sing the song you sing again for me, it's so nice, I want to hear it again"

"Hehe, it sounds so good, but unfortunately, I won't be able to hear it again ... Luo Yu, please don't blame my dad ... and this necklace was given to me by my mother's death. This is my most precious I'll give you something now, you must take it with you so that I can always be by your side and you don't want to throw me away anymore. "

All scenes before the death of Nangong Xin'er died in Luo Yu's heart, and her eyes became rosy, and she forgot that she was killing the enemy now, or his killing task.

"Qin Er ...!"

Zhang Huan, protected by Yiqin Er, wailed through the night sky, Zhang Huan slapped Luo Yu with a palm, Luo Yu's slap was shot and fell a hundred meters away, and the purple giant sword was pulled out.

"Big brother!"


Luo Yu slammed into a wall, and the walls were smashed and collapsed. Luo Yan and Bai Ze were frightened, and flew to Luo Yu to support Luo Yu.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Luo Yan asked worriedly, and Bai Ze also murmured babblely.

Luo Yu covered her chest and shook her head, her complex eyes stared at Zhang Huan, who was holding Yiqin's crying, and did not rush to the killer.

Yi Qin'er was lying in Zhang Huan's arms covered with blood, and there was a huge sword wound on his chest, and the blood raged, and Zhang Huan's true Yuan poured into Yi Qin'er's body without money, and wanted to help her heal.

Yi Qin'er looked at Zhang Huan, who was crying like a child, pretty white, and stretched out her pale hand and stroked her husband's cheek. There was no pain in his eyes, only deep affection.

"Huan brother, don't cry, my death is a relief for you"

Yi Qin'er whispered that the vitality of the strong state of being strong was too strong, even if the five internal organs were pierced by Yi Qin'er, they did not immediately die.

"Qin Er, what nonsense do you say, you will not die, you will not die!"

Zhang Huan growled while blocking blood with real yuan, tears kept falling from his eyes.

"You said you would accompany me for a lifetime, you said you would accompany me through Gu Cang, you can't die, I don't allow you to die!"

"Huan brother, I have been satisfied to live for so many years, I am satisfied to be your wife in this life, I have killed too many innocent people in order to prolong my life, and now it is a relief for me, and I do n’t want to create any evils Brother, promise me, you have to live well for the benefit of the people, help me cleanse sin, Huan brother, I ... I love you, I want to be with you all the time ... Unfortunately, Qin Er ... is about to miss the appointment ... "

After Yi Qin'er finished speaking, there was a flash of relief in Mei Mei's eyes, and then she lost her vitality with her hands falling down.

Zhang Huan, who helped Yiqin'er heal, suddenly felt a shock, staring blankly at the cold beauty in her arms.

"Qin Er ... Ah ..."

A sorrowful sorrow echoed throughout the White Maple City, and everyone could feel the sorrow in it.

Zhang Huan hugged Yiqin's head, burying her head deeply in that hair and wept.

Luo Yu closed her eyes and stood beside her with a purple sword in her hand, and two tears slipped from her closed eyes. Luo Yu took out a tender piece of tender jade from her neck and gently examined it on her cheek.

"Xin Er ..."

The tens of thousands of people present looked at Zhang Huan, who was crying, all looking complicated.

One is the city lord they admire, but the woman in his arms is a flower that everyone hates.

These two people turned out to be husband and wife. This series of tragic incidents were all committed by the wife of the city owner, who is the accomplice of maintenance!

I don't know how long after that, Zhang Huan's crying stopped, the cold body holding tightly seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be speaking to everyone present.

"Qin Er and I grew up in a small city on Qingjiang Island in the South China Sea. Qin Er is a genius girl in a small martial arts family. I met Qin Er at the age of sixteen and fell in love.

At the age of 30, Qin Er was found to have a rare ghost body, ghost body. After 30 years of age, Yin Qi disintegrated once a month, and Yin Yuan must be absorbed within five days after disintegration.

Therefore, Qin Er was abandoned by her family and burned.

