Come to The Peak

Chapter 691: : Sphinx

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Whew ...!

The whistling yellow sand rolled in this stone village, bringing up the dust of the sky, and the strong **** smell also came out.

The Shicun village is full of ruins, and the Shicun village seems to be destroyed by some great force. The corpses, the corpses everywhere, are everywhere in the village.

And these corpses were very tragic, with a torn head, and some people's chests torn apart, and no trace of the internal organs was visible.

Some half of the body has been eaten by something, and it looks very **** and tragic, as if it had been patronized by some fierce beast.

There were old people, young people, women, and children, and the killer did not let anyone go.

"What exactly is going on…"

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was also frightened and angry, walking around the village to see if there were any survivors.

"Brother, this doesn't seem to be done by a human race, because it should be a demon or a ferocious beast."

The dragon phoenix on Luo Yu's shoulder saw these **** bodies, guessing.

Luo Yu didn't speak, and walked to a corpse. Half of the corpse's body was gone, as if it had been half eaten. Luo Yu carefully watched the marks on the bones, and there were claw marks on the bones.

"Looking at it like this, it is estimated that it is really some kind of ferocious beast and monster beast"

Luo Yu got up and nodded.

Monsters and ferocious beasts also prey on humans. Human flesh and blood contains more blood and blood than many species.


At this time, another scream came from the distant stone house group. Luo Yu heard a sudden rush in her heart, and her body shot up and rushed towards the sound source.

In the ruins of a collapsed stone house, a short-haired young man in a white robe was lying in a pool of blood, his eyes were full of panic, and a lion-like monster was eating his arm.

This monster is five or six meters long, all with khaki hair, looks like a lion, and has a vertical pupil on the forehead, a total of three eyes, and a spike-like spheroid at the end of a tail like a steel whip.

What surprised Luo Yu even more was that the monster had a human face, but the lion brown covered his specific appearance, and his mouth with fangs was eating the young man's arm.

The bones of the young man's body were broken, and there was no resistance to allow the monster to eat, his eyes were scattered, his breath was weak, and his mouth uttered an unconscious soft pain.

"What it is?"

Luo Yu saw this monster show a hint of shock, he has never seen such a monster.

"So ... is ... the Sphinx? No, it's impossible."

Long Huangque also expressed a suspicion.

In the horror of Longhuangque, Luo Yu's two-handed sword pointed together, alas ...!

Eighteen purple sword-mans shooted away at this lion-shaped monster.

The lion-shaped monster that was eating young suddenly stopped eating, and the body shot away, avoiding the eighteen swordsmanships that were shot and killed, and the reaction speed was very fast.


After the lion-shaped monster escaped, Luo Yu's figure flickered, and a spot shot crossed a distance of 100 meters, picked up the young man, and then quickly retreated hundreds of meters away.

The lion-shaped monster was the one who stared out from the distance with a red eye.

"Brother, hold on!"

Luo Yu put the young man down, and Zhenyuan in his hands kept pouring into the young man to help him suppress the injury. Bai Ze stood in front of Luo Yu and snarled at the lion-shaped monster on the opposite side.

Luo Yu's true Yuan poured into this young man's body and restored some clarity in the young man's eyes, but the fear in his eyes continued.

"Oh, demon ... run away ... run away ..."

The young man murmured unconsciously, and then his neck crooked and he lost his vitality.

Luo Yu stopped seeping Zhenyuan and sighed.

This young man is just an ordinary person, Xiu Wei will be four or five times the day after tomorrow. His internal organs will be severely broken and broken. Even if he can't treat him with real yuan, the other side is too low.

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There is a division on the mainland, and the warriors under the seventh day after tomorrow are considered ordinary people.

At this moment, Luo Yu squinted and stared at the lion monster in the distance.

"Second brother, what did you say about the Sphinx just now?"

Luo Yu stared at the lion-shaped monster, and asked the dragon-phoenix on his shoulder.

"Brother, this Sphinx is a species that has been extinct in ancient times. It is an orc between the ancient ferocious beast and the monster beast," said the dragon and phoenix, staring uncertainly at the monster.

"Between ancient ferocious beasts and monsters?"

Luo Yu heard the words but was puzzled.

"Are there such orcs?"

"The reason why he is between the ancient beasts and monsters is because this beast has the powerful flesh and monsters of the ancient beasts, and he likes killing.

This orc was infamous in ancient times, or was destroyed by the demons themselves. The sphinx was extinct by the demons in ancient times. How could there be? "Long Huangque explained.

"There are so many species, if there are any omissions, maybe they are missing." Luo Yu, after listening to the explanation, also looked at the sphinx with a hint of dread.

There can be the powerful flesh and monsters of ancient beasts. The reason why this beast was killed is not so simple as addictive killing. This kind of creature breaks the balance of life a bit and provokes the fear of other races.

"If he meets him, then he will destroy the evil beast and kill so many people. Don't even think about continuing to live."

The cold light flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, the white light on his fingers flashed, and a huge purple sword appeared in his hand.

"Brother be careful, this guy is a bit difficult to deal with."

Dragon Phoenix does not forget to remind.

" Roar…"

In the distance, the Sphinx looked at Luo Yu who pulled out his sword, his eyes were full of violent killing, and his body exuded a black demon.


Luo Yu drank softly and slammed on the ground, turning into a purple streamer and shooting at the Sphinx.


With a bow, a sphinx and a four-legged catapult ejected, raised a palm and shot at Luo Yu.


Luo Yu shot the past while holding the sword in one arc and chopped it, splitting it towards the Sphinx, and the Sphinx wrapped the black demon in one palm, and re-shot at Luo Yu. One sword.


The lion's paw shot a huge force on Luo Yujian, and shocked Luo Yu to fly down, while the lion's palm of the Sphinx left a deep blood mark.

That was caused by its shooting on Luo Yujian and was cut by the blade.

Luo Yu, who was able to slap on the fly, shows that the physical strength of this sphinx is stronger than Luo Yu.

After Luo Yu was photographed upside down, the Sphinx slammed the past again, and shot it again with a few black claws.

Luo Yu suddenly ejected the golden phoenix wings on her back, her wings flew out from the side.

The claws of the claws were all on the stone house. The stone house was torn and cracked like a tofu.

Luo Yu flew away in midair and looked slightly dignified. The Sphinx was indeed a little difficult to deal with.

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