"It's been so long, since you want me to help, aren't you going to tell me what it is?"

Gu Qian felt that as he walked along the road, the expression on Gu Suliang's face had also changed. It was completely different from the time when he was chatting, and Gu Qiang gradually felt that something was wrong.

"If I tell you now, it will be boring. I still have to come first and then tell you."

I don’t know how long it will take him to walk. Gu Suliang finally stopped, but this time he stopped at a bank under his hand. He seemed to hesitate at the door and looked at Gu Qiang. Entered the door.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qiang doesn't think that Gu Suliang is a person who likes to sell Guanzi. Why has it suddenly become so abnormal today? Is it possible that if I tell myself this matter in advance, maybe I won't come over?

"Go and get the ledger."

In a place like a bank, even if it is Gu Suliang, you can't easily rest assured that these things are handed over to others, so from a long time ago, he personally handled all the things in the bank.

As soon as the accountant saw that the person coming was Gu Suliang, he respectfully passed the ledger in his hand, but Gu Suliang didn't even look at it, so he waved his hand directly, "Not this."

Gu Qian knows that there are indeed many places where different accounts are made secretly, but the money is all arranged by Gu Suliang himself. Why does he have to do this?

The accountant seemed to be stunned for a moment. Gu Qiang was not sure, but he always felt as if he had glanced at himself, as if he had never seen him feel like an outsider.

"Is it inconvenient for me to be here?" Gu Qiang would have such thoughts when he looked at him like this. Maybe Gu Suliang wanted him to show something he couldn't know, so he had to avoid others. Gu Qiang had no interest in the money in Gu Suliang's hands, and did not want to know how much silver taels he had in his hands.

"This is the young master, can't you tell him something?"

Although Gu Suliang said that, but after all, there are still people in front of him. It is really not appropriate to take out the account book at this place. He pointed to the room behind and dragged Gu Qiang into it.

The accountant took out a box and handed it over, then turned his head out of the room.

Gu Suliang pointed to this box, and reluctantly spoke to Gu Qiang, "It's this thing, it's really tricky."

Gu Qiang opened this small box with some doubts, but inside it was a wad of silver bills.

"Isn't it just a cash receipt? You don't lack this money, why did you put it alone?" Gu Qiang didn't understand why this matter should be said secretly, and to Gu Suliang, it seems to be something Very serious matter.

"There are candles here, look at this one, what's wrong."

Gu Qiang, you hear him say that, you almost understand it. It seems that the contents in this box are probably fake. Although you don’t have much contact with each other, you can hardly see the true and false, but this is a comparison. , Gu Qian found out that this fake banknote was almost exactly the same as the real one.

"Did someone make the rubbings in your bank?" Of course, Gu Qian knew that this was definitely not a trivial matter. If it could be done so finely, it would definitely be more than that.

"How is it possible that the rubbing of this banknote is in my hands? These are all banknotes printed by the Ministry of Industry, and in my bank, there is at most only my own money order."

Although Gu Suliang still doesn't know what the situation is until now, it is obvious that if this matter really makes a big deal, it must be him.

"Then it means that the problem doesn't lie with you, what else are you worried about?"

If it is a bank note printed by the Ministry of Industry, it should be something that happened to the people of the Ministry of Industry. It has nothing to do with Gu Suliang, right?

"The number of these fake banknotes is not too much now. I can still hold on, but it is indeed difficult to distinguish carefully. All the banks in the capital are mine. If so If more and more banknotes are in circulation, I will definitely be emptied."

Gu Suliang smiled bitterly when he said this. He knew this was the situation. From the beginning, he shouldn't have held all the money houses in his own hands. If it weren't for this, no one would be able to embarrass himself. It would not make such a big scene.

auzw.com "In other words, if someone exchanges these fake bank notes for cash, it won’t take long for a big problem, right?" Gu Qiang heard him say , I understood right away, it seemed that Gu Suliang was so distressed for no reason, and if this matter was really allowed to continue to develop, he felt that it would cause even greater trouble.

"But it's no use asking me to come here. All the money in the capital is yours. I have only one person. It is impossible for several to help you anyway. If you ask me to come, it is really better to call Shen Qianshan. Come over and use it better."

