When Shen Qianshan and Chu Tiankuo saw the **** scene, they were afraid that Gu Qiang really had something wrong, but when they walked in to see it, they found that the ground caused people who had never seen them, standing The person in the crowd was familiar, but Shen Zhongbai didn't seem to want to see Shen Qianshan in this place.

Shen Zhongbai stood with the guards beside him, with blood on his body, and Gu Huai'an suddenly became excited. After all, it was his sister. If something really happened, he would really Nowhere to regret.

"I'm asking you, where's Gu Qian!" Gu Huai'an pulled Shen Zhongbai by the collar. How could he control whether the person in front of him was the emperor? On the contrary, Shen Zhongbai looked deserted and pointed to the ropes hanging on the edge of the cliff.

"They've all gone down to find it, but if they can find it, it doesn't necessarily matter."

Shen Zhongbai didn't seem to have any particular disgust or dislike for Gu Huaian's actions. On the contrary, he was very calm. Shen Qianshan was originally emotional, but when he saw Shen Zhongbai like this, he felt that something was wrong with this matter.

Shen Qianshan's eyes were relatively sharp. Now when everyone was Gu Huai'an and Shen Zhongbai on the first day of the new year, he saw A Li who was lying on the ground not far away with blood on his body.

He walked up quickly, and all the marks on the road were left by Ali, so if she appeared in this place, Gu Qiang would definitely be here, but...

Shen Qianshan's complexion was a little bad, and he lifted the shoulders of the people on the ground, only to realize that although A Li was still breathing weakly, but even his shoulders no longer had the strength to support him, it seemed that A Li should be beaten like this. Looks like, looking at the blood on the ground and Shen Zhongbai who is standing now, Shen Qianshan can easily guess who made the move.

Shen Qianshan took a look before laying A Li quietly on the ground, but A Li had completely lost his breath.

After all, A Li has been with Shen Qianshan for many years. Now that it is like this, Shen Qianshan will inevitably be a little unacceptable. Chu Tiankuo is probably the person who can calm down the most now. He looked at the situation on the edge of the cliff and turned around. After a lap, he patted Shen Qianshan's shoulder directly on the ground, "Gu Qiang should be fine, there is no one looking for them under the ropes, they are all rocks."

Chu Tiankuo was able to confirm that there was no one under the rope. In other words, most of what Shen Zhongbai said just now should be deceiving, and he knew that such a trick could not deceive much at all. It took a long time, so Shen Zhongbai might have prepared other follow-ups.

Shen Qianshan also always felt that something seemed to be wrong, and he couldn't say anything, but he was still convinced that there would be nothing wrong with Gu Qiang. When Chu Tiankuo said this, he was more certain of his own thoughts.

It's just Ali...

Shen Qianshan didn't know exactly how to deal with it for the time being. A Li was destined to have no way to rescue him. Now we should find Gu Qiang who was hidden by Shen Zhongbai first, so that they could go back together and deal with A Li's affairs.

"What's the matter with these people? Does the emperor eliminate harm for the people?" Shen Qianshan put his cloak on A Li's body. As A Li is now, there is no chance of being able to rescue him. Moreover, A Li himself, also It didn't take any effort, no matter what, it was impossible to go back.

"Uncle Huang joked. These people often kidnap and threaten some vendors in the capital. What's even more annoying is that they are all under the patrol city. If something like this happens under my nose, how can I ignore it? It's just a pity that I came a step late."

Of course, Shen Zhongbai knew that such a case could not deceive Shen Qianshan, but he really had something to say to Gu Qiang. It was always good to be able to delay for a while.

Since the last time his mother and concubine acted on Gu Qiang, Shen Zhongbai has always wanted to explain this matter. After all, for Gu Qiang, this matter must have a great impact. He hasn't been able to forget when he entered the door. The bloodless face of Qiang, not only those, but also many things, she wants to explain, but she has never had such a chance, this time, she must take advantage of Gu Qiang’s presence in front of her. Tell her everything you want to say.

Shen Qianshan is now not sure where Shen Zhongbai is hiding Gu Qiang, so he can't act rashly. Although he doesn't know what the conditions of the people around here are, but Shen Qianshan is certain. Chu Tiankuo should be right. , Gu Qiang would never have fallen down now, otherwise, Shen Zhongbai would not stand in front of him so calmly and speak.

