"Master, there is no problem in this pastry. Actually, you don't need to make such a big fire. Maybe Miss Rong just wants to send something."

Qi Bai is far away, it is impossible to know what Rong Yue and Gu Qiang are talking about, but since there is nothing wrong with this cake, Qian Qiu actually doesn't have to be punished for this matter?

"This time there is no problem, but what about in the future? In case something like this happens again, can you make sure that the next thing you send to the princess will be okay?"

Shen Qianshan tried his best to clarify this matter calmly, but in fact, Qian Qiu did not consider it thoughtfully today. It was because he failed to figure out the situation that this resulted in such a result, "I said, you can never think No one will frame you, get the punishment yourself, Qi Bai, you will be by my side these few days."

Sometimes, Qian Qiu is indeed inferior to Qi Bai and Dark Ye in doing things, that is, because of this appearance, he was actually doing things properly at the beginning, so he arranged Qi Bai and Dark Ye to Gu Qiang’s side, but did not expect the final result, or Like this.

"Qianqiu, there is one thing you remember. In any case, you can't relax your guard against the people around the princess."

Shen Qianshan knew that after Rong Yue had come today, he actually felt a little bit in his heart. Gu Yi left the palace after Rong Yue had left, but what did Rong Yue say to her, apart from the two of them eating, there should be nothing When one person found out, Shen Qianshan was also afraid that Rong Yue said something that shouldn't have been said, making Gu Qiang think more.

"Qi Bai, follow me to the Lingyin Pavilion."

Gu Qiang did not dare to put the real banknotes and the fake banknotes together outside for comparison, so he could only stay in the room by himself. To be honest, even if he looked like himself, it was actually very good. It is hard to tell the difference between real bank notes and fake bank notes, but there is no difference between the two.

"A Liang, is the current situation very serious? If all the banknotes are held in the hands of some grassroots civilians, would it be someone who has planned it for a long time?"

Gu Qiang looked at the two banknotes in front of him, and compared the rubbings he got in his hands. At the very least, he could prove that the source of these fake banknotes was not Gu Linjiang. After all, the printed patterns would still be more or less correct. Something is different, but besides him, who might be able to usurp the throne, who could come up with such an idea?

"Let's say we ignored someone."

Gu Suliang also suddenly remembered it. It was after Gu Qiang mentioned her father that Gu Suliang had this bold idea. After all, above the court, isn't there someone who wants to control the government like Gu Linjiang?

"You mean that this thing is probably done by Shangguanhong?" Although Gu Qiang was also taken aback by this thought, because Shangguanhong has not been very noticeable in his own eyes, perhaps because it is true There is no talent, maybe because he has not done a thing in his own eyes.

But this kind of thing really seems to have been done by him. If Gu Linjiang wants to use fake silver tickets to defraud most of the gold and silver in Kyoto, it does not mean that if Shangguanhong has always treated Gu Linjiang As it is your goal, isn't it possible to follow his approach?

"Not necessarily. When Gu Linjiang was in the court, he didn't actually have any friendship with this Shangguanhong. Gu Linjiang has always been a very cautious person. If it were him, it would be really interesting. How can he take all his thoughts when doing these things? Tell others?"

Gu Suliang hadn't dealt with Gu Linjiang before, or he didn't think he looked like such a person, and ah, if Shangguanhong was really doing his best, then this matter would not be so difficult to solve.

"I also think he doesn't seem to have this brain. If it were him, he wouldn't have thought of scattering these fake cash in the hands of ordinary people. I think he would directly find his own people to make trouble in your bank. "

Shangguanhong did this from the beginning, so Gu Qiang felt that he was not very smart all the time. He always challenged himself by looking for things that ordinary people would not seem likely to accomplish. The end result is often that he can't be lost. Put rice.

"By the way, for a while now, didn't Chu Tiankuo also set up a line in the airport? If it were him, would he get more news?"

After all, Chu Tiankuo was also a member of Tianji Pavilion. If there were any clues, he might be able to connect the whole thing together.

"Are you really sure you need him for help with this matter?" After Gu Suliang heard this, he hesitated a bit. Chu Tiankuo is indeed his friend, but sometimes, he is really unhappy. Willing to trouble him.

