Coming Kingly Son-in-Law: Don’t Provoke the First Daughter

Chapter 30: Heart of the most poisonous woman

So I must strictly observe all manners.

When the queen mother saw Gu Qiang, she smiled on her face, "The Ai family wants to summon the second son of the Gusu family. It's not that easy now. I don't know if there will be any other disturbances in the palace because of today's events. ."

Gu Qiang didn't know what was going on today. It was obvious that the person in front of him was the gentle and kind-hearted person before, but what she said in her mouth and the tone of speaking to her really made Gu Qiang feel that something was wrong.

Gu Qiang suddenly felt a little creepy behind him when he heard what the Queen Mother said.

In the entire hall, there was only one dining table. It seemed that this was originally just a living room. I'm afraid it was also because of the remoteness of the Queen Mother.

The only people in the room were the little **** who had brought him here just now, and the atmosphere was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"The Ai family also feels that the second son of the Gusu family in the rumor is a very capable young man, who turned out to be a gentle and amiable person." The queen mother looked at the person in front of him and continued to speak.

"So, you are still too skinny. Is it because you have been sick before? So you are not healthy, but you look like a girl."

I don't know if it was intentional, but Gu Qiang had installed it with the Queen Mother at this time.

"Strange, you and your brother don't seem to look alike."

Originally, after the Queen Mother said that she was like a woman, Gu Qiang was already nervous, but she said this immediately.

"Stop standing, sit down quickly."

Gu Qiang sat down a little uncomfortably. It was completely different from the feeling of eating at the same table with the Queen Mother before. Although she could still remain calm on the surface, her heart was already uncomfortably tight.

"It's no wonder that I grew up in Jiangnan Water Village, clean, gentle, and humble. I really like it."

The queen mother's eyes seemed to be sincere, and people outside thought she liked her very much, but Gu Wei didn't think so.

"The Caomin is terrified. I don't know what the Queen Mother asked Caomin to do?"

Gu Qiang always felt that in front of the Queen Mother, he seemed to be seen through, and he was uncomfortable.

"In fact, there is nothing special. It's just the second son of the Gusu family, who seems to be walking very close to the Ninth Prince, as well as Master Gu."

The Queen Mother thoughtfully said such a sentence, which made Gu Qiang even more nervous.

"What does the Queen Mother mean? The Cao Min is indeed a mediocre identity, but it is really rare to have a group of like-minded friends. Is it possible that the Queen Mother thinks that the status of Cao Min is not worthy of the Nine Kings and Lord Gu? ?."

Gu Qiang desperately wanted to transfer the topic to another place, but it seemed difficult to leave Shen Qianshan and Gu Huaian anyway.

"The Ai family doesn’t mean that. It’s a very good thing to have friends. It’s just that when you talk about the Ninth Prince and Master Gu, do you have to remember that Master Gu also has a younger sister? If the Ai family remembers correctly If so, then Miss Gu's family is still the concubine of the Ninth Prince?"

"How can Caomin compare with others? Caomin is from the Gusu family, so with the help of his brother, he can get to know the Nine Princes and Master Gu."

"Oh, look at the Arie family patrons and say, this meal is about to be cold, hurry up and sit down to eat, this is all carefully prepared by the Arie family."

It's not that Gu Qiang has never eaten in the Queen Mother's palace before, but it is true that there has never been such a rich variety of dishes.

The queen mother is not a person who pays more attention to these things, and there are not often meat dishes on the usual table. It is really rare today, and it makes Gu Qiang feel abnormal.

"It's really a pity. If it weren't for Si Yin's willfulness, maybe you are already Si Yin's husband. We are also a family."

The empress dowager personally gave Gu Qiang the dishes. The palace is very cautious, so even the chopsticks are made of silver, but the identities of Gu Qiang and the queen mother are still different after all.

In the past, when Gu Qiang and the Queen Mother ate together, they often ate the dishes sandwiched by the Queen Mother, but at that time, the Queen Mother was trying to reassure herself, but this time?

Gu Qiang started to feel that something was wrong when he entered the door today. Although the queen mother’s chopsticks have not turned black, Gu Qiang is still very cautious.

Because he had some medical skills with his elder brother, Gu Qiang would also carry silver needles with him. When he entered the palace, he would not be searched out. Gu Qiang didn't think he would feel this way inexplicably, so he took some precautions. , Secretly took out the silver needle from the sleeve.

as predicted……

Gu Qiang didn't want to cause more trouble, but today, it is obvious that the queen mother came for herself. If you think about what the queen mother said just now, what she wants to say is actually obvious.

After Gu Qian picked up the chopsticks, he put them down again.

