Gu Suliang stepped forward to support Gu Qiang's arm, grasped it tightly, and then said firmly, "No, girl, the palace is not something we can go in if we want to go in, after was Gu Gongzi who treated the emperor like that. of."

joke! Before the emperor met his elder brother, his body was not as good as one day, and he was almost driving Hexi. The ability to carry this kind of pot on Gu Huai'an's body was enough to see that the imperial person's life was simply not flattering.

Or did the emperor know that he was dying and feel upset, so he locked up his brother for an excuse?

Just for the imbalance in your heart?

"Why did you say that Liang'er? Didn't you see that the emperor is no longer good? How could they insist on adding this crime to my brother?"

Gu Qiang said, holding back the trembling of his whole body, and walked out of the yard.

The guests outside have already left, and the maids are cleaning the back garden. Gu Qian saw the whole yard so magnificent, and all the faces of people looked like something good was going to happen. That was the eldest lady of the Gu family, Gu Qiang was about to get married. Happy event for the nine princes.

Thinking that the happy event was actually the result of her brother's life, the anger in her heart had reached its peak.

At this time, a group of people walked towards the yard with boxes and boxes of gifts.

I saw Shen Qianshan headed by, his face was beaming and the corners of his mouth were smiling, that face that looked like a thousand-year iceberg finally melted.

Behind him is naturally the dowry he will give to Gu Qiang.

Only when he walked in front of Gu Qiang, Gu Qiang rushed over like crazy, hit the thing in his hand to the ground, red eyes, and said word by word: "This marriage I won't end."

Shen Qianshan was taken aback for a moment, and then he knew what was going on. He turned around and exchanged glances with Gu Su Liang, and held Gu Qianshan in his arms. He knew that she was upset in her heart, but he absolutely couldn't say not to marry him. if.

"Sister, calm down, leave it to me no matter what happens?" Shen Qianshan touched her head like a child, but she was still very irritable.

"Enter the palace and lead my brother out, otherwise I won't get married." Gu Suliang was very depressed, and Gu Suliang stood by and looked at Gu Qiang quietly, always feeling that she was doing something wrong.

If my brother didn't make a request to marry her to Shen Qianshan, the emperor would not stay with him for medical treatment, and this would not be the result.

Shen Qianshan turned his head, Jin Ye and Su Ge immediately flew away, he comforted: "Okay, I know, I will find a way, you can rest assured."

Gu Qiang's heart was quiet at this time, knowing that he was too extreme, so he got up, turned his head and said to Shen Qianshan: "Anyway, let me go into the palace first. I want to bring my brother back."

After she finished speaking, the entire capital shook twice, everyone was shocked, and then everyone realized what the sound was.

This is the death knell of the country. Whenever the monarch dies, the whole country will ring the death knell.

Could it be true... the emperor died?

All the people knelt on the ground, and Shen Qianshan also knelt on the ground under Gu Qiang.

The death knell sounded vigorously shocking, and it seemed that all the surrounding scenery was shaken. All the time went backwards. It was indeed a royal person. Even if the emperor did not do anything shocking, as long as it was For people with royal blood, the news of death can turn into an atmosphere that shakes people's hearts and screams.

No matter how powerful a person is, death is nothing but a bone, which makes people embarrassed.

Two hours later, the death knell of Zhongnanshan stopped, and everyone in the yard stood up. Shen Qianshan left without saying a word, and then Prime Minister Gu followed.

Gu Suliang stepped forward and led Gu Qiang back to Qingshui Garden. After closing the gate, she said, "Girl, don't worry, I believe the master can bring Master Gu back."

Gu Qiang was silent, and the early morning wind blew in through the window, blowing her hair together. The girl was calm and scared.

That kind of desperate look, even listening to the wind can feel it.

Not long afterwards, it started raining steadily outside. Without warning, she turned her head and looked over and saw the pear trees outside the window with leaves blowing in the sky. This was the last sway, and it came to life. The end.

"The emperor's death has nothing to do with my brother. Before things get more complicated, we must try our best to keep my brother." Gu Qiang said firmly.

Gu Suliang frowned. She didn't know why Gu Qiang kept giving up her life to protect Gu Huai'an. Whether it was before or after the amnesia, this practice never disappeared from Gu Qiang's mind for a moment. The goal was hard, but no one said that Gu Huai'an would be killed or life threatened. Gu Huaian worked hard in the palace, hoping that Gu Qiang could live a good life. But where is Gu Qiang? She was going to give up her life to save Gu Huai'an. Gu Suliang really couldn't figure it out. If she didn't do it well, both of them might not be able to save their lives.

"You can't go. Now that the emperor is dying, all the ministers and those who have spoken in the court are all gathered in the palace. If you pass now, then it will be the worst decision. Originally the emperor died, the royal will be angry. Yu Gongzi, please think carefully." Gu Suliang said.

