Perhaps it was because before, no matter what happened, his attitude was very clear, but this time, he was very towards Rong Yue from the beginning.

When Gu Huaian went out, he happened to see Gu Qiang who was sitting in a daze in the hall, and quickly rubbed his eyes.

"Am I wrong? Why is my good sister still here all night?" Gu Huai'an can't hear it now, and doesn't even know what happened outside, so he moved back to Gu Qiang. The matter here is of course not clear at all.

Gu Qiang saw his elder brother turn around and smiled at him. Just about to speak, he realized that he couldn't hear anything now.

Chu Tiankuo didn't know what he was busy outside. It was already dark this day and just walked in from the door. He was a little surprised when he saw Gu Qiang.

"So the conflict between the two of you is still intensified? Are you planning to move here?"

The thing that Gu Qian dislikes Chu Tiankuo the most is probably that he can always expose his own situation and explain his current situation clearly in a single sentence.

"Right, right, right, there is no truth in what Mr. Chu said, everything you say is correct."

Although Gu Qiang still responded with the same tone as when he was joking, his attitude was obviously a little impatient. Chu Tiankuo also knew that his joke might have been a bit too much. After entering the door, he poured himself a cup of tea, "I am There is something I want to tell you about, and it may have a big impact."

Gu Suliang was originally hungry, and was about to take something out from the kitchen behind to eat. As soon as he got out of the backyard, he just saw everyone had arrived. Chu Tiankuo seemed to have something to say, he Putting down the cold dish in his hand, quietly looking at the person in front of him.

"What's the matter, it's so mysterious, did you find something that shouldn't be discovered?"

No matter what kind of things Gu Suliang has experienced, he is still too playful. No matter what he says, he will feel like he is joking. Chu Tiankuo knows his nature and took out a picture from his arms. Silver ticket.

Gu Suliang was obviously shocked when he saw this thing. After all, he had already discussed with Gu Qiang, and tried not to let Chu Tiankuo get involved in this matter, but he didn't expect it to be a mistake. Next, still involved him

"This is what I want to say. Now that such fake banknotes are circulated in the city, I don't know what the situation is." Chu Tiankuo never cared about these details, so they even became the circulation of these banknotes. If one of them hadn't been spotted by the opponent when he shot, I am afraid that he would not even realize that half of the bank notes in his hand had become fake.

"Do you know what is going on?"

When Chu Tiankuo encountered such a problem, his first reaction was of course to find Gu Suliang. After all, all the money that went up and down was under his name. Once such a problem occurred, he The injury must be the first to be affected.

"Hey, it seems that I still can't hide it from you."

Gu Suliang couldn't hide this matter anymore, and simply put away all the fake cash receipts. "Hey, these are what I received. The quantity should definitely not be less than yours."

When Chu Tiankuo saw so many fake banknotes, he would inevitably start to murmur in his heart. To be honest, if it weren't for the country's turmoil/turmoil, the appearance of such a number of fake banknotes would actually be a major event.

"Have you understood the specific situation? Have you found out where the source of these banknotes is?" Chu Tiankuo must have been uncomfortable seeing this situation. After all, the person behind was very Obviously it was directed at them.

"Not yet," Gu Suliang shook his head helplessly. This situation was something he didn't expect at the beginning. He originally thought that letting the guys in the bank under his own cares would be able to temporarily suppress this matter, but But he didn't expect that this kind of thing was getting worse, and even now, almost half of the bank notes in his bank were fake.

"We are going to check the source of these banknotes first. We registered the identities of all the people who exchanged these banknotes for cash at the beginning. It might be more convenient to check from them."

He has not yet dared to explain this situation to Gu Qiang today, but in fact, the situation is indeed not optimistic.

After listening to this, Chu Tiankuo frowned, "No, the banknotes in my hand are probably only faked starting today, because I have to go out to do business. It's too complicated. It is very likely that something went wrong at this time."