The queen mother also felt a little strange when she saw Gu Qiang put down her chopsticks.

"What's wrong? Isn't the food unpalatable?"

"No, the imperial kitchens in the palace are all top-notch." Gu Qiang recalled what the Queen Mother had just said, and the strange feeling in her heart became more and more obvious. When the Queen Mother sent herself out of the palace, she had promised that she must Will not be close to Shen Zhongbai, has the queen mother already discovered her identity?

But there doesn't seem to be any entanglement between himself and Shen Zhongbai, right?

"It seems that you also understand in your heart, the Aijia has called you here today."

The queen mother saw that Gu Qiang didn’t move the chopsticks or spoke, knowing that she still underestimated her. Even if she had someone change the chopsticks in advance, she would still be aware of it. If she didn’t get rid of it sooner, one day, she would Will become an object threatening Shen Zhongbai.

"What does the empress dowager mean? Is it possible that my Gu Su's family did something sorry for the royal family?"

Gu Qiang knew that the Queen Mother probably already knew her identity, but...

"The Gusu family doesn't have one, but Miss Gu's family should have died long ago. Before the Ai family sent you out of the palace, I thought you would leave completely, but the Nine Princes returned."

The queen mother simply stated everything clearly.

"Shen Qianshan is back, I'm afraid you will be able to recover your identity soon, but you, I am afraid that you will not have this opportunity."

The queen mother clearly remembered that whether it was Shen Qianshan or Shen Zhongbai, they had done a lot for this woman, which seemed embarrassing to her, so no matter what the relationship between Shen Qianshan and Shen Zhongbai, she could not let this woman become The weakness of his own son cannot be a threat to him.

"The empress mother, Cao Min was planning to live with this identity forever, so you don't have to worry about the queen mother."

"But if someone finds out this matter, it will be exposed sooner or later. The Aijia can't take a risk, so in any case, Gu Qiang must have died, and he really died."

Hearing what the Queen Mother said, Gu Qiang also took precautions. He clenched the silver needle in his hand and looked at the two people in front of him. He also moved to kill him, but he knew it when he came in just now. The **** beside him should have some skill, and he is not necessarily his opponent.

"The Aijia hopes you can understand. After all, Aijia is only for the sake of his son. In any case, I hope you can understand."

While saying this, the Queen Mother waved her hand at the people around her, motioning him to do it.

"I will let him start a little more quickly, if you don't struggle, there will be no pain."

The Queen Mother was not ready to let Gu Qiang go out of this place alive, so she didn't leave any bottom line when she spoke. Since she has already spoken to this point, if Gu Qiang is allowed to leave, she should be the unlucky one.

Gu Qiang was defensive, but after all his strength was not superior, so there was no way he could hit it with a single blow, but Gu Qiang still tried his best to put the silver needle in his hand on the little eunuch’s. The neck was not pierced properly, and no acupuncture point was pierced, so it was of no use at all, except to anger the opponent.

But the silver needle is indeed very thin. Although the little **** was in pain, it did not affect the accuracy of his head. He threw in the direction where Gu Qiang was. Although he was a eunuch, he was also a man after all. Gu Qiang's strength was simply not better than him.

Gu Qiang's eyes were quick, and he smashed the cup in his hand at the corner of the table. The moment the little **** rushed over, he pierced it fiercely, but...what's the use?

When Gu Qiang entered the palace, all the weapons had been taken away. Wherever the broken porcelain pieces had sharp daggers, it could only cause pain to the little **** in front of him, and then exert greater strength on Gu Qiang's body.

"Since you don't like the way to die quietly, don't blame Lamentia."

Shen Qiangwei was walking around outside the study, and she didn't know what to do. She knew in her heart that if the delay continued, unpredictable things might happen.

Gu Qiang and the others were Shen Qiangwei's last hope of revenge, and Shen Qiangwei didn't want to give up anyway.

Shen Qianshan was sitting in the study, and the flustered feeling became stronger. Anyway, Shen Zhongbai and the others were discussing about the hunting grounds. Anyway, they have already decided to repair the hunting grounds. He didn't need to listen to the ministers finalizing the details of the repairs. Simply go out and breathe.

It is difficult for Shen Qiangwei to describe what kind of reaction she felt in her heart when she saw Shen Qianshan walking out of the study alone, but the reaction in her body was much faster than her brain. When she saw Shen Qianshan, she rushed over.

Shen Qianshan originally felt depressed in his heart, but he always felt that something was pressing in his heart.

Therefore, it was considered to have gone away, Shen Qiangwei suddenly jumped out from one side, and also frightened him.



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