After all, from the very beginning, I shouldn't have been entangled by this incident. I just wanted to get rid of my original fate and no longer be close to Shen Zhongbai. But what was the final result?

The friends around him left one by one, but Gu Qiang could only watch and could not do anything.

"I just want to apologize to you, and I also want to know why, you suddenly change your mind, and even Shen Qianshan's life or death is uncertain. When everyone thinks that he is no longer alive, you still don't want to be by my side. "Shen Zhongbai said that he was still a little excited, these things really bothered him for a long time.

Shen Qianshan is a royal family just like himself. He can do the same things he can do. He has never felt any worse than him, but Gu Qiang has never seen himself like that.

Gu Qiang looked at Shen Zhongbai who was excited in front of him, and even thought it was a bit ridiculous.

"Why? You know, the only way you can get me now is to kill me." Gu Qian didn't expect that Shen Zhongbai would choose to use such a method to direct and act a good show in order to hide his identity. It's like a play for the world.

She could clearly see the corpses outside. She didn't dare to say that the people outside were innocent, but could Shen Zhongbai be able to guarantee that everyone in there was unforgivable?

"The emperor, have you seen the corpses lying outside? People are full of flesh and blood. The relationship between me and the prince is not so easy to destroy, so even if everyone does not believe that he is still alive , I must also believe that he will not abandon me so easily."

Gu Qiang didn't know how to explain to the person in front of him. In Gu Qiang's eyes, Shen Zhongbai had always been a person without feelings, just like he could use himself or Shen Qiangwei, in his eyes , Only himself is the most important.

"Humph," Shen Zhongbai was obviously disdainful after hearing this, "I will prove to you that the indestructible relationship between you and Shen Qianshan that you said can't stand the test." When Shen Zhongbai was leaving, , There is only one inexplicable sentence left. He has always liked to use the simplest and most effective way to solve problems. He never likes to make mistakes, but this time, he just wants to prove that Shen Qianshan and himself are in fact different There is no difference.

There will always be things that will affect the relationship between them, no matter how good their relationship is, there is not necessarily a good result.

"The emperor, instead of focusing on these things, you might as well take a look at whether the benevolence and virtue that you keep talking about has really been realized, and what you have done yourself."

Shen Zhongbai flung his sleeves and walked out of the mountain wall, and brought all of his people by the way. After Shen Qianshan saw him leaving, you know that the matter has almost been resolved, so he walked out with Chu Tiankuo.

Gu Qian knew that Shen Qianshan and the others were probably still looking for him, and he was still worried about A Li who was seriously injured just now, so instead of going directly to the capital, he went to the cliff where he was trapped just now.

Only Shen Qianshan and Chu Tiankuo were the only people waiting in that place, as well as Ali who could no longer stand up.

It’s also convenient to deal with Ali’s funeral affairs. It’s nothing more than some of the leftover clothes and other things. Although it has always been in Yuhualou, the furnishings in Ali’s room are indeed simple, plus there are no people in the house Now, Ah Li left almost silently, and apart from a few of them, no one else seemed to know.

"Ali is still very good to you, the master, and loyal, but..."

Gu Qiang still feels a bit pity, in fact, if A Li did not follow that day, maybe so many things would not happen later, and A Li would not die in that place.

"Actually, Ali would be better for you. I did save her, but among the two of us, she actually believed you more." At the beginning, Shen Qianshan himself was unwilling to admit this matter. After all, Yu Hualou has been in business for so many years, but he ran that place by himself just to make it easier for him to collect information, but when Gu Qiang took over, it was completely different.

When A Li was poisoned, it was Gu Qiang who investigated the truth of everything, but before that, if it was in his own hands and something like this happened, as long as there was nothing wrong with A Li, he would definitely wait for her to recover. Now that there is nothing to do, let her solve the matter by herself.

Shen Qianshan always thought that by doing this, she would allow them to deal with these things personally and give them greater freedom to deal with their own affairs, but Gu Qiang was completely different. She would not allow the people around her to be harmed. She was willing to Being honest with others, this is probably the reason why after seeing her, even if Ali knew it was dangerous, let's keep up with her.

