Come to The Peak

Chapter 690: : Xiheng Desert (Large

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Wei was in the northwest of the Great Qin Empire, separated from the Great Chu Kingdom and the Great Qin Empire by a sea. The Ziyun ship flew to the middle of Qingyang and Zixia Peak. far.

Fly over the Canghai, that is, the Wei Kingdom, but you have to cross a desert to reach the Canghai when you are out of the Great Qin Empire.

The entire ancient Cang continent is surrounded by the Canghai Sea, and the connecting land between the seven countries is the most important defensive place.

The Great Qin Empire and the Chu Kingdom are separated by the Tianhuang Grassland. Qingyang City is the most important gateway of the Great Qin Empire in the southwest.

The Ziyun ship quickly broke through the sky. The speed can be said to be 10,000 miles a day. After six days of flying, the barren desert appears in front of the Ziyun ship. The Ziyun ship also flew here. I had to stop and land on the ground.

Xiheng Desert, this desert does not belong to any country. There are countless scattered tribes and some small aliens living on the desert. The largest tribe is the Saurang tribe.

The Ziyun ship is powered by Yuan Shi and the formation method, which provides a kind of anti-magnetic force for the spaceship, so that the Ziyun ship can fly in the air.

The Xiheng Desert is a bit special. The entire desert is shrouded with a kind of turbulent magnetic current, which prevents the Ziyun ship from normal air defense. It has to land on the edge of the Qin Empire bordering the Xiheng Desert.

"Sister Yue Yao, the next way we can only take a bird to the pier in the Xiheng Desert to take a boat."

Luoyu Dongfang Yueyao, Ye Yannanmuqing, and others discussed the following journey on the main city house in the edge of the city.

"Nothing but this." Dongfang Yueyao also sighed and frowned.

"Princess Yue Yao, according to the original plan, for your security and privacy of action, we can only dress up as a caravan walking through the Xiheng Desert," said Nan Muqing looking at the map on the table.

"Pretend to be a caravan? Why?" Luo Yu showed a hint of doubt.

"Would it be better to just fly over the griffins, and it's faster?"

Dongfang Yueyao smiled and explained: "Sixth brother, you don't know. The Xiheng Desert does not belong to Da Qin and other countries. Some tribes in the desert here are actually forces in other countries.

Moreover, the relationship between Xiheng ’s largest tribe, the lizard tribe and the Great Qin Empire, is not very good. We will fly to the attention of others by flying over the griffins.

"So it is"

Luo Yu was relieved.

After the people discussed some things to pay attention to, more than 300 people all replaced the robes of Zongmen disciples, and replaced them with ordinary robes and strong clothes. Baiyin Wei also replaced the armor and dressed as a large The caravan, the griffon changed its shape and became a lion-like mount.

There are some camel beasts in Biansha City. They are dressed as caravans with some goods. The camel is a fierce beast similar to a camel.

The Ziyun ship stayed in Biansha City, where a deacon and several disciple disciples stayed guarded.

A group of people went straight out of Biansha City and set off toward the vast desert.

The desert is lonely, the sun sets over the long river, the yellow sand, and the mound are eternal scenes in the desert.

The temperature in the desert is extremely high, more than 50 degrees. It is nothing to the warrior, but to some ordinary people, the desert is a difficult place to survive.

Some people, such as Nan Muqing, have gone to the Wei Dynasty to cross the Xiheng Desert, and everyone will not lose their way. A group of people will march toward the depths of the desert.

In the depths of the Xiheng Desert, the yellow sand is pervasive, but in this desert there is a white stone building. The people walking through the city are very strange.

They all have cyan scales on their foreheads, green eyes with lizard-like eyes, sharp claws in their hands, and a long lizard behind their butt.

Lizards, a small alien from the ancient Cang continent, are not as powerful as the large aliens such as the Tatars and werewolves, but they are also the strongest tribe in the Xiheng Desert.

Sand Lizard City, a tribe full of lizard people, there is a very luxurious mansion in the sand lizard city, the lizard patriarch's house in the sand lizard city.

In the parlor's living room, a lizard man in a white robe sat on the main seat.

This lizard is a burly man, a middle-aged man with long blue hair.

On the side seat, there is also a human man in a black robe, who is also a big man in a black robe. His face is thin and his eyes are deeply sunken, giving a cold feeling.

"Brother Gan, you haven't come to me for a while, why, what's the matter with Brother Gan this time? Could it be a lobbyist?" The white-robed lizard asked.

Xi Yan, the head of the sauronic tribe.

"Oh, Brother Xi has misunderstood, I haven't seen Brother Xi for a long time, come to ask for a cup of tea, and by the way tell Brother Xi a message."

The man in the black robe smiled willingly.

"Your cup of tea is too far away, let's say, what's the matter?"

Xi Yan asked with a frown.

"I don't know what is the relationship between the Brother Qingli and the Qin Kingdom of the West Brother?" Gan Zheng suddenly asked.

