Anyway, there are some people downstairs who can talk to him. My brother can’t hear what he is saying, and he can’t communicate with him at all. Although he knows that there won’t be any big problems, Gu Qiang still doesn’t want to. Stay here to disturb him.

Gu Suliang probably had gone out, Chu Tiankuo probably wasn't there at this time. Although there were more people downstairs, Gu Qiang still couldn't find anyone who could talk to her. After all, those people outside. They only knew that he was the youngest son of the Gusu family. If he really talked about business matters with him, wouldn't all of this be exposed.

"Is the shopkeeper here?" At this time, most of the people downstairs were diners. Suddenly there was such a loud shout, which inevitably attracted everyone's attention. Gu Qiang stood up and wanted to reply, but the man was straight. Entered in a daze, and even pushed away the man in front of him viciously.

"Who? Don't you know where it is?" Gu Qiang's aura became hardened. Without Gu Su Liang, he could not lose in his aura. After all, for himself, he would always encounter them when they were away. You have to face this kind of situation, but these people in front of you really don't seem to be annoying.

Gu Qiang’s reaction was relatively quick, and she knew it in her heart. At this time, almost all the skilled people in the Lingyin Pavilion have already followed Gu Suliang out. The only person I can handle this scene is probably. Only my own brother.

"Are you the shopkeeper?" It's true that the person who came is not good, but Gu Qiang sees more people like this. They are all villains who bully the soft and hard, and bully the market. If there is no background behind him, he should not dare to reach in and listen. Coming from the Yin Pavilion, I just don't know what these people are coming over today.

"I'm the young shopkeeper." Gu Qiang didn't say much. He thought they were rascals, but didn't want to take a closer look. They turned out to be in official uniforms. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that they have not provoke anyone during the recent period. Besides, my brother is still upstairs now. Could it be that he was so guilty that he had found the Book of Rites to come up.

"Gu Suran? Well, it's you who are looking for, press on and take it back!"

Gu Qiang wanted to know that these people were wearing official uniforms and dared to arrest people so unscrupulously. Seeing that they were about to come over, he quickly let go of his voice, "Who are you guys, why are you so unreasonable? What evidence is there? Dare to catch me!"

As Gu Qiang was talking, he gestured to the kid on the other side to go upstairs to find his brother. No matter what the origin of the other party, for his brother, he can be the first level official, and he will never watch him. Taken away by others.

Although the reaction speed of the young man is quite fast, but Gu Huai'an can't hear anything at all now. The young man even yelled with gestures and seemed to be anxious, but Gu Huai'an could not understand what he was talking about anyway. I also felt a little irritable. I simply took out the pen and paper from one side. The young man didn’t write well, and he was worried. It took a long time to express his meaning clearly. Gu Huaian immediately panicked when he looked at the content on the paper. .

"Where did they go? Are they still downstairs?"

Gu Huai'an really didn't dare to delay this kind of thing, but it's a pity that he couldn't hear it. Otherwise, he should have noticed the loud noise just now. When Gu Huai'an got downstairs, Gu Qiang had already been caught. After taking it away, everyone downstairs also said that Gu Qiang was taken into a carriage, but no one can tell exactly where he went.

"Don't know which government arrested the person?" Gu Huaian was a little annoyed, his ears couldn't hear, and strange voices were always coming in his mind. He had no way to calm down, so he could only follow the direction pointed by the person just now. Probably found the past, by the way, let the young man inform Shen Qianshan and them.

Gu Qiang didn’t know the origins of these people, but the official uniform they wore, although the grade would be lower, it was indeed true. It was just that she was trapped in the carriage, and the curtains were all falling. With heavy objects, her hands are now tied, and she has no way to shout to people outside. Gu Qiang doesn’t know where these people come from, but what can be confirmed is that they must have been affected by someone. Instructed, that's why such a thing would be done. Gu Qiang knows that since these people didn’t do it to themselves on the spot, they must explain that the messenger behind this is either trying to do it in front of everyone, or else I didn't even think about killing myself at all, but how much hatred do I have with myself after so much trouble?

The carriage was moving very fast, and Gu Qiang knew about it in his heart. At this speed, it would be impossible to travel on the streets in the capital. I am afraid that he has already gone out, but I don’t know the boy just now. If he doesn't come, tell his brother that if he moves faster, he might be able to save himself.