"Is it? Maybe." Gu Qiu didn't know what he should say now. In any case, A Li encountered such a thing because he wanted to save himself. Gu Qiu always felt the more pressure he was on. It’s getting heavier, and there are many things that might not happen if you don’t intervene yourself.

Shen Qianshan didn't know that so many things would happen during this time, Liu Rongchen's incident, he thought that maybe it would pass after a long time, but now something like this has happened again.

"Actually. You can be regarded as A Li because I was hurt so badly. After all, she has always been under my hand. She went out today to help me with errands. Meeting you was just an accident."

Shen Qianshan always feels very weak at this time. He knows that this excuse is too pale, but he can't think of a better reason. Gu Qiang blames everything on himself in the end, and the pressure will increase. Come bigger.

Shen Zhongbai has not forgotten what Gu Qiang said to himself when he was in the cave. He would never admit that he was wrong, so he must prove that the man Gu Qiang loves wholeheartedly has nothing to do with him. The difference is also for people who are desperate for rights and status. There are always things that can affect him, and their seemingly vulnerable feelings.

Since the last time passed, Shen Zhongbai has not allowed the queen mother to leave his bedroom, but after all, things are matters in the imperial house, and you can’t make too much noise. After that, you will soon use other things. I suppressed this matter, so no one dared to mention this matter before the court.

Therefore, at this spring banquet, Shen Zhongbai still reluctantly lifted the footsteps of the Queen Mother, but this matter was not as simple as he thought.

"The emperor, General Rong's daughter has returned to Beijing."

The people under Shen Zhongbai's hands have been paying close attention to all the people and things related to Shen Qianshan, but the incident of Rong Yue's return this time is not necessarily a bad thing for Shen Zhongbai.

"Is it Rong Yue?" If Shen Zhongbai remembers correctly, this Rong Yue should be the righteous daughter of his mother's queen. General Rong died on the battlefield. At that time, it was also his mother's queen that she proposed to take Rong Yue into her righteous daughter. , It’s just that she voluntarily followed her master, so she has not been in the capital for so many years. If it weren’t for her, she suddenly mentioned it.


"What did she do when she came back?" Shen Zhongbai has always paid no attention to these people who will not affect her. What's more, at that time, if her mother had not accepted her, there would be no males in the Rong family, and the generals would soon have no generals It will lose its prestige! ,,,,: She has already been on the streets.

"It's not clear for the time being, but after Miss Rong comes back, she wants to go to the palace to see the Queen Mother."

Rong Yue wants to see the Queen Mother, it is naturally understandable. Shen Zhongbai also knows that he cannot keep his mother queen. There is no impermeable wall in this world. Sooner or later, news of the Queen Mother’s foot restraint will spread. In the beginning, he just wanted to teach the mother and concubine a lesson, and was not really prepared to restrain her for a lifetime.

"Send someone to pick it up, just at the spring banquet, which is also a cause." Shen Zhongbai really felt that this emperor was really inferior to the ordinary people outside. He didn't know. The empress dowager did things like that at the time, all for himself, but he just couldn’t condone the empress dowager’s behavior, not to mention that she, as the empress dowager, should not rush to death, even if it was to convince Shen Qianshan, he could not treat the queen mother No treatment at all.

When Rong Yue came back like this, it was a good opportunity to be able to let her mother come out. After all, for herself, the king of a country still needs a step up.

If it were someone else, Shen Zhongbai might still be unsure, but this time it was Rong Yue who wanted to see the queen mother. Even if Shen Qianshan really complained about him, it would be impossible for him to be dissatisfied with Rong Yue. After all, the relationship between Rong Yue and him is really unusual.

The first thing Shen Zhongbai learned about Rong Yue was General Rong’s daughter. After General Rong died on the battlefield, she should have no use for herself, but just when the Rong family was about to be destroyed. The queen mother suddenly stood up, and when everyone wanted to have nothing to do with them and hang up high, she accepted Rong Yue as a righteous daughter.

At that time, Shen Zhongbai didn't have the comprehensive intelligence network in his hands.



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