Perhaps since Chu Junyou had an accident in front of him, Gu Suliang began to feel that he shouldn't have dragged Chu Tiankuo into this matter from the beginning. If it weren't for himself, these things would not happen. Up.

"If you don't want to, we can think of other ways." Gu Qiang also knows that Chu Tiankuo is now wholeheartedly thinking about how to help his younger brother get revenge, even though Chu Tiankuo is thinking He wants to help everyone, but sometimes, his approach is often too eager for quick success, and when everyone can't reach a consensus, Gu Qiang doesn't want to embarrass him.


"He may still be busy with the things he is working on now. If he can't trouble him, try not to."

If he could go to Chu Tiankuo for help from the beginning, Gu Suliang wouldn't be in such a dilemma now.

"Let’s go ahead. Let’s split up to find some clues. Since the crowd of these fake banknotes is very clear, we can start with these people. The relationship between these civilians is relatively simple. It's also more convenient."

Gu Qian took this matter relatively lightly, and the source had already been determined. As long as he could follow this line and retrieve it bit by bit, there should be no problem.

Gu Suliang didn't think of a better way for the time being, but when he first discovered that this was a fake banknote, he had sent someone to quietly write down those who were holding the banknote to exchange for cash What kind of identity is a person, if you find it back now, there should be some clues.

"I'll just say, if it were you, you would not miss such an important clue."

Gu Qiang looked at the beautiful fonts in the accountant in the Gusuliang Bank, and felt relieved. At least, he still has nothing to gain.

The two of them had just finalized the matter, and Shen Qianshan pushed the door and walked in. Lingyin Pavilion is now in the evening, there are too many people downstairs, and Shen Qianshan did not stay downstairs for long, so he just left. When he went upstairs, he saw the light in the room where Gu Qiang lived, and he knew that she must be there now.

"Sister, when will you go back?"

As soon as Shen Qianshan entered the door, he smiled and asked such a sentence, as if nothing had happened. With his attitude, after seeing Gu Qiang, he still felt a little bit wrong, "I will not go back for now. It’s not convenient for me to live in the palace, and there is no need for the prince to reserve a room for me."

After Shen Qianshan heard this, he should also think with his toes. When Rong Yue went to see Gu Qiang today, he must have said something awful, but this thing was indeed wrong by himself. Gu Qiang reminded himself at first. , Rong Yue is the queen mother's righteous daughter. When there may be problems, she has always firmly believed that Rong Yue is a friend of her childhood and will never have any problems.

But now it’s too late to regret it. The matter of Rong Yue drugging himself is a foregone conclusion, and I never thought that a person who believed so much for so many days turned out to be the one who gave himself a fatal blow.

"You are the princess of this king, and there will always be a place for you to live in the palace, so you definitely don't have to worry about it."

Shen Qianshan didn’t know in his heart that Gu Qiang was definitely wronged today, but at this time, he still can’t tell the whole story, because he doesn’t know whether Rong Yue is the queen mother or not. What is the real purpose of the appearance?

"Forget it, I'd better vacate all the place I live in for your childhood sweetheart. Your princess is already dead. I live in the palace like this. My name is not right, and I will make others gossip. "

Gu Qiang was quite calm, and as soon as he talked about it, he would think of the face that Rong Yue used to talk to him during the day.

Although I know that Rong Yue must be a man with a deep heart, but a woman will not be indifferent anyway when she sees that.

"I can also make room for the two of you to learn swordsmanship. How does the prince look at this?" Gu Qiang rolled his eyes at him without holding back.

Shen Qianshan looked at her like this, and his mood improved inexplicably.

Before that, no matter what happened, Gu Qiang considered the feelings of others, especially when something happened to her, she would definitely put aside all of her things and take care of herself first, but in that way, Shen Qianshan couldn’t help it. Know what she was thinking.

It seems that Gu Qiang can't do everything in a calm manner. Shen Qianshan finally knows that Gu Qiang is never willing to compromise when it comes to his own affairs.

"You can learn swordsmanship anywhere, there is no need to stay in the palace all the time, but this king's princess has always been only you."



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