"It doesn't matter. This matter should be different from what you think. The top priority now is to settle her down as soon as possible. I will explain these things to you slowly in the future."

Shen Qianshan gently pinned the broken hair in Gu Ling's ear to the back of his ear, "Actually, you don't have to think about it so much. We have known each other since childhood, and I have always regarded her as my own sister. Once settled, there will be no other problems in the future."

I don’t know why, looking at Gu Qiang’s a little angry now, Shen Qianshan suddenly feels a lot more relaxed, probably because he hasn’t seen Gu Qiang like this for a long time, and he still feels a little surprised, for a long time. Over time, because Gu Qiang didn't want everyone to worry, she never expressed her emotions, so she could say all the things she wanted to say in her heart, and Shen Qianshan also felt a lot better.

Although Shen Qianshan said that, the indifferent look on his face still made Gu Qiang in front of him feel a little troubled. Rong Yue has not stayed by Shen Qianshan's side for so long. How can Shen Qianshan prove that now Is this Rong Yue the same as the one he had known many years ago?

After Shen Qianshan said this sentence, he turned his head to arrange other things. Gu Qiang, you go back to the room alone. No matter what, you don’t feel like feeling in your heart. After all, Shen Qianshan can’t be left to everything. First, if his childhood sweetheart has changed a lot during the years without him, how can she make this bet?

Gu Qiang thought for a long time, but decided to find out what exactly happened. Qianqiu and Eleven followed Shen Qianshan for a short time. I am afraid that even if I ask, I can’t ask anything. Now I can know the truth of everything. People should only be Qi Bai.

Qi Bai has been with Shen Qianshan for a long time, and he should be clearer about what happened between Rong Yue and Shen Qianshan. You can find him to find out first, and you can't go wrong.

Of course Qi Bai also received the news of Rong Yue’s return to Beijing, but he did not follow Shen Qianshan during this period, so he did not help with those things, but he did know a little about Rong Yue, so When Gu Qiang asked himself, he didn't feel surprised.

"So, she is really the prince's junior sister?" Gu Qiang has never heard of it. Shen Qianshan has also learned something from the military under General Cong Rong, so I don't know at all, there is such a person as Rong Yue, but since Qi Bai is both With that said, it probably won't be a problem, but Gu Qiang now wants to know what Shen Qianshan means when he says that Rong Yue is his lifesaver.

"Yes, besides, the prince has always been very good to Miss Rong, but it's not like the feeling for the princess." Qi Bai was also afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Shen Qianshan, and did not want to ruin the prince and the princess. Therefore, I explained it very seriously.

It’s just that Gu Qiang really can’t listen now, "Then tell me, what is the reason for Rong Yue to save the prince?" Gu Qiang must know that Shen Qianshan is so good to Rong Yue. What is the reason? I have always been so confused. If Gu Qiang doesn’t figure out some things, it’s really sad. After all, for herself, Shen Qianshan used to be one of the few, trustworthy, and reliable people around her. I said to Shen Qianshan from the beginning that if he can't treat himself wholeheartedly, there is no need to waste time on Shen Qianshan.

"This matter is a long story. Although I was not with the prince at that time, I did hear this matter from the imperial concubine." Qi Bai is actually Shen Qianshan's mother concubine to him personally. The guard has been selected, so if Qi Bai had not personally experienced some important things before, Shen Qianshan's mother and concubine would also tell him.

At that time, Shen Qianshan and Rong Yue both learned the art of war from a military division under General Rong’s hands. In the general formation diagram, there will be some formations with beacon formations, but because they were still young at that time. He was only a teenager, and he couldn't go to a large field to practice, but General Rong would often take the two of them to the training field.

In the army, the most likely to be the kind of people who bully others because of their burly stature. People who always feel that they will never have any problems because no one can be stronger than them.

So when looking at two children in the army, it is inevitable to come up and bully.

At that time, Shen Qianshan was indeed not as tall as it is now. After he was pulled up by one of the strong men, he would tease him, saying that he was throwing him into the beacon.