And in all likelihood, this incident today was set by Shen Zhongbai himself, and now it seems that what he did was really successful. After thinking about it many times, he didn't even think that this incident would affect Shen Zhongbai. What's the harm to say.

auzw.com "Since it looks like this, let's go down and look for it."

Gu Huaian originally had a glimmer of hope, but when Shen Qianshan said that, he really thought that Gu Qi had fallen, and his whole person collapsed in an instant. When he went up the mountain, he was actually afraid of this, step by step. When he walked up, he knew how high the mountain was, and you also knew that if you fell from this place, there was probably no way to survive. He already blamed himself on the way, but now he has heard such news. The way to accept, the throat is sweet, it is a big mouthful of blood pouring out.

Gu Huai'an was really irritated at this moment, and the eyes of the whole person immediately lost their look. Although both Shen Qianshan and Chu Tiankuo knew that the words just said were not true, but at this time, they can't Tell him so impulsively.

Of course Shen Qianshan didn't leave immediately. It's just that Gu Huai'an looks like this. It is impossible to let him stay in this place. Qian Qiu can only send him back first. Chu Tiankuo also simply checked for him. There is no big problem, just because I was too anxious for a while, it became like this.

"Then what should we do now? Do we really want to go down?" Chu Tiankuo felt that going down at this time was a waste of time. Anyway, he knew that Gu Qiang did not fall, but was hidden by Shen Zhongbai. You shouldn't just lie in ambush in this place. When Shen Zhongbai passes by, won't you find Gu Qiang?

Shen Zhongbai’s eyes never left the two of them. Both Shen Qianshan and Chu Tiankuo’s performances were too calm. You know, Shen Zhongbai, there is no way to hold both of them in this way, but Gu Qiang was actually only Behind a nearby mountain wall, as long as one can walk away for a while, there is a chance to meet Gu Qiang.

"There is no need, we just have to go a little bit farther. Shen Zhongbai has even come up with such a reason, which means that he just wants to delay a little time. We just need to look around for a while."

Shen Qianshan was not sure whether his bet was right or wrong, because once Gu Qiang was involved, all his thoughts were disrupted. He couldn't think about any problems, and he didn't know at all. What are you thinking about?

Shen Qianshan knew that Gu Qiang should be nearby, so he didn't want to go too far, for fear that when Gu Qiang called for help, he would not hear him and missed the best opportunity to save her.

"Then let's wait first." Chu Tiankuo actually didn't understand a lot of things, so when he saw those things, he didn't connect them in time, and you didn't realize that so much would happen later. Things.

For a long time, Chu Tiankuo didn't quite understand Shen Zhongbai's reusing the city tour. It turned out that he had already discovered something wrong with him, but he was able to endure it until this time and start to solve it. He is definitely not a simple character. , It seems that I still have a lot to investigate.

Seeing Shen Qianshan and Chu Tiankuo walking down, Shen Zhongbai walked towards the back of the mountain wall. Shen Zhongbai's medicine was not very heavy, so when he entered, Gu Qiang had already woke up.

"I just want to explain to you. I really didn't know about the previous incident. The queen would do something like that. I really didn't expect it." Shen Zhongbai didn't want Gu Qiang to misunderstand him for no reason. What happened in the day really had nothing to do with him, but it happened in the palace after all.

"The emperor actually has no need to explain this. It has been so long. Anyway, I have nothing to do. The emperor does not have to worry about it. If it is just for this matter, can the emperor let me go now?" I could hear that Shen Qianshan was outside just now, but there was no way to tell him his current situation. He was already very helpless, but Shen Zhongbai wanted to get him over just to say these things that would be painless.

"Are you still hating me?"

"The emperor, does it mean to you whether you hate or not? There is no relationship between the grassroots and you. If it weren't for your repeated embarrassment, the queen dowager would not think that the grassroots is a beauty and a disaster, delaying your great cause ."

Gu Qiang said these words not to be angry, but to explain to the person in front of him.

"From beginning to end, what the prince and I want is just a stable life, but you always embarrass us."

There was nothing at all, but when Shen Zhongbai said so, Gu Qiang suddenly felt a little wronged.



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