"Then you mean, did this car fly out from above your head?" Shen Qianshan couldn't find Gu Qian, and the anger in his heart rose up suddenly. The guard saw that Shen Qianshan was really angry, so he said. "That is the carriage of Master Xuncheng. We dare not check it, but it should be heading towards Cuifeng Mountain."

Although he is a guard and has never seen the Prince's Monk Book, it does not mean that he has no vision. He is afraid that this city patroller has offended someone who should not be offended, so he dare not continue to hide it, if it hurts himself. Isn't it worth the loss?

Shen Qianshan was angry at first, but when the two of them said that, they felt that they were wasting their time just now. They were very disgusted and threw the guard down like dirt, kicked the person aside, and followed. Chu Tiankuo from behind waved his hand, "Come with me."

Cuifeng Mountain is really not a remote place, but after all, the mountain road is rugged, and when the carriage is going up the mountain, it will inevitably be bumpy, and Gu Qiang is almost too much to bear it, and he doesn’t know where they are going to take themselves. But what is certain is that this place is definitely no longer in the capital.

"The emperor, we brought the person you wanted."

These two things were indeed planned by Shen Zhongbai. Of course, it was to be able to meet Gu Qiang, but he didn't expect that he was still wearing a mask and wanted to hide his identity and change his identity with Gu Qiang. Get along, but the soldier who did not know where the city inspector called the emperor directly. Gu Qiang in the carriage naturally heard it. He knew that the carriage stopped but did not know where it stopped. Simply listen to what Shen Zhongbai was. What do you want to do.


Shen Zhongbai didn’t really care when he saw that he couldn’t keep things secret, anyway, Gu Qiang would know sooner or later that he did it by himself. Sooner or later, it wouldn’t be a big problem. It’s just that this person seems to be irresistible. .

"The emperor, isn't this the person you want?" Although Xuncheng didn't say that it was to help the emperor this time when he ordered it down, but they saw that Xuncheng treated Shen Zhongbai respectfully and stepped on it. It seems that Shen Zhongbai doesn't like being called the emperor very much for being able to show off in front of Shen Zhongbai and ask for a reward.

"Did Xuncheng tell you about my identity?" Shen Zhongbai looked at the sly look on the face of the leader in front of him, and felt that he might be a self-assertive person. Since this is the case, he doesn't have to be polite.

"No, my lord just told me to take care of this time."

"You were arresting people like this before, right? You took the lead in arresting some of the small businesses in the capital and forced other people's homes to ruin, didn't you?" Shen Zhongbai asked the people in Xuncheng to do this. Not planning to let them go back alive, of course they have to explain clearly what they have done before.

The leader didn’t know what Shen Zhongbai meant by saying this, but it was true and couldn’t be denied, so he nodded, but those were the merchants who committed the crime. After we sealed the store, we got the financial information , All turned in. "

"I handed it all in, or did it belong to you, and your patrol master?" Shen Zhongbai saw that the people in the carriage hadn't been moving for a long time, and thought they had brought Gu Qiang into a faint, so naturally he was relieved and bold. I have to deal with my own affairs first, but I don't want the people in the carriage, but have been listening quietly.

"We don't know what the emperor said, so we have to ask our adults..."

Only then did the leader begin to feel as if he had said something more, and began to regret it a bit, but he didn't expect that Shen Zhongbai was actually caught.

"Don't ask, he will go down to find you soon."

Gu Qiang in the carriage couldn't see the situation outside, only the sound of the swords intertwined, but it disappeared completely within a few seconds, and the person who was holding him also made no sound.

Gu Qiang didn't think everything was bad, but Shen Zhongbai was just such a person. He could already imagine the outside situation, but he really didn't want to understand why Shen Zhongbai brought himself here today.

"It's been a long time, and it's been sneaky, it's not appropriate." Shen Zhongbai saw that all of Xuncheng's people had been cleaned up, and then he said this to the carriage, Gu Qiang thought that It was about myself, but the carriage shook back abruptly, and his center of gravity was unstable, and he ran forward and rushed out, but Shen Zhongbai stabilized it, only the person behind him.

Shen Zhongbai frowned when he saw Gu Qiang trapped in this way, with cotton cloth still in his mouth, and he had already told him to invite people quietly, but he was still made like this by these people.

"Does it hurt?" Shen Zhongbai looked very gentle, helping Gu Qian to untie the rope on his wrist, but after Gu Qian broke free, he took two steps back quickly, keeping a distance from Shen Zhongbai.

