The rain outside the window was even heavier. The so-called autumn rain and cold weather, Gu Qian knew well that after this autumn rain, it would be at least three minutes colder.

She found a thick dress in the cupboard, and didn't care about Gu Zhihua and Ye's who were sitting there with pale faces.

The two women stared at Gu Qiang's every move, as if they wanted to kill her with their eyes, their expressions were colorful, holding the stormy sea in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say anything.

As Gu Qiang said, what her character is now, everyone knows very well.

More indifferent and unfeeling than before, not forgiving, just say whatever he thinks, and don't put anyone in the Gu family in his eyes.

Putting on her clothes, she turned around and suddenly pulled out a smile, and asked, "What are you waiting for if you don't leave? Are you waiting for me to invite you out?"

Gu Zhihua reached out and grabbed Ye's clothes, indicating to go out first.

If Shen Zhongbai becomes the emperor in the future, can she be a princess who is bigger than her own? It doesn't matter if she suffered today, she will definitely be able to get it back in the future.

The two got up, put on the oiled paper umbrellas again, and when they walked into the rain, they passed by the sedan chair in the palace. The white sedan chair was covered with large white flowers, which looked a little oozing.

The **** followed, greeted Gu Qiang, Tingfeng and Gu Suliang followed into the palace.

Hundreds of feet away from the palace, the sky was full of white, and all the palace lantern curtains were changed to white, looking solemn and solemn.

Before entering the palace gate, I heard Qiqi Ai's cry and the melodious and suppressed sorrows coming into my ears, and my mood became heavy.

Slowly going up the steps, I saw people on both sides kneeling on the ground, wiping tears silently.

Most of them were female relatives. Among them, a crystal coffin stopped there. The rain continued to rush, but the female relatives who were kneeling on the ground did not move.

Gu Qiang's clothes had already been changed at home, and now he knelt on the ground.

Because it was the princess, the people kneeling next to her were Ziyan and Changning. Those who were close to the coffin were some princesses, imperial concubines and the like. Their faces were pale and their eyes were blank, as if their souls had been emptied.

Seeing Gu Qiank kneeling next to him, Ziyan said in a low voice, "You are finally here, do you see, the women closest to the coffin are to be buried."

Gu Qiang was taken aback for a moment, and then felt a little strange.

The last time I saw Ziyan was a day ago. Ziyan saw the young master Ye Mu she was thinking of at her congratulatory banquet. She thought it would be embarrassing to meet her this time, but she didn’t want this girl as if she would do all those things. Forgot the same.

Of course it is very relaxing to get along with such a person, but there are hidden dangers in the relationship between the two people. I don't know one day these things will explode like a bomb, pushing the relationship between the two people into the abyss of immortality.

She grinned awkwardly. She really didn't know which of the imperial concubines in the palace were about to die. Originally, the emperor had no children. He probably didn't think he had time to have a child until he died, so he drove to Hexi.

Turning his head, he gently lifted the head of Bai Xiao, and saw the women who were to be buried near the coffin. They were all beautiful in their growth. They were so young that they pulled their hair behind their heads, and there was nothing on their faces. There were a few expressions that cried miserably, probably not because of any feelings with the emperor, but just feeling haggard about their own fate.

Those who haven't come yet and have a few more glances at the world just rushed past.

Sorrow and joy hovered over this huge palace, shrouded in despair and sorrow, Gu Qiang lowered her head, her heart seemed to grow grass, eager to know where her brother was and how could he be rescued, but She still couldn't do anything except to serve the emperor here.

Someone behind her covered her with a white cloak, and the faint pear blossom scent made her know who the man behind her was almost instantly. Turning her head, she saw Shen Qianshan also kneeling on the ground, looking at her quietly.

He seemed to have come in a rain. The rustling rain around him concealed the sound of sadness and joy. He gently shook the rain on his body, and said lightly: "You have to kneel here for a long time, your body Can you bear it?"

It doesn't matter how long she kneels for Gu Ling if she doesn't speak. Shen Qianshan should also know that this is not what she is worried about.

Seeing that Gu Qian was silent, Shen Qianshan knew what she was worried about, and said: "The queen is now leading the concubines on her knees, and has no time to deal with your brother's affairs. If you want, you can find a chance to take your brother away. ."

As soon as Gu Qiang's eyes lit up, he knew how much risk Shen Qianshan had said. It would be good if it succeeded, but what if it failed?

Then there will be too many people who are important to her involved. She wants to rescue her brother, but she also wants to make these important people around her be well.