When Gu Huai'an hurriedly chased it out, the carriage they were talking about was no longer visible on the street. Chu Tiankuo happened to deal with the things in his hands and was going to go back. Seeing Gu Huai'an who was in a hurry, he knew that something went wrong. He quickly went up and asked. After all, people who have been with Chu Tiankuo for a while, Gu Huaian could tell from Chu Tiankuo’s mouth what he was asking, and quickly told Chu Tiankuo about the situation. Chu Tiankuo finished listening. After that, his face also changed.

"When I came back, I brushed past the carriage, probably still remembering the direction, come with me."

At that time, Chu Tiankuo only thought that the carriage was a bit strange, but he never thought that this incident would have something to do with Gu Qiang. He usually ignores these nostalgias, but he didn't expect that such an inadvertent glance would actually cause him to hit him. It's a big deal.

Gu Huai'an and Chu Tiankuo followed that direction, but they saw Shen Qianshan with the same serious face at the gate of the city. Gu Huai'an saw Shen Qianshan here and thought that the people he sent over were so fast that Shen Qianshan received it right away. The news came here, but seeing the agitated expression on Shen Qianshan's face, Gu Huaian still felt a little self-blaming, and it was more certain that the victim was taken away because he could not hear the movement downstairs, and hurried forward. , After all, the carriages entering and leaving the imperial city all have to go through this gate, and there should be some clues, but the guards who guard the city can't answer their questions.

"The cars entering and leaving the city gates are all recorded. Why didn't the cars in the past be inspected?" After Shen Qianshan heard their ambiguous reply, they suddenly became angry. They even told themselves that they hadn't seen them at all. , If something really happens, can the two of them really bear this responsibility?

When A Li saw the carriage, he actually had the same idea as Chu Tiankuo. Although she felt a little bit wrong, she was not prepared to take a trip in the muddy water at the beginning, but she was with Chu Tiankuo. The difference is that Ali was confirmed to be one of the people on the shuttle bus. She originally thought that the driver outside the carriage was mysterious and there was a problem.

After all, on weekdays, the business in Yuhualou is taken care of by Ali, so she probably understands what happened to some nearby businesses. If remembered correctly, the official uniforms worn by those people should be Really, and they are indeed the people under the patrol city, but these few people have never driven a carriage, and they have knives on their bodies. They are quite able to bluff people, but how come they have become like Like kidnapping, it also made such a big movement. Today's posture is indeed a bit eye-catching.

A Li is afraid that they are doing something big. It just so happens that this place is relatively close to Yuhua Tower, and there are so many people nearby. No matter how reckless the carriage is, it is impossible to actually run into the passing crowd, so the speed is obvious. Slowing down, Ah Li didn't want to miss this opportunity. This made people step forward and create chaos. He stepped forward and opened the door curtain of the carriage, but unexpectedly, the carriage stopped suddenly, the door curtain moved slightly, and the face leaked out. It's Gu Qiang.

Gu Qiang didn't know what she was thinking at the time. She only felt that the carriage was bumpy, she was dizzy and swollen when she was hit, and she didn't even see it. A Li, who was beside her at the time, was thinking about whether she could take advantage of this The chaotic opportunity escaped.

After seeing such a scene, A Li didn’t say anything. After all, I don’t know the origin of these people. Is it just a simple tour of the city? After all, according to common sense, the Gusu family is one of the best in the capital. Now, even if it is really to patrol the city, you may not have the guts to provoke Gusu's family?

A Li is a man with an idea. After learning about this, he didn't make much movement. He just sent someone to inform Shen Qianshan. It was just that the driver viciously drove away the onlookers around. The chaos on the road It was also lifted immediately, and there was no delay in the second half of the time, and A Li had no choice. Then he hurriedly followed, leaving a mark along the way.

Shen Qianshan can be regarded as receiving news from two people a day later, but the news sent by Gu Huai'an is not so accurate. Therefore, Shen Qianshan also followed the mark left by Ali, but he arrived at the gate of the city. There are too many, they have no way to be sure. If they have to investigate a little, they are not sure whether Gu Qiang can survive that time. Shen Qianshan wants to know something from the guard, but the guard said that there is no such thing. A carriage passed by.



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