Gu Qiang also went on to analyze, "If it is like this, it means that the source of these banknotes is too wide. Even if we are the news of those who exchanged for cash at the beginning, it is basically It is impossible to track down who issued these bank notes." The current situation seems to be in desperation all of a sudden. They thought they had something to do, but suddenly it seemed that there was no improvement.

"But we can't just wait and die."

Gu Huaian hadn't kept up with their thoughts on the side, but he couldn't hear them for so many days, and he could almost hear what they were saying from their mouths, but the more he looked, he The more I felt that something was wrong.

Fake banknotes are such a big thing that two people can't do it alone. If it weren't for Shen Zhongbai, it is very likely that there will be more eye-catching people waiting for them.

"Brother, can you hear us?"

Gu Ling did not see Gu Huai'an for several days. Seeing that he could reply, he thought he had recovered his hearing, but after a while, Gu Huai'an read him out of Gu Ling's mouth. If he wanted to say something, he shook his head quickly.

"No, no, but everyone is acquaintance. I can see what you are talking about."

Speaking of this matter, Gu Huaian is actually very helpless. He has been taking medicine for so many days, but his hearing seems to have not improved at all. For so many years, Gu Huaian has healed so many people, but he has reached himself. Here, he really realized what it means that it is difficult for a healer to heal himself.

"How could this be? Since there is no trauma, it shouldn't have been inaudible for so long."

Chu Tiankuo also remembered this incident suddenly. Is it really necessary for Qingping to call it back to help Gu Huai'an?

Gu Huaian hasn't heard any sound for so many days, but he has slowly got used to it, but he can't always be like this. Yes, he felt that there was something wrong with his body before, so he decided to stay here slowly Retreat, but now it seems that the situation does not give him a chance to retreat.

"It's still like this. We will separately check the information we can get in our hands tomorrow. It is best to find useful clues..." Chu Tiankuo actually didn't say everything he knew, just like Said that he was actually investigating Shen Qiangwei, only to realize that the bank notes on his body had become fake.

If you get to the bottom of this matter, it is difficult to say who is related to it, so Chu Tiankuo did not rush to make a conclusion, but wanted everyone to continue the investigation in the direction determined before.

Of course, Gu Qiang and Gu Suliang continued to investigate the information they had received from the previous bank. Chu Tiankuo continued to investigate based on the information he had already received. Gu Huaian's current situation is indeed still Not suitable for going out, so I was forced to stay.


Gu Qiang and Gu Suliang are doing well here, but they just couldn't bear to go in when they saw the first person who came with a fake banknote.

The person who exchanged the cash with the bank note can actually be regarded as the leader in the small village. It can also be said that he is one of the few people in the village who can still earn money to support his family. I don’t know why, Gu Qiandi When I stepped into the village, I felt like I was living in a dream.

Gu Qiang had never seen such a situation before, and never knew that such a village would still exist in a place so close to the capital.

"A Liang, am I dreaming?" Gu Qiang is not sure whether he has seen all this now, but most of the people in front of him are old, weak, sick and disabled. They can take care of their lives. It was very difficult. Gu Suliang lowered his head, but did not speak. To be precise, he didn't know what else he could say at this time.

It was actually very easy to find the person who was going to exchange the banknotes, because the young man did not deliberately hide his identity, even when he came to exchange the banknotes, his face was full of joy.

"Two sons, is there anything going on in our little place? Or is there someone to look for?" The people in this village know very well. If there is nothing to do, they are dressed up like the two of them. People will definitely not appear here.

But the words have reached their lips, even the person they are looking for is right in front of them, but they don't want to say anything.

"We want to ask, what do you usually rely on to feed yourself?"

The young man obviously did not expect that the two of them would ask such questions, but they patted their chests, "Relax, the old people and children in this village have their own crafts, and most of them have the ability to support themselves. We usually make up some. Make a bamboo basket or do some small crafts, and then I will take it out and set up a stall on the street."



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