Come to The Peak

Chapter 679: :frenzied

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The man in the black robe came to Luo Zheng, who was covered with scars all over, and put down the black iron box in his hand. He pulled Luo Zheng's hair with one hand, and raised Luo Zheng's low head.

"Oh, why, this won't work, I haven't run out of things I prepared for you"

The man in the black robe pulled Luo Zheng's hair and said sneer.

The voice was a man's voice, and it didn't sound young, it seemed to be a young man.

Luo Zheng also slowly opened his eyes at this time, exposing the pale blue eyes, looking at the black robe man who also had blue eyes, showing a touch of irony.

"Can you only use this despicable means now? Oh, look at how you look like people now, or the first day of my clan's past?"


"shut up!"

; ({6S

As soon as Luo Zheng finished talking, the man in the black robe slaps on Luo Zheng's face and slaps Luo Zheng with a spit of blood.

"What do you know, people are not ghosts or ghosts? I don't look like Luo Yu just because of this genius? Oh, who are the geniuses now? Luo Yu? He is a **** servant How can I stand on my head "

The man in black robes was so bloodied that he shouted at Luo Zheng, his expression was a little crazy, as if Luo Zheng mentioned his pain.

"Family and cheap servants ... Luo Zhan, to this day, haven't you seen yourself clearly? What about family separation and family clan? They are all brothers of one clan, are you still caring?

You are not as good as Luo Yu. You are too far away from him. You are not losing on your talents, but you are losing on your mind. Your heart is too narrow and narrow only to yourself.

Luo Zhan, let it go. In fact, you still have a chance to look back. "

Luo Zheng named the man in the black robe, which turned out to be Luo Zhan!

"shut up!"

Luo Zhan didn't appreciate it. He punched on Luo Zheng's stomach with a punch, and beat Luo Zheng to spit out blood, while his mouth was angry and roaring.

"I can't compare with him. How could my Luo Zongzong family not compare with him on the first day of a hundred years? I can't compare with a disciple.

You, a family disciple, even called a brother and a disciple with a group of family disciples, shame!

narrow? He is broad-minded and useless. Martial arts relies on himself, and everyone else uses tools.

Looking back? I did n’t do anything wrong, why should I turn back, he forced my father to kill, and the spring breeze was blown without cutting the roots, do you think he would let me go?

He and I have been dead forever, I must kill him. "

"Ha ha…"

Luo Zheng was punched by Luo Zhan with a punch, but he laughed. Luo Zhan stopped suddenly, and a pair of red eyes stared at Luo Zheng. The eyes were the same as the beast that was going to choose someone to eat, all violent and Crazy.

"What are you laughing at?"


A dagger appeared in Luo Zhan's hand, piercing Luo Zheng's shoulder fiercely, and nailing Luo Zheng to the rock wall.

Luo Zheng groaned, but a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Luo Zhan stabbed another dagger into Luo Zheng's other shoulder, but still did not stop Luo Zheng's smile.

Luo Zheng laughed like this for a while, then spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"I smile that you have become a demon, that you have become mad, that you have no cure, that Yu Ge has become your demon, that you are torture yourself, and you will not let go of yourself.

Poor, poor ... hahaha "

In the end, Luo Zheng had laughed aloud, watching Luo Zhan with a pity and sympathy.

"Into the magic ... Oh, I am indeed in the magic. As long as I can kill Luo Yu and surpass Luo Yu, even if it is in magic, the world only believes in power, and it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a monster.

Luo Zheng, today I will show you **** Luo Yu. I want to let him die because of you. I ’m going to see if he is really as good as you think Affection "

Luo Zhan's eyes showed a venomous color. Then he opened the black box and took out a **** jade bottle.

"See no, what is this, this is what allows me to kill him, this is what gives me strength"

Luo Zhan sneered, shaking the scarlet jade bottle in his hand.

"Luo Yu ... Luo Yu ... Today is your death!"

At sunset, Cangshan is far away, a red blood sun is scattered in the canyon, and cruel beasts such as crocodiles basking in the sun on the river bank have also jumped into the river and followed the river to the distant dense forest and began to prey.

A purple streamer broke through the sky above Tianying Valley. The young man was a young man in a white robe with dark blue eyes and a pair of purple wings.

On the shoulder of the young man was a large purple bird with a big slap, and a white mouse the size of a white mouse was sleeping in his arms.

It was Luo Yu Baize and Dragon Phoenix.

This time he came to Tianyinggu, he was the only one, and everyone else could not bring it according to the other party's agreement, otherwise the ticket would be torn.

Luo Yu stood on the boulder peak of a mountain peak, and looked at the river below which rushed fierce beasts and monsters across the wide canyon, a pair of sword eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"This is the Sky Eagle Valley?"


A long beep from the air, a giant eagle with a wingspan of black feathers spanning seven or eight meters shot at Luo Yu.

The black demon eagle swooped down, and a pair of sharp claws went straight to Luo Yu's head and grabbed them down. There was a yellow demon around the claws, and one claw could break the stone.

"court death!"

In the light of Luo Yu's eyes, the light flashed, and one-handed sword blades, Zhenyuan surging in two fingers.


The overbearing sword intention blessed the sharp sword spirit, and a large purple sword mang was cut out.


The purple swordmang is like a knife-cut tofu, which easily breaks the black demon eagle's demon body and the iron feather-like defense.


The black demon hawk uttered a sorrow, which was cut into two halves and dropped into the canyon below, where the blood viscera sprayed.

"噗通 ...!"

The two halves of the bird fell into the river, and the river immediately became red. The crocodiles, crocodile turtles, and other beasts in the water rushed out of the river smelling the blood, madly preying on the halves of the birds and the scattered internal organs.

"act recklessly"

Luo Yu snorted, and God's consciousness radiated toward the canyon below.

Luo Yu's consciousness can cover a distance of 10,000 meters, but this canyon is very large, hundreds of miles away, and Luo Zheng was not found.

However, Luo Yu was surprised to find a fourth-tier ancient beast lurking in the river below, and there were many other ordinary monsters and beasts.

The area of ​​Zixia Heaven Realm was originally a forest of Yuanshi, and there were countless fierce beasts and monsters. The only city was Luoxia City, and then there were eight giant peaks of Zixia Tianzong.

Luo Yu ’s consciousness had not been discovered and had to fly down the valley. There were many things that could shield consciousness.

The enchantment of energy, the robe of gods, etc., if it is not found, it does not mean that there is no, Luo Yu still falls in the valley first, and do according to the other party's requirements.

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