Coming Kingly Son-in-Law: Don’t Provoke the First Daughter

Chapter 829: Was the queen mother summoned?

No matter what, Gu Qiang was also defensive, but she had a vague intuition in her heart that this matter might have something to do with Shen Qiangwei.

Shen Qiangwei has never contacted herself since she changed her identity. Except that she saw her sitting in a carriage on the road that day, she had never seen her before. After experiencing so many things, her thoughts in her heart Actually, he can't live under his control anymore, so Gu Qiang is actually a little scared now, what on earth Shen Qiangwei thinks now.

"Little father-in-law, we've all been away for so long, haven't we arrived yet?"

Gu Qiang was a little bit unsure. After all, after Shen Qiangwei became Shangguan Qiang, she didn't know where she lived. If her instincts were wrong, it was not Shen Qiangwei who called herself here. What should I do?

The little **** didn't seem anxious, "Second Young Master, you don't have to worry that you are already in the palace, you are also familiar with..."

Although this **** was kind, but after Gu Qiang entered the palace, Gu Qiang always thought he was weird, and the road was getting more and more remote, it was a bit like going...

Gu Qiang stopped abruptly, not because of anything else, but when he followed the little **** and met Shen Qiangwei.


Gu Qiang stopped suddenly, and the **** who was walking in front also turned his head alertly, "Second Young Master, why aren't you leaving?"

"The father-in-law Caomin still wants to ask, who is it that summoned the Caomin today?"

"Second son, you have already come here, you might as well continue to follow our family, after seeing it, won’t you be clear?" The person in front of me seemed to have made up his mind, before Gu Qiang saw the person behind. , Will never reveal half a word to him.

Shen Qiangwei also couldn't understand the matter of seeing Gu Qiang in this place. After all, Gu Qiang had no relationship with the royal family. How could he be summoned?

Shen Zhongbaiye hasn't summoned the second son of the Gusu family so blatantly for a long time, and the direction he is heading now is not toward Shen Zhongbai's residence, right?

Shen Qiangwei did not stay, but went back to her yard along the same path. When she was walking on the road, she still asked the people around her, "Is the person next to the second son just now the father-in-law next to the Queen Mother?"

Although Shen Qiangwei didn't have any special reaction just now, but when she turned around, she suddenly remembered the strange look on Gu Qiang's face just now. When did she get involved with the Queen Mother? And when she saw herself just now, she seemed to be shocked. Could it be that she thought she invited her into the palace?

"Yes, it seems that the father-in-law has only followed the empress dowager in the past few years. I heard that he is good at handling affairs, so although he is young, he has a high official position.

The little palace lady knows the situation in the palace better, so she also recognizes the people around the queen mother. The little palace lady knows her because she is well informed. Shen Qiangwei feels familiar, but because she goes to please the queen mother every day, she will inevitably make a meeting , So there will be some impression.

The more Shen Qiangwei thinks about it, the more something is wrong. Since she is a caring person next to the Queen Mother and has a relationship with Gu Qiang, could it be...

Shen Qiangwei and Gu Qiang did not have such a good relationship, but Shen Qiangwei has been in contact with the mysterious person for so long, and now the only hope is already in Gu Qiang's body. She has no way to think about it. At that time, if something happened to Gu Qiang, who else could she rely on, so after thinking about it for a long time, she sent someone to deliver the letter.

Shen Qiangwei’s position in the palace is extremely embarrassing, almost everyone is watching every move, so even sending something outside is quite troublesome, but if you don’t hurry to send it out, Gu Qiang may have problems. Although the queen mother is usually kind and kind, it doesn't mean that she is really soft-hearted as on the surface.

Shen Qianshan had just left the morning court now. If he hadn't been discussing matters in the study, he should be heading towards the gate of the palace. Shen Qianshan almost estimated the time, and then quickly cleaned up and prepared to go out to find Shen Qianshan.

Where did Shen Qiangwei have time to consider whether this matter would cause Shen Zhongbai to care, but at this time, it is really not the time for him to hesitate. If it is really the queen mother who wants to see Gu Qiang, this is definitely not a good thing. It looks gentle and amiable, but when it is really cruel, no one can stop it.

Shen Qiangwei actually didn't know this. After all, she went to greet the queen mother every day. He always greeted her with a smile, but since the last birthday banquet next to her, two concubines who were inferior to her mocked. A few words to himself, when the queen dowager was dissatisfied, Shen Qiangwei really felt that this queen dowager was actually the most cruel one. Because since the banquet that day, I guess I haven't seen those two people.