At that time, Shen Qianshan was actually a prince with a fief. There were many people in the royal family who saw him not pleasing to the eye. Unexpectedly, they saw the chance of him being pulled up and shot arrows at him.

The arrow is actually only the kind used on the ordinary training ground, but the ill-intentioned person was coated with poisonous feathers. At that time, even the person who was dragging Shen Qianshan was shocked, and quickly took him. Brought in the military doctor's tent, but the conditions were limited at that time. Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen? No one could get the antidote, and there was no way to control the situation of Shen Qianshan at that time.

However, the toxicity has already begun to spread across Shen Qianshan. If it is not resolved quickly, Shen Qianshan will soon lose his life.

auzw.com At that time, Rong Yue, a child younger than Shen Qianshan, came up with a method to transfer toxicity with a needle. Although it was not that effective, even military doctors discovered that, This appearance can indeed delay some time, but everyone has seen how much more important it is. Who dares to take this risk easily?

Shen Qianshan originally thought that his life was about to be accounted for in that place, but he did not expect that Rong Yue would suddenly stand up at the most important time.

"I heard that the poison was later solved by the imperial physician in the palace, but because the delay was a bit long, the prince left a scar that could never be eliminated on his back."

Qi Bai had seen it before, so he was more certain that what he said should be no problem.

"What about Rong Yue? Didn't he also use a silver needle to transfer part of the toxicity to himself?" Gu Qian didn't expect things to develop like this, but after listening, Gu Qian seemed to be slow. Can understand why Shen Qianshan is so different from Rong Yue.

"Miss Rong also has a similar scar on her shoulder. Although it is not so obvious, it will last a lifetime. Therefore, the prince and the imperial concubine at that time both felt that they owed the Rong family their life."

In fact, Qi Bai wanted to explain this matter more clearly. At the very least, Gu Qiang and Shen Qianshan could not have any more quarrels about this matter, but after hearing this matter, Gu Qiang appeared very calm.


Qi Bai thought she was distracted. Looking at the expression on Gu Qiang's face, it didn't look like an angry look. Qi Bai also felt that there shouldn't be a big problem in explaining it.

"That is to say, did the two of them have any agreement?" Gu Qiang is probably the most afraid of this. If the two of them have learned a marriage contract, wouldn't he start robbing other women again? Shen Qianshan?

The previous fake marriage contract of Nan Qingyue had already made himself like that, and almost caused the entire Nanqi and Bei'an to start a war. If something else happens this time, I am afraid I really can’t stand it. Up.

"It should be no more. The imperial concubine has always respected the prince's own wishes. Although she owes her life to Miss Rong, she does not necessarily have to be repaid with emotion." Of course, Qi Bai believes in Shen Qianshan's feelings for Gu Qiang. So I specifically emphasized this.

After Gu Qiang heard this, his heart was even more confused, but Shen Qianshan was really very different to this Rong Yue, and he didn't think about it too much, and it was really too difficult.

Shen Qianshan had arranged up and down for two or three days, and finally arranged all the things that Rong Yue needed to be resident in the capital. Her personality is definitely not suitable for living in the palace, but There is only one house in the capital, which is a bit too eye-catching. Shen Qianshan had no better place to go for a while, so he simply let Rong Yue live in this palace.

"I have troubled you in the past two days. You have handled so many things by yourself. Will I waste your time?" Rong Yue saw Shen Qianshan helping him to buy these things. Quite satisfied, but Shen Qianshan always circled around him. People who didn't know him in the palace, on the contrary, began to give pointers on his identity.

"I haven't discussed with you for a long time. I don't know if you are still able to beat me like before." After all, Rong Yue is the daughter of a military commander. Naturally, her skill is not bad. When she used to fight Shen Qianshan, Shen Qianshan He was about the same height as his own, but compared to now, it seemed to be much worse.

"Then make a gesture. There is nothing to do. Just think about the time with you."

Shen Qianshan didn't refuse Rong Yue's invitation. He did not move his muscles and bones for a long time. Coupled with an old friend who hadn't seen him for so many years, he certainly couldn't refuse.



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