"Well, aren't you asking this by name? My wife and children died in the hands of Qin Guojun. What do you think of my relationship with Qin Guo?" Xi Yan Lengheng asked, not knowing what Gan Yuan asked What do you mean.

"Hehe, then I will speak straight. Brother Xi, according to the news of the younger brother, it is estimated that a caravan dressed up by Qin Guowu will pass here shortly, and this caravan is actually the royal court of Qin Guo "Man in the middle" Gan Yuan drank tea, and Yu Guang looked at Xi Yan's reaction.

Xi Yan changed slightly after listening, and squinted and looked at Gan Yuan.

"The caravan dressed up by the people of the Qin Dynasty court came to my Qingxi Heng desert, brother Gan, what do you mean?"

Gan Yuan smiled slightly and put down the tea cup and said, "The West Brother hates Qin Kingdom, and Qin Country also wants to get rid of West Brother. In this way, there are several tribal group dragons of the Lizard clan without heads, which poses a threat to the border of Qin Kingdom?"

Xi Yanwenyan stared coldly, staring directly at Gan Yuan.

"Although I have contradictions with the Qin state, the two sides have not had a big war these years. Although I hate the Qin state, I think I can't threaten the Qin state, so why did Qin attack me?"

"Hahaha ..."

Gan Yuan heard a loud laugh and looked at Xi Yan again.

"Brother Xi, you don't know Qin Guo at all. In a few years, Gu Cang will usher in a troubled world. Brother Xi also knows what I'm talking about.

The Xiheng Desert is on the border of the Qin Kingdom. Does the Qin Congress allow a dangerous person to be around him at all times? And especially during that critical period. "


Sure enough, Xi Yan was silent when he heard this.

"And you know my identity, this news is definitely not groundless," Gan Yuan added.

"But I still don't want to really confront Qin Guo, after all, I have to think about my people," said Xi Yan for a moment.


Gan Yuan cursed secretly.

"In this way, Xixiong, I have to deal with this group of Qin people, but my tribe is not strong enough to transfer masters from Chu country in a short time. As long as you borrow some of my staff, how can I deal with them? It ’s my tribe that does n’t get involved in your head. What do you think? ”

Gan Yuan rolled his eyes and said again.

"How do I believe you, in case you drag me into the water?" Xi Yan chuckled.

Gan Yuan is a tribal leader of a human race in the Xiheng Desert. In fact, the real identity is that Chu Guo installed an eyeliner in the Xiheng Desert, in order to stare at Qin's actions in the Xiheng Desert.

Xi Yan also knows Gan Yuan's identity. Xiyan, as the leader of all the sauronic tribes in the Xiheng Desert, is naturally the object of Ganyuan and Chu Kingdoms.

"We can give a **** oath of heaven, so Brother Xi is still afraid that I will drag you into the water?" Gan Yuan had no choice but to help.

Xi Yan Wenyan then showed a cold smile

Luo Yu and others rode a griffon through the desert for two days. They encountered some beasts and monsters in the desert and stopped them. They were easily killed by the crowd. Two days later, they found that there were people living more than ten miles away. In the stone village.

The crowd walked towards Shicun, but the crowd stopped before they entered Shicun.

"Brother Luo, can you smell it? It has such a strong **** smell"

Ye Zheng frowned, sitting on the griffin.

Luo Yu rode Baize forward and took a step forward, sniffing the smell of the air, and nodded.

"The **** smell came from Shicun. It seems that there was a lot of people killed in Shicun because of what happened. Unfortunately, the Xiheng Desert has a magnetic field.

Luo Yu nodded.

"Sixth Brother, what's wrong?"

A Dongfang Yueyao in purple clothes also came over and asked a snow white giant civet cat monster beast.

"Sister Five, there is a situation in front, there is a strong **** smell" Luo Yu squinted.

"Oh, did some terrible beasts attack Shicun?" Dongfang Yueyao revealed a hint of surprise, guessing.

"Possibly, this way, Brother Ye, you are here to protect the princess, I'll go and see" Luo Yu said to Ye Yan.

"Well, that's okay, Master Luo, be careful." Ye Yan nodded. Luo Yu's strength is stronger than him. He is the strongest person in this team. He is more reliable than anyone else to explore.

"Six brother, you have to be careful, we are waiting for you"

Dongfang Yueyao walked over and said.

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"Haha, rest assured, brothers, protect the princess"

"It is Brother Yu (Brother Luo)!"

Luo Yu laughed loudly, riding Bai Ze toward the Shicun, and raised a piece of dust.

How fast Bai Ze runs. Shooting like a sharp white arrow in the desert, it only takes a few minutes for more than ten miles.

This is a stone village with about several hundred people. The buildings in the village are all made of yellow or white stones. The village is surrounded by a green forest, which covers an area of ​​seven or eight miles and is a small desert oasis.

After Luo Yu rode Bai Ze from Shicun, the scene she saw also made Luo Yu's eyes cold.

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