In the face of big right and wrong, Gu Suliang feels that he is a very open person. Even if it goes without saying, Gu Qiang should be able to think of some things, but this time, Gu Qiang obviously did not think clearly.

Gu Qiang bit his lip. At this time, Ye's came in from the door with Gu Zhihua under an oiled paper umbrella, and wiped the rain from his body. Gu Zhihua's illness was obviously cured, and his whole face was full of spring, although there was no Shen Zhongbai. His love is nourished, but also a little complex.

The Ye family didn’t hesitate to enter Gu Qiang’s boudoir, and then sat down and said, "Xie'er, there is a letter from the palace. As the lord of Luoping, you are going to be filial to the emperor. Clean up, and someone from the palace will pick you up later. past."

After that, he glanced at the woman behind her. The woman was obviously ready, so she moved quickly, as if she was looking for something in Gu's room.

Gu Ling did not speak, but Gu Suliang asked with a cold face: "What are you doing? How presumptuous in the princess's yard?"

Tingfeng on the side also took two steps forward and stopped the woman who wanted to come up to search.

There were a lot of people in this room, and it seemed very crowded. Ye clan finally didn't take it easy. He raised his eyes and said to Gu Qiang: "You haven't left the pavilion yet. Everything in the house should belong to Gu's house. Mother will come and take your things back. When you send it to the account, you know that everything in Gu’s family, even if it’s stitched and stitched, will be accounted for."

Gu Qian sat there quietly without speaking. Ye clan thought that Gu Qian had nothing to say, so he continued: "As the wife of the Gu family, it’s not easy to be in charge of this family. You should Be considerate of your mother, right?"

Ye's thoughts, Gu Qiang can see clearly, this is the betrothal and reward for Gu Qiang.

There are indeed many exchanges of rewards for money, but they are not Ye's things, nor do they belong to the Gu family.

Gu Qiang still did not speak. Listening to the wind, as the maidservant in the yard, raised his eyes and said, "Madam, these things are given to the girl by the guests, not to the Gu family. If they are given to the Gu family, then It should be carried to Gu's accountant, not to Qingshuiyuan. Besides, Madam, your family has a lot of work, so you care about the girl's petty gains?"

The way she speaks is very graceful, and her aura is firm and strong, which makes people feel very at ease.

But as soon as the expression on Ye's face turned, he looked at Tingfeng coldly, slapped the table, pointed to Tingfeng and said, "What are you? Are you here to speak? Now as the princess owner It's a maid, isn't it you can't be a maid?"

As she said, the old mother behind her wanted to step forward, as if she wanted to teach listening to the wind.

Finally, Gu Qiang, who had been silent and did not speak, raised his eyes with a calm and indifferent voice: "I don't have time to accompany you in this scene. Now you know more or less of my character. I advise you to be honest. Anything is fine, don't make my mind, and don't care about my Qingshuiyuan affairs. If you insist on getting involved, I have nothing to say, but you can try."

The more calm she was, the more Ye's could not sit still.

"Sister, are you speaking cruelly to me? I advise you to marry someone like you. Feng Shui takes turns. Now the emperor has died and has no children. Guess the throne belongs to your fiance Shen Qianshan. Or is it my son-in-law Shen Zhongbai?" Ye's mouth raised, since she tore her face, she didn't care to make things clear.

When the emperor was still there, Shen Zhongbai was no different from Shen Qianshan. If he insisted on saying anything was different, then Shen Zhongbai was the prince and Shen Qianshan was the prince.

The so-called prince is that the first emperor gave Shen Qianshan a knighthood, entrusted the fief mansion, and became his prince freely, and missed the throne.

But the prince is different. As long as he is the prince, he may become the emperor. The empress Su's stomach has always been unsatisfactory, or it may be because the emperor's dragon body is not safe, and there is no idle time to reproduce offspring.

So now the emperor suddenly passed away, and all the ministers were found, one is to mourn the emperor, and the other is to canonize the new emperor.

The country cannot be left without a master for a day, and Shen Zhongbai is the next emperor. This is something almost everyone knows.

If things really develop like this, Shen Zhongbai's side concubine Gu Zhihua will be more or less a concubine in the future, and her good days will finally come.

It's no wonder that Ye's and Gu Zhihua are now arrogant. Even Gu Zhihua, who has been ill, is full of energy today, and seems to be eager to try the position of that concubine.

Gu Qiang sneered in his heart. No matter who she is, Shen Zhongbai, his dislike for Gu Zhihua has never changed. In that case, what is Gu Zhihua still looking forward to?

"So what? Whether it is Shen Zhongbai or Shen Qianshan, I advise you not to forget, Shen Zhongbai is not just your son-in-law, but I am the only princess of Shen Qianshan!" Gu Qiang said.

Ye's took a breath, his eyes widened, and his speech was choked for a moment.

Gu Suliang listened excitedly next to her. For so many days, this is the most domineering thing she has ever heard and Gu Qiang said.



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