Gu Qiang still didn't understand why Shen Zhongbai would deal with them in this way, because the entire Bei'an country belonged to him, and such an action would be tantamount to hurting the enemy a thousand and eight hundred.

"Do you really think that Shen Zhongbai is the man behind this incident?" Gu Qiang was still a little puzzled. After all, such a thing would not happen to him according to common sense.

Although he is suspicious by nature and often chooses some extreme ways to deal with problems, but he is a selfish person, no matter what the situation, he is unlikely to lose his own interests to do anything.

This is what makes Gu Qiang the most difficult to understand.

Gu Suliang didn't know why such a situation happened, but now that things have happened, they can't ignore things. If there is any unexpected trap, they have to prepare in advance.

"I will find time to inform the prince about this matter, because it is still unclear who is behind the scenes, but those who can get those rubbings are absolutely inseparable from the palace."

No matter who did it, it was extremely dangerous for them. Gu Suliang offended a lot of people in order to help you do things, but people who have this ability can do such things. Apart from Shen Zhongbai, there should be few.

"Beware first, although he is most likely, but not necessarily."

Gu Qiang was not sure if it was Shen Zhongbai, but if something went wrong, they would definitely be the first victims.

"Are you really ready to live in the Lingyin Pavilion?"

Gu Suliang was somewhat scrupulous about this matter. After all, Gu Qiang was the princess of Shen Qianshan, no matter what, it would be impossible for outsiders like them to give pointers.

"Stay, you don't have a room to arrange for me to live in, don't be so stingy."

Gu Qiang was just such a casual joke, and of course she knew that Gu Suliang couldn't be like this. Maybe she said that, she felt a little better in her heart.

"It's not that I won't live here, but are you sure it is appropriate for you to live here now?"

Gu Suliang didn't want to make the relationship between the two of them worse, but now there is such a Rong Yue in the Nine Kings Mansion, and he knows what her identity is. If Gu Qiang stays there, he still doesn't know he will make trouble What a trouble.

According to taking care of her, this Rong Yue is definitely not restricted. Regardless of whether he has any other purpose or not, he also deliberately approached Shen Qianshan, and by the time they really noticed something wrong, it might be too late.

"I've always lived here, there was no problem before, can't I live now?"

Gu Qiang also knew that Gu Suliang didn't want to live here, but his current status was indeed not suitable for returning to the palace.

"It's okay. I wanted you to tell the prince about this. In this case, I should find a time to talk to him. This will be more convenient."

Shen Qianshan finally calmed down his mood, but he couldn't face Rong Yue anyway, so he simply cleaned up the room, trying to minimize the impact of this incident, and then returned to the room.

The room is still as clean and tidy as before. Regardless of whether it was before or now, Gu Qiang doesn't like the cumbersome decorations. Therefore, in the palace, no room has any luxurious furnishings. Because of this look, Shen Qianshan did not have any at first. I noticed that Gu Qiang had packed up and left.

Although it is strange why Gu Qiang was not in the room at this time, in fact, he did not over-intervene Gu Qiang from the beginning, so at this time, Gu Qiang might be helping in the Lingyin Pavilion.

What happened to Rong Yue was always a hurdle in Shen Qianshan's heart. After all, it was someone he had known for so many years, and suddenly became like this. He certainly couldn't accept it. It was hard for him to imagine what Rong Yue had experienced over the years. What, but this can't be a reason for Rong Yue to turn around and frame himself.

"Qi Bai."

Shen Qianshan saw the leaves outside the window move lightly, and knew that the place was human. Forget it, Qi Bai should be on duty today, so he called his name directly.

Qi Bai didn't hide, didn't hide, walked out from behind the tree, "Master, do you have any instructions?"

"Where did the princess go? Did you say when you will be back?"

Qi Bai did not pay attention. Although he said that he was ordered to follow Gu Qiang, when Faye Wong went out today, she didn't bring anything. After seeing her in the Lingyin Pavilion, she was relieved, after all, Listening Ge looked at it in the dark again, and there shouldn't be any problems.

"When my subordinates were following the princess today, they saw her in the Lin-Yin Pavilion, so they didn't continue to follow. I guess they will be back in the evening."