Seeing Gu Qiang like this, Shen Zhongbai's expression changed slightly, he threw the rope in his hand aside, and pointed to the person behind him, "Is this your person?"

auzw.com Gu Wei did not expect that the person Shen Zhongbai had been eavesdropping just now would turn out to be A Li, and he did not expect that A Li could actually follow him, just because of his current situation. It doesn't look like it is very good. It seems that the moment the carriage swayed just now, Shen Zhongbai's person should have acted on A Li.

"Is it inappropriate for the emperor to catch my shopkeeper? You just send someone to kidnap the Caomin. The Caomin's shopkeeper is worried, so follow up. Is it possible to be beaten like this?" Gu Qiang saw A Li like this. Can you feel distressed, and Shen Zhongbai's subordinates, none of them seem to be merciful.

"I don't know that she is yours, and, it's just taking someone just to pass by. You obviously saved you, why don't you appreciate it?" Shen Zhongbai thought that Gu Qiang should have been asleep just now. , So I just said nonsense, after all, the corpse in this place is really hard to explain.

"But it's okay, I helped you solve them."

Gu Qian expected that Shen Zhongbai still wanted to do this scene, but he was too lazy to watch it, "I was awake just now, and I heard clearly. The emperor didn’t need to make up stories to deceive me. Put my people down first. ."

Seeing A Li being pulled by the collar by the man, Gu Qi was almost out of breath, his tone couldn't help but slow down, Shen Zhongbai waved his hand, let the people behind him put A Li down, Gu Qi saw the man Let go, and quickly stepped forward to catch her.

A Li is a bit taller than Gu Qiang. She has to support A Li. Obviously, she has begun to struggle a bit, but in this situation, she can only support it.

A Li's condition is much more serious than she thought. Although Gu Qiang's medical skills are not as good as Gu Huai'an, he knows that the meridians of her whole body are almost disrupted when he gets the pulse.

A Li leaned against Gu Qiang and started to vomit blood. Gu Qiang looked like this, and there was no solution at all. If his brother was there, he might still have a chance to live, but he didn't know anything, so he could only watch. Watched.

"Shen Zhongbai, what do you want to do..."

Gu Qian couldn't bear it anymore. Except for A Li's accident, there were many people lying around here and there. Some things just entered another kidnapping him, some of whom he had never even seen.

Even if Shen Zhongbai's name is to vent his anger for the people and help those who have been wronged by traders to seek justice, are so many people who have done bad things? It's no wonder that the royal family likes to kill the Nine Clans, because it turns out to be forever.

"Master, someone is here, like the Ninth Prince."

The people around Shen Zhongbai did not shy away from anything, and directly told the news that Shen Qianshan was coming here. A Li obviously heard it too, and tightly grabbed the corner of Gu Qiang's clothes, indicating that Shen Qianshan would come soon. Up.

After Gu Qiang heard the news, he was a little relieved, but Ah Li's current situation really made him look a little worried.

If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid it will really be too late.

"You hold on and wait a while." Gu Qiang doesn't think Shen Zhongbai is willing to have any conflicts with Shen Qianshan at this time. Shen Qianshan has always tried to avoid any conflicts with him, just because he can't To know oneself and the enemy, and vice versa, Shen Zhongbai may not be so sure, and he may not be in conflict with Shen Qianshan at this time. As long as Shen Qianshan can come over, he will be able to retreat.

Gu Qiang looked up at Shen Zhongbai, but found that his expression suddenly became serious.

"Take her to the back." Shen Zhongbai pointed to Gu Qiang, then turned to look at some absent-minded people on the ground, "I have something to say to you, so I have to wrong you temporarily."

Gu Qiang originally thought that Shen Zhongbai's people would take him directly, and wanted to struggle a little bit to waste a little more time, but the guard just approached, Gu Qiang completely lost consciousness, A Li wanted to stop , But couldn't use any strength all over his body, there was no way to stop all of this, only to watch Gu Qianbei Shen Zhongbai's people take away.

When Shen Qianshan and Gu Huai'an were still far away, they had already smelled a strong **** smell. Although Gu Huai'an could not hear his ears, he was really familiar with this kind of smell. He didn't care about it, so he rushed over. .

When I looked at it from a distance, I could only see some people lying on the ground, and some people standing with swords. Shen Qianshan and Chu Tiankuo didn't react for a while.



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