Coming Kingly Son-in-Law: Don’t Provoke the First Daughter

Chapter 850: Queen Mother's Eyeliner

After the queen mother said this, she also looked at Rong Yue’s expression. After all, a person who had already been told of his death was said to be still alive. No matter who heard it, she would find it a little weird. Seeing Rong Yue’s face Her expression slowly eased, and she went on to say, "Not only is she like this, she is also dishonest. She always hooks your emperor brother. How can I be a queen mother?"

After listening to the Queen Mother’s words, Rong Yue obviously felt a little unbelievable. After all, this time you came back by yourself, you are indeed at the age when you have to get married. She put all her hopes in Shen Qianshan. On his body, now he got the news that the Nine Queens were not dead, and of course he felt a little uncomfortable.

"The queen actually doesn't have to worry too much. The real Jiuwangfei is dead in name. Even if she can stay with her brother, she will no longer have the name of the Jiuwangfei. The queen does not have to worry about these things. , I have my own way to stop the relationship between the two of them.” Rong Yue thinks that he has known Shen Qianshan for so many years, and he must know much more about him than the person Gu Qiang killed halfway. In other words, Shen Qianshan has always been different, and because of this appearance, Rong Yue has always believed that if there was no such gu 嫱, the princess next to Shen Qianshan would definitely be his own.

Now that there is such an opportunity, of course she has to take it well, no matter whether the nine princesses are dead or not, it is not an important matter to herself. The important thing is whether Shen Qianshan is willing to marry herself.

"Rong Yue, you have to be careful about that. That Gu Ling was originally the daughter of the old fox Gu Linjiang, and his mind must be close to death. If it hurts you, it won't be good." The queen mother pretended to be hypocritical. He is very concerned about Rong Yue, but he also knows what Rong Yue is thinking now, and the guilt in his heart is less. After all, even if he doesn’t say this, I’m afraid Rong Yue’s own will definitely do it. Thing.

In fact, the queen mother did not directly arrange for Rong Yue to enter the Nine Kings Palace. After all, no matter what happened, Shen Qianshan would not have a very good attitude towards the queen mother, but Rong Yue’s identity is different, as long as Rong Yue He spoke to himself, saying that he had just returned to the capital and had nowhere to settle, Shen Qianshan would never sit idly by. At least in the Nine Kings Mansion, Rong Yue would definitely be able to live in, and even if she really had such a relationship with the Queen Mother Shen Qianshan would never doubt Rong Yue, but that's okay, the original purpose of the empress dowager was not to harm Shen Qianshan.

Of course, these things the Queen Mother did cannot hide from Shen Zhongbai's eyes and ears. Even if all the people around the Queen Mother were clearly removed, there were still many people watching in secret.

However, Shen Zhongbai did not intend to intervene in this matter. After all, even if he intervened by himself, it was meaningless. Moreover, Rong Yue's identity to Shen Qianshan was really special. Maybe she would help after living in the Nine Kings Mansion. I don't know how busy I am. If I can take advantage of this opportunity to alienate the relationship between Gu Qiang and Shen Qianshan, it may not be a bad thing for me.

From beginning to end, the empress dowager and Shen Zhongbai’s mother and son had completely different thoughts and different goals, but they chose the same approach and let this matter develop at will.

"Junior sister, why don't you tell me when you come back?" Shen Qianshan was obviously very excited after seeing Rong Yue. After all, she was a junior sister who hadn't seen him for many years. Shen Qianshan was a rare person to meet, of course, he would be more excited. As soon as Gu Qiang entered the hall, he saw the cheerful Shen Qianshan, and he felt a little strange in his heart. After all, this expression on Shen Qianshan's face was indeed very rare, and he hadn't even seen it a few times.

"Master, this is..."

Gu Qian just opened his mouth, and Rong Yue also stood up and looked at her. Gu Qian always felt that Shen Qianshan now looks a bit smug. He even called his name directly in front of such an outsider. .

"Sister, let me introduce to you, this is my younger sister, Rong Yue."

Gu Qiang always feels that he is a little unacceptable to the title of junior sister. After all, there have been Gu Qiang's fellow juniors before. After doing such things, I really don't have a good impression of Shen Qianshan's junior sisters in my heart. Rong Yue’s master was not a martial arts master, but a military division under General Rong’s seat. From a young age, he taught them these seemingly more talented aristocrats, and some art of war that they could use.