After all, Gu Qiang had always been like this before, and of course he would return to the palace at night. Shen Qianshan didn't ask much when he heard that it was like this. Instead, he sat down at the table.

"By the way, Miss Rong seems to have come here today." Qi Bai actually didn't know whether he should or shouldn't. Before the princess went out, Rong Yue did come here, but he couldn't go in and listen to them. In the conversation between individuals, it seemed that after Rong Yue went out, the expression on the face of the princess did not seem very good.

"What is she here for? Did she put down something?"

Ever since he learned that Rong Yue had put some medicine in his meals, Shen Qianshan was a little wary of her. The two of them had been in friendship for so many years, and Rong Yue was really cruel to deal with him, and Shen Qianshan really didn’t know that there was still What she can't do anymore.

"It seems to have put down a plate of pastries, but Faye Wong didn't move, and kept it there all the time." Although Qi Bai said that he had a good impression of Rong Yue, if Gu Qiang really moved the plate of pastries today, he would There will be words to stop it.

Shen Qianshan looked at the plate of pastries on the table and frowned. Rong Yue should have not been out today, but these pastries seem to have been ordered by Qianqiu to buy them today. Why are they now sent by Rong Yue?

"Go and call Qianqiu over and say I have something to ask him."

Since I ordered Qianqiu to go out and do errands, I don’t seem to have seen him anymore. Since this plate of pastries now appears in this place, it means that he should have returned, but he has already bought things, so why didn’t he come to me? ?

After hearing the news, Qian Qiu hurried over, not knowing what mistake he made today, quietly standing in front of Shen Qianshan.

"Master, do you have any more orders?" Qian Qiu witnessed Shen Qianshan's madness in the room today. He hasn't seen it a few times in so many years, so he is still trembling, walking on thin ice.

"What I asked you to buy today, where did you go?"

Shen Qianshan always felt that something was wrong with this matter. How could it be so coincidental that Rong Yue just happened to appear in front of him when he just became angry?

On the eleventh, I also told myself today that the kind of medicine Rong Yue puts in his meals, if used in that dose, not only will not have the effect of calming the nerves, but it is very likely to make his mood even more. He was irritable, but just after hearing this, Shen Qianshan felt that he couldn't control his emotions so quickly.

"When I came back from the summer vacation, I saw that the website was angry, so I didn't dare to disturb. I should have been sent somewhere recently, so I stayed first. Miss Rong happened to be passing by the summer yard, so she asked to help her subordinates. Send this cake out, as to where it was delivered, the subordinates don’t know."

When Qian Qiu walked in, he saw the plate of pastries on the table. In fact, he understood the whole thing very well. It seemed that the whole thing was a good opportunity for Rong Yue. Maybe she took this opportunity. Want to poison your own princess.

"You have been with me for so long, and you don't even understand the truth. Since it's what I told you to do, why do you have to go through someone else's hands?"

Shen Qianshan was really angry. Qian Qiu didn't know what he was angry for today, so he thought that he had encountered something unsatisfactory, so he was like that, not only delayed what he was doing. , And almost let others take advantage of the loopholes, how can this make me not angry?

But just when Shen Qianshan felt that he was about to lose control of his emotions, he suddenly remembered the words he said to him this morning on November, the medicine that Rong Yue put in his meals, he must control himself , It is possible to overcome the medicinal properties of those drugs.

If you really can't restrain yourself, if you lose control in front of Gu Qiang once and become angry at the person he cares about most, Gu Qiang will probably never forgive himself in this life.

Shen Qianshan took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "This time I will spare you for the time being. If there is another time, you can pack up your things and leave. Since I was a child, don’t you know that my things are not allowed? Does anyone else handle it?"

Qi Bai originally thought that Shen Qianshan was going to get angry just now, but he didn't expect that in the end he still didn't, which made him a little unexpected.

Qian Qiu also knew that he had done something bad, and didn't know what to do at this time, so he could only kneel on the ground and motionless, "Master, the subordinate knows the fault."

Qi Bai looked at the plate of pastries on the table and then opened his mouth after a while.



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