Shen Zhongbai has never been concerned about these things. He can do it like this. The matter of getting rid of two people under his own nose without knowing it, I am afraid that no one can do it in the accident of the queen mother.

Shen Qianshan really didn't know what happened, but he was really a little uneasy. It's just that Shen Zhongbai didn't know what was wrong today. Suddenly he wanted to leave some ministers for discussion, so he could only stay.

"The minister thought that the hunting ground was enough, and there was no need to continue to repair it." Shen Qianshan really couldn't understand Shen Zhongbai's extravagance and waste. Instead of having the money to repair the hunting ground, he might as well do something else.

What's more, Shen Zhongbai is not actually the kind of person who is good at riding and shooting. From the beginning, Shen Zhongbai's riding and shooting are very behind his brothers. However, the civil and military officials did not dare to beat him. This paddock is becoming more and more meaningless. Now, if it weren't for Shen Zhongbai's sudden mention of this matter today, I am afraid that there is still such a place.

"The Nine Princes have a point, but after all, it is about the royal face. It would be better to repair them on time."

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry can be regarded as standing on Shen Zhongbai’s side, so no matter what Shen Zhongbai said, he will also follow the two sentences, and once the hunting grounds are repaired, he must allocate money to the Ministry of Industry. At that time, of course he can also make a profit. It was full of water, and even when I was speaking, my mouth was about to close.

Shen Qianshan knew that he had said these things for nothing. If Shen Zhongbai really wanted to do something, he would not have to listen to the suggestions of these ministers. As for the matters in the study, he would just leave. It's just a cutscene. He is also taking this opportunity to observe the people around him. Who is worth using? Anyone can only be regarded as a shield, or a victim of the East Window incident.

I don’t know if it’s because there are too many people in the study and there is no window open. Shen Qianshan is really a little flustered, and his chest is a little stuffy, but in this situation, no one has the intention to end this matter, and he really can’t walk away. Can only sit and listen to their discussion.

In order to ease himself a little bit, he drank tea cup by cup, but it didn't help. The flustered feeling in his heart still didn't ease.

"Father-in-law, has the Ninth Prince been out of the palace?"

When Shen Qiangwei hurried to the hall, the hall was already empty, and she was really anxious, so he didn't hesitate to say anything, and caught the joke at the door of the hall. She shouldn't have asked blatantly. This is the case, but when you are so anxious now, how can you care about it?

The little **** has just entered the palace, and only knows that the person in front of him is the imperial concubine. How do you know that there are so many exquisites in the harem, so there is not so much attention, and he directly pointed to Shen Zhongbai’s study, " Discussing with the emperor and the ministers in the study, is there anything urgent for the lady?"

The thing that Shen Qiangwei feared most still happened. Shen Qianshan was left in the study. There was no way for him to tell him that Gu Qiang had been taken away by the queen mother, but if time dragged on for a long time, maybe he would. What happened?

But she had no other choice but to wait at the door.

Shen Qiangwei circled outside in a hurry, but it was of no use. She couldn't rush in now. If nothing happened, how could Shen Zhongbai forgive herself lightly?

The little father-in-law took Gu Qiang for a while, and Gu Qiang’s eyes became clearer and clearer. She was really familiar with this section of the road. If you continue to walk inside, you can only go to the place where the Queen Mother lives. When I was staying in the palace temporarily, I didn't know how many times I had walked this road. Of course, I was familiar with it.

But Gu Ling really didn't know what his current status had to do with the Queen Mother. Gu Suran's only relationship with the Queen Mother was probably that she almost became the Queen Mother's son-in-law, right?

But in Gu Qiang’s impression, the queen mother is a very kind person. If she told herself to pass, there shouldn’t be any danger, right? When Gu Qiang walked in that direction, he actually started to feel a little flustered, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he could only follow.

Sure enough, without taking a few steps, he arrived at the Queen Mother's bedroom, and the Queen Mother had already prepared a table of meals, sitting in front of the table waiting for herself.

"Caomin Gu Su Ran, see Empress Dowager."

Gu Qiang knew that her identity was different from before. Under this mask, the queen mother should not be able to see her identity. With Gu Suran's identity, she would not be able to cause any trouble to Gu Suran. He is injured now and still uses the identity of Liu Rongchen, which does not mean that what he did will not cause him trouble.



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