The young people thought that the two of them were merchants and they were interested in their craftsmanship, so they found this place and were very excited to introduce what they did.

Gu Qian picked up one of them casually and could see that these little things were made very delicately, but even if they had had such a difficult time, there were still people who wanted to attack them.

"My son, I want to know the origin of the last person who collected your objects on a large scale?" Gu Suliang is a businessman after all, and he is very comfortable when talking about these things. The person in front of you is a little skeptical. The last sentence, "In fact, we also want to buy some, but I don't know if we will encounter any evenly matched merchants in the city after we buy, so I just wanted to ask."

The young man is also simple and honest. Although he was not prepared to say it, he scratched his head embarrassedly when he heard him asking like this. "I actually don't know that it should be a shopkeeper surnamed Sun. I heard that he was in Beijing. It’s very powerful inside, and thanks to him, our small items can sell so smoothly."

Gu Suliang blinked his eyes a little when he heard the surname, and his eyes began to flicker. If it was the shopkeeper Sun, then he had an old acquaintance, and he didn't know if it was the same person.

Gu Qiang gently tugged Gu Suliang, "Do you think that the person they are talking about is the treasurer of the grandson who had been with my uncle before?"

Gu Qiang’s first reaction was of course also him. After all, he knew beforehand that he was actually under Shen Zhongbai’s hands, so he had always been guarded against him, but he didn’t expect that after so long, he would still hear this. first name.

Gu Suliang nodded, "I think it's probably him. After all, he has a background behind him. He can do things of this scale, but it's normal."

It's just that if he is rarely behind, things really become more complicated.

"I remember, is the shopkeeper Sun not very good at dealing with you?" It has been so long, and Gu Qiang can't remember to a large extent, but it is certain that the shopkeeper Sun was indeed Intentionally framed them, although the final result was still avoided by them, but who can guarantee what will happen this time?

"It's true. You remember these things quite clearly." After Gu Suliang heard the news, she was actually a little helpless, but at this time, he couldn't do much. Before that, the shopkeeper Sun was actually a substitute. When people do things, they can't completely guarantee that the black hand behind him is him. Even if they find him, he can completely deny it, because except for the young man in front of him, almost no one knows that the person behind him is him.

"Then what should we do now?" Gu Qiang watched as the young man in front of him was very enthusiastic and introduced to them, he wanted them to buy more, but this was not his intention, and he bought so many things After going back, there is no way to deal with it.

Gu Suliang has already lost a lot of money because of the silver bills. It’s because of his soft heart that he has lost almost all of his money to these poor people. At this time, he can’t let him continue to lose money. I couldn't bear it, but he was still heartbroken, dragged Gu Suliang and ran out.

"You are so anxious to ask me to come out for what? Didn't you say that you have to buy something?" Gu Suliang actually took the words that Gu Qiang said just now seriously. I have to say that those people just now are really not easy. After all, I was eating with my own craftsmanship. Since I have already said that I want to buy it, I just ran away suddenly.

Gu Qiang felt helpless when he saw him like this, "If I hadn't seen your business ability with my own eyes, I would really think that your money was brought by the wind. They held a hundred dollars. I went to exchange the two banknotes with you. At that time, you had already sent kindness to them and exchanged them, and you didn't expose the matter. Could it be that such a loss is not enough for you?"

Gu Qiang now feels that he can't understand the person in front of him more and more, and sometimes he is deadly, but he never stingy on this kind of thing.

"It's just that we have agreed just now? It's still a bit inappropriate to run like this." Gu Suliang still cared about his promise, but Gu Qiang was not ready to let him go back.

"Don't say anything else, at least we now have a little clue, I'm afraid we really can't get rid of your old friend."

What is the origin of this treasurer Sun?

On Chu Tiankuo's side, there really is not much discovery. After all, the people he has come and go in contact with are a bit too many these days, and the news in his hands is also complicated. I don't know where he came from and dealt with. There were too many people, and the banknotes in his hand came and went. Chu Tiankuo couldn't clearly remember the origin of each banknote. He could only recall all the things he had experienced that day.

However, the gain was not great. I only hope that Gu Qiang and Gu Suliang can get some useful information. Today, my trip was a waste of time. Not only did he not get any useful news, but he also found that he There seem to be more fake banknotes.

Chu Tiankuo spread out all the banknotes in his body, mixing the real and the fake together. For a while, he couldn't even find out which one was true and which one was false. of?

"What is the origin of this treasurer Sun? From the very beginning, he was able to catch up with my uncle. This shows that he must be someone who has done business in the border gates. If this is the case, he can't have this in the capital. Many forces, how did he do it?"

Gu Qiang felt more and more that the shopkeeper Sun was not right. According to common sense, businessmen should do their duties honestly and even make some big movements several times and follow what happened before. Look, he should be the person in Shen Zhongbai's hands, but this time, if he is really determined to do these things, he is actually likely to hurt not only a few of them, but even Shen Zhongbai. Shen Zhongbai will really do. Is he allowed to do such a thing?

"Oh, so annoying..."

Gu Qiang didn’t know whether the things they found today were useful or not. Logically speaking, the young man was probably one of the first people to get the fake banknotes. What he said should be credible. Yes, but why is it suddenly involved in such a name that has not appeared in a long time?

"In fact, you don't have to be too impatient. At least we have some clues now. If we continue to investigate according to this clue, I believe we will have some results soon."

Although Gu Suliang said so, she was really afraid of this treasurer Sun.

Although most of the industries in the capital belong to his own, but this shopkeeper Sun is definitely a person with a good face in the capital. Since he can cross himself and become the president of the chamber of commerce in the capital, there must be something he does not know. ability.

When Gu Suliang heard his name, he actually felt a little bit in his heart. If he could choose, he really didn't want to deal with him.

"If this is the case, why don't we go to the shopkeeper Sun's shop tomorrow? If the source of the fake banknotes is really him, maybe in his own shop, the fake banknotes will already be in circulation. What?"

Gu Qian suddenly had a good idea, but this method is absolutely impossible to apply to both of them, probably because both of them have appeared in front of shopkeeper Sun. No matter how bad their memory is, Sun It is impossible for the shopkeeper not to know the two of them at this time, right?

"If neither of us can appear in front of him, we must find someone who has never been in front of him to do this thing." Gu Suliang's thinking is still relatively clear. Walking into the Lingyin Pavilion can't be regarded as completely unproductive, at least they now know the general direction of the whole thing.

"If it’s someone who hasn’t shown up in front of him, it’s better to let the dark night take a look tomorrow. If I remember correctly, then it should happen to be when he was preparing for his marriage with Fuxue, although sometimes he would still follow By Shen Qianshan's side, he really didn't show up during that period of time."

Gu Qiang thought about it carefully, and after confirming the time, he thought of him.

"This matter has to wait until we go back. I don't know if there is any clear clue on Tiankuo's side. It's best not to check it from an ambiguous treasurer Sun." Gu Suliang still didn't want to make peace. This person is dealing with, no matter what.

"Tiankuo, you have already come back so early?" When Gu Suliang returned to the Lingyin Pavilion, Chu Tiankuo had already been sitting in the hall waiting for the two of them. Although his expression was not very good, he looked at him. The two of them managed to squeