Come to The Peak

Chapter 680: :misfortune

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Luo Yu fell into the canyon, another iron crocodile rushed to Luo Yu without knowing it, Luo Yu directly slaughtered with a sword.

At the same time, he issued his own spirit of momentum, and suddenly those fierce beasts and monsters immediately evaded the idea of ​​coming back to fight Luo Yu.

Looking at the empty valley, Luo Yu said, "Luo Yu is here to make an appointment, should you come out to meet?"

Luo Yu's voice permeated Zhenyuan, which was very loud, echoed in the canyon, and could be heard clearly for dozens of miles.

In the cave, Luo Zhan, in a black robe sitting cross-legged, heard the voice, opened his blue eyes, and showed a cold smile.

"Luo Yu, you are finally here"

Luo Yu walked slowly in the canyon, while constantly looking at the canyon.

There is no vegetation in the gorge. What can hide is the numerous caves that the black river and the black demon eagles on the cliff have split.

"Hey ..."

A cold laugh burst out in the canyon, and Luo Yu's heart stopped quickly.

A figure in a black robe suddenly appeared in a stone cave on the cliff on the other side of the shore and shot out, landed on the bank of the river, and walked slowly towards Luo Yu.

Luo Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the black robe man who was walking in the distance. He couldn't detect the physical appearance of the man. He was isolated by something. The probe was in the air. Isolate the detective.

However, from the figure, we can see that the other party is a man.

Luo Yu's face remained the same, and he walked over to the man in the black robe. Both of them walked towards each other. When they reached two hundred meters, a large river separated them.

The two met each other across the river, Luo Yu looked at each other and said indifferently: "I am here, what about my brother?"

"Hehe, I dare to come alone, it is indeed the purple sword Xiuluoyu"

The man in the black robe sneered, which gave Luo Yu a very familiar feeling.

"Very familiar voice, sir, have we met?"

Luo Yu asked, squinting his eyes, remembering the master of this voice in his heart.

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"Hey, the sound is much more similar. What do I want, bring it?"

The man in the black robe sneered and asked.

Luo Yu didn't speak, a roll of Xia Guang in her hand, and three large black leather bags were suspended beside Luo Yu.

"You want 300,000 yuan Yuanshi, you click"

Luo Yu didn't do anything, which meant to let the other party investigate with God's knowledge, but also intentionally explored the purpose of the other party's cultivation.

If it is a spiritual state or a warrior on it, it can naturally be explored with divine knowledge.

Sure enough, the man in the black robe frowned, a touch of pale golden halo that was invisible to the naked eye radiated and shone over the three leather bags.

At a glance, the man in the black robe changed his face immediately.

"Luo Yu, what do you mean, even fool me with three bags of stones, do you want to see Luo Zheng's body? No, no, you are trying to test my cultivation"

The man in the black robe was about to get angry, and Luo Yu packed all the stones in the three bags, but then he immediately understood Luo Yu's intention.

Luo Yu was using Yuan Shi to test his cultivation. If he didn't find anything unusual and directly accepted it, I am afraid that Luo Yu would suddenly kill and kill.

"Hahaha ... Have no misunderstanding, I was just kidding you"

After being dismantled, Luo Yu's heart stunned, and the other side really was a master on the aura of magic. At the same time, he took a haha ​​and squeezed his hands. Zhenyuan encouraged the three bags of stones to be shattered into powder and scattered by the wind

Luo Yu took three more leather bags out of Qiankun Ring again. This time, the man in the black robe swept away again, and finally nodded, without being angry with Luo Yu to test his cultivation.

"Sir, I have brought the things you asked me to bring. Should you show me my brother?" Luo Yu said with a hand on his back.

"Oh, this is nature"

"Pap ..."

The man in the black robe patted his hands a few times while talking, and suddenly a few people in the distance looked at him and shot at him.

Here came two men who also wore black robes, and in the hands of the two men carried a man with broken scales and broken robes.

"A fight!"

When Luo Yu was brought in, he immediately revealed the identity of the other person. It was Luo Zheng.

At the sight of Luo Chen's tragic appearance, Luo Yu's heart immediately raised a sense of killing, and a anger was burning in his chest.


Luo Yu calmed down his emotions and looked at Luo Zheng.

"Arsenal! Arsenal! Luozheng!"

Luo Yu yelled three times in a row, and Luo Zheng, who was in a coma, seemed to feel it. He raised his shabby face and looked at Luo Yu.

"Brother Yu, you shouldn't come, hurry ... oh!"

Luo Zheng was trying to say something, but a man in a black robe holding him punched Luo Zheng's lower abdomen so that he didn't say what he wanted to say.

"Damn, you touch him again and I kill you"

Luo Yu growled coldly.

"Hey, Luo Yu, you don't see the situation clearly, your brother is so arrogant in my hands, do you want him to die?"

The man in black robe came to Luo Zheng and pinched Luo Zheng's throat and sneered at Luo Yu.


Luo Yu's teeth were itchy, but she didn't dare to act lightly.

"I brought Yuan Shi, we paid for it and let it go."

Luo Yu said coldly.

"Hey, this is not right, what I want is Yuan Shi, but not his life"

The man in the black robe laughed strangely.

"Yuan Shi here, we will send you over"

Luo Yu nodded and waved his sleeves. The purple Zhenyuan eruption flew Yuan Shi, who dragged the three large leather bags, and the two men in the other robes also condensed Yuan Yuan, and flew over with Luo Zheng.

With a stroke, the man in the black robes collected the three bags of Yuanshi that flew in, and the two men who sent Luo Zheng also put Luo Zheng on the bank of Luo Yu's side, and then flew back.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly, and Luo Yu's heart was slightly relieved, and he quickly walked to Luo Zheng who fell to the ground and helped Luo Zheng to his feet.

"A Zheng, how are you doing?" Luo Yu asked with concern, Zhen Yuan was about to flood into Luo Zheng to investigate.

"Brother Yu, I ... you die!"

Luo Zheng, who was lying in Luo Yu's arms, suddenly had a flash of murder. A blue-black dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed Luo Yu's heart.

Luo Yu was frightened, but with such a long distance and the incident suddenly he couldn't completely avoid it.

However, Luo Yu is also a person who has experienced countless lives and deaths, and knows that he can't avoid moving his body a bit and avoiding the heart.


The dark black poisonous dagger pierced Luo Luo's chest.

The dagger is very sharp and not ordinary. It easily penetrates Luo Yu's tough skin, pierces into the body, and inserts it into the chest against the bones, only one centimeter away from the heart.

After Luo Yu was inserted, the other hand Zhenyuan surged to shoot Luo Zheng, and at the same time, his body retreated, and he looked at Luo Zheng inconceivably.

Luo Zheng was almost caught in the river by his shooting ...

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