When Gu Suliang heard her say this, she shook her head, "If he can solve this matter, I won't find you. At this moment, besides you, I am afraid that no one can handle it. ."

Gu Qiang was a little bit inexplicable about what he said. To be honest, Gu Huai'an can solve the matter of the Ministry of Rites, but this time the matter is basically related to the Ministry of Engineering, and there is really no way he can solve it.

"Do you remember that from the things that Gu...your father's warehouse uncovered at the time, at first you said that there were some things you didn't know what they were used for, but you were afraid that they would be useful in the future, so you stayed. ?"

Gu Suliang didn't remember things so clearly, but the last time he took Liu Rongchen to get the gunpowder, he happened to see those things. Sometimes, it is true that the fake cash receipts have just begun to appear, so he took a special look. I didn't expect it to come in handy.

"Are those things still kept? I thought that after such a long time, I didn't know where to put them." Gu Qiang didn't remember it very clearly, so it's hard to be precise, but it's not right now. Are you talking about fake banknotes? Why did you mention those things suddenly?

"In fact, there is a rubbing copy of the Ministry of Engineering, because I have never seen it before, so I didn’t know what it was for at first, but after I saw the fake banknotes, I checked it a little bit. I found the purpose of that thing."

Gu Suliang also couldn't believe it. He didn't even recognize such a person who dealt with silver notes every day when he saw the real rubbings.

"Even if it is there, but during the time when Gu Linjiang was prime minister, you never showed up on a large scale, did you?" Gu Qiang knew that someone must not understand Gu Suliang, so he made it. Such a thing, but the direct purpose of doing this is to hoard a large amount of cash, and at the same time to weaken the power in Gu Suliang's hands. If you can think of such a roundabout way, I am afraid that there will be no one else except Shen Zhongbai.

"You said this trick was originally thought of by the old guy Gu Linjiang, but now I don't know why it was taken by Shen Zhongbai to make it ready-made, right?"

Gu Qiang finally understood the whole thing, and it is not difficult to think that this thing was done by Shen Zhongbai, but looking at Gu Suliang as it is now, the appearance of these fake banknotes should have begun to gradually become more widespread. If the scale continues to expand, it is likely that it will not be controlled.

"I have tried my best to suppress this matter, and if it is a fake bank note, I will not accept it, but it is simply impossible to guard against."

Gu Suliang could patiently explain to them that the bank notes in their hands were fake, but what Shen Zhongbai did was a bit too much. He actually made all the fake bank notes into a small number of fifty two hundred taels. .

Gu Suliang really had no way to watch a few family members come over with a fake banknote, but was told what it was like when the fake banknote could not be exchanged for cash.

Gu Suliang can be such a good person, but he can't always be like this. If he doesn't give the girls to solve the problem this time, he will have no way of peace of mind.

"That's right, since I have already thought of this way, Shen Zhongbai must be fully prepared for this. He made up his mind and knew that you would not embarrass the ordinary people, so he started from there."

After Gu Qiang listened to Gu Suliang's words. I also feel helpless, but after all things have happened, what he can do now is to minimize the loss as much as possible and solve it as soon as possible, otherwise, it may be irreparable.

"Since you can use it, just take it, not knowing where it is."

Gu Qiang smiled, "I have to tell you what I do, so that you don’t feel at ease, but also to reassure everyone that I won’t harm you, and this matter, without you, I might really Can’t do it.”

Gu Suliang was very serious when she said this. After all, this matter is not a simple trivial matter. If Gu Qiang is unwilling, she can think of other ways.

"You are different from Liu Rongchen, of course I believe you."

It is undeniable that Gu Suliang had also used Gu Qiang. In order to save Gu Suran, he tried his best to get close to Gu Qiang, because she was an opportunity for him to have access to blood jade, and he couldn't give up easily. Later Gu Suliang also saved Gu Qiang several lives.

He has been a dead friend for a long time, so how can he care about the little things before.

"That's good, since you decide to stay in Lingyin Pavilion, I can be regarded as an extra helper. If Shen Zhongbai wants to weaken us in this way, we must also be prepared."



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