That year I practiced successfully and rescued Qin'er and killed everyone in her family. Qin'er didn't want to hurt innocent people to absorb other people's Yin Yuan to maintain his life.

Until later, when I was practicing, the true elements in my body suddenly backswept, and I almost died. Back to my master, I said that I was a Chongyang body, a body opposite to the ghost body

Only the Yin Yuan from the refining of the ghost's body can solve my Yang Yuan's counter-phasing problem, huh, God's will to get people, Qin Er would rather she yin Yuan collapsed and died, rather than me being back-phased to death, so she went Absorb the Yin Yuan of others, and treat myself as a Ding furnace to refine the Yin Yuan to suppress the back-eating Yang Yuan.

Qin'er killed more than a thousand people for me, that is, the woman killed in the past three years. I originally wanted to be a good city owner to benefit the famous people, but this **** will force me to die, force Qin'er to die, force Qin'er went to make sin, all this forced me. "

Zhang Huan said, looking up at Tian Tian's fingers and scolding, all eyes were unwilling to his fate.

"If I am not a Chongyang body, the natural Yangyuan is multiple times of others. If Qiner is not a ghost, how can she break the Yinyuan for me to absorb other people's Yinyuan, God, thief God, you do n’t give it. I'm Zhang Huan's life. "

Zhang Huan embraced Yi Qin'er, his expression was insane, and Luo Yu's inexplicable sadness rose in his heart. If this kind of thing falls on his head, he also does not know how to choose to face it.

Suddenly Zhang Huan looked to everyone present, his eyes were full of madness.

"Since God doesn't give me Zhang Huan's way of life, don't even think about living, Qin'er is dead, let's go to the funeral together!"

Zhang Huan's body burst into flames and riots, Yuanzang trembled, and the body exuded an extremely violent atmosphere, and the whole body's fiery red flames rioted.

"No, he wants to blow himself up!"

When Luo Yu saw her pupils shrink, she screamed angrily, and at the same time she retreated backwards with Luo Yanbaize.

The surrounding Southern Navy and residents also responded, one by one, quickly retreating and escaping.

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The power of the strong in the late stages of the agile realm can't be imagined.

"Hahaha ... it's too late, let me and Qin'er be buried."

Zhang Huan burst into a frantic burst of laughter at the fleeing countless people.

And that direction has the most people, and Luo Yu is also in that direction.

"I haven't lost my hair, Zhang Huan, don't you wake up yet!"

At this moment, a non-descript Buddhist horn suddenly sounded in the night sky, a golden light flashed, and it flew from the crowd almost instantly, appearing in front of Zhang Huan.

A shaved monk wearing a shabby hawk with a pair of golden-winged wings with a slightly fat body on his back appeared in front of Zhang Huan, who hurled towards the crowd.

A fleshy palm was suddenly pressed against Zhang Huan's head, and a huge incomparable golden true yuan poured from Zhang Huan's head into Zhang Huan's body. The violent atmosphere and the burning real yuan were actually stung. Suppressed it.

Zhang Huan was frightened and was trying to fight back, but the bald little monk pointed at Zhang Huan's brows. Zhang Huan's eyes turned black and he suddenly lost consciousness. His body and Yi Qin'er's body were bare-handed monk A golden real yuan was struck up and suspended in the night sky.

The tens of thousands of people who ran away looked at the bald boy in the night sky with a golden light all over his body. The bald boy was like a golden sun in the night, and was extremely dazzling.

When Luo Yu saw this person, she suddenly said, "October Zen master!"

This person is the sensual monk and the mysterious little monk in October, that is, the little monk who gave the yellow book, cough, no, yin and yang yuangong to Luo Yu.

At this time, the little monk in October had a solemn face, without the usual insignificance and uninhibitedness, there was a majesty overlooking the living beings as ants.

The little monk waved in October, and the two disappeared out of thin air. The little monk looked at Luo Yu with a smile, turned into a golden streamer, and disappeared into the night ...

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