"Not busy, since the emperor has died, it has not been long since the queen was in power." Gu Ling said in a low voice, and no one heard her voice, not even Ziyan next to her. Thinking about something, she continued: "Who is the new emperor?"

Shen Qianshan's face changed, even in the rainy night, she could clearly see that he seemed to be avoiding this question.

Since he didn't say it, she also knew it, at the cusp of the storm, it seemed that this question shouldn't be asked, but since it was asked, Shen Qianshan just hesitated and said, "It's Shen Zhongbai." didn't say much, but Gu Qiang's heart was desolate. She didn't even know why she felt this way. It just surged up suddenly, making her panic.

Suddenly a voice appeared in her mind: it was really him.

That was Gu Qiang's own voice. As soon as this voice came out, she immediately remembered that the self she had dreamed of in a dream was Gu Qiang who said she was a monster.

Is it still her?

She was cold all over and thought she was a little ridiculous, but then she seemed to catch something.

Is there another self in her body? She was watching everything now with cold eyes, and from time to time she mocked Gu Qiang doing what she thought was wrong.

What qualifications does she have? She saw everything, she watched these happenings like a god, she thought Gu Qiang was stupid, but Gu Qiang clearly couldn't remember anything.

Shen Qianshan nodded Gu Qiang's head with his hand, then smiled and said, "What are you thinking about? Is it dissatisfaction?"

Gu Qiang smiled bitterly, and then said: "How can I be dissatisfied, what does his good or bad have to do with me?"

Shen Qianshan felt cold, he knew that he was absolutely impossible to be the emperor, because he was the prince.

From the imperial palace to Xiaoyao Mountain, he has always been adhering to the concept of smooth sailing and peaceful years, and he doesn't care about things that don't belong to him.

He wandered on the extension of the royal family, and occasionally had access to the secrets of the royal family. How could he not see that the emperor's body was long gone? How could he not know who the heir to the future throne was? He never cared.

Looking at Gu Qiang's loss now, he suddenly felt that he had made the wrong choice?

If he wasn't the prince at the beginning, would Gu Qiang react like this?

Would she think for a moment that her fiancé would be better if Shen Zhongbai were?

He has never felt such an inferiority complex before. Meeting Gu Qiang has changed him too much invisibly.

"If you can really think like this, it will be fine. Shen Zhongbai likes you and the whole world knows it." Shen Qianshan said and smiled faintly.

Three days passed quickly, I don't know why Gu Qiang's heart was so indifferent, probably Shen Qianshan was by her side, she had been waiting quietly.

Keeping filial piety for the emperor, all the people looked tired, and went back to the side hall to rest. Gu Qiang rubbed her knees. She couldn't feel it anymore. She sniffed, knowing she was suffering. After the wind chill, it should not be better for a while.

This small courtyard is around the Queen Mother’s bedroom. As the Queen Mother’s most proud son, the emperor’s death was obviously unacceptable to the Queen. After lying in the bedroom for three days, he was still groggy.

As the granddaughter pulled up by the empress dowager with one hand, Gu Qiang naturally has to do her best at this time to be able to serve her life.

Ziyan was napping on the bed next to her. As for Ye Mu, she said nothing, as if such a man had never appeared before.

Gu Qiang smiled, thinking that Ziyan was a little cute at this time. If a man makes the relationship between two women so complicated, she doesn't like it, because that man is not a good man, so two women won't be jealous for him.

She was sitting next to her. The rain had stopped two days ago, but her clothes had been damp in the past two days.

She sat on the edge of the stove to dry her clothes, raised her eyes, and saw a man in the yard standing in front of her with his hand holding his hand, looking at him.

It's been a long time since Shen Zhongbai wore white clothes, and his body was dusty, his eyes drifted on Gu Qiang's body, his lips were tightly pressed, as if quietly did not exist.

She didn't say anything, although she already knew that Shen Zhongbai would be the future emperor, but she always felt that if she congratulated this man, it did not fit the current situation.

Sure enough, Shen Zhongbai couldn't help it in the end, squatting down and saying to her like a child: "Can you marry me?"

Gu Qiang raised his eyes indifferently, and said helplessly, "Why, why can't you let me go after such a long time?"

Shen Zhongbai seemed to have been hit by thunder all over, staring at Gu Qiang blankly.

His love turned out to be like pressure in her eyes, and she was overwhelmed by the kick.

"Let it go? What is it? You are with Shen Qianshan, have you ever thought of me? You are happy, but I can't sleep all night!" Shen Zhongbai's eyes were scarlet, and he gave a word.



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