Where did Gu Qianshan think that Shen Qianshan directly exposed his identity to such a person he met for the first time, and was a little at a loss for a while, but Shen Qianshan seemed to care nothing about it, even very much Excited to continue chatting with Rong Yue. The two people were talking and laughing, but Gu Qiang felt like the superfluous person.

"It's okay, 嫱er, Rong Yue is not an outsider, even if she tells her, she won't tell anyone." Shen Qianshan was a little too relieved of Rong Yue, Gu Ling saw in his eyes and in his heart. Not a taste.

"Master, I simply packed my things and decided to move back in these two days. I don't know where you arranged your junior sister?"

Gu Qian always felt that even when he was speaking, he kept beating every day. According to this situation, Shen Qianshan was almost ready to arrange his junior and sister to live in this place. Yes, Gu Qiang always feels that something will happen.

"Rong Yue also just returned to the capital, and there is nowhere to stay for the time being, so just live here. If you need anything, just tell me and I will try my best to help you." Shen Qianshan said My little junior sister is indeed incredibly good, but this kind of goodness is really not so pleasing to Gu Qiang's eyes.

After Rong Yue arrived at the yard where he lived, he began to pack some of his luggage. It was also at this time that Gu Qiang spared time to catch Shen Qianshan, who had been busy on one side, and said, "Master, can you explain this to me? What is the situation?"

Gu Qian received such a news as soon as he entered the door. The whole person is still in the mist until now, and he doesn’t know what happened. The inexplicable palace has a woman he has never seen before, Shen Qianshan. She was so kind to him, and even told her about her identity, how could Gu Qiang care not? After all, I don't even know a little bit of Rong Yue's details. If she was sent by someone, wouldn't I be destroyed by this Rong Yue?

Shen Qianshan thought that he had not explained clearly just now. After all, the relationship between himself and Rong Yue has always been very good, but when Gu Qiang appeared by his side, Rong Yue had already left the capital, so Gu Qiang never did. It is normal to have seen Rong Yue. After all, Rong Yue is about the same age as him, and he is indeed a lot older than Gu Qiang. It is normal to have not seen him.

"Yi'er, don't be angry. If you change to someone else, I might not believe it, but Rong Yue grew up with me and saved my life before. In any case, she will not harm me. Yes, and her father is General Rong, who can be regarded as my mentor. He has already been killed on the battlefield, so in her affairs, where I can help, I will definitely help."

Shen Qianshan didn’t say specifically, when did Rong Yue save his life or what happened, and Gu Qiu was not interested in knowing. After all, Shen Qianshan valued it very much, and naturally it was not a trivial matter. Gu Qiu had no idea about this. What is doubtful, but this Rong Yue, General Rong has been dead for so many years. After she returned to the capital, she still has such a powerful force. Doesn't Shen Qianshan feel strange?

"Ms. Rong is following so many people, is it all you arranged?" Gu Qiang didn't dare to confirm at first, but this Rong Yue seems to be a practicing family, so there is no need to follow so many people, right?

"No, Rong Yue was a righteous queen mother. At that time, General Rong died in battle, and the General Mansion almost couldn't support it. If the queen mother took her, she would probably be homeless too." Shen Qianshan said. In this matter, I still felt a little regretful. After all, General Rong was also a very good senior to him. He had always done his best to help himself, but he did not expect to give his life for the country.

"Queen dowager?" Gu Qiang started to feel hairy when he heard someone talk about the queen mother. She never thought that this Rong Yue had something to do with the queen mother. If she had known it this way, she would not care. Rong Yue would not be allowed to live there. Putting such a person next to him is not equivalent to putting the eyeliner of a queen dowager?

"What does the prince think? The queen dowager dare to be placed next to him like this?" Gu Qiang is a little bit confused. Even if he is a childhood sweetheart, he is also a person related to the queen dowager. How could he be like this? Defenseless?

Shen Qianshan didn’t care much about this. Although Rong Yue said that she was the queen mother’s righteous daughter, she and the queen mother did not get along for a few days at all. In comparison, she and herself have known each other for so many years. Why wouldn't Yue betray her for the sake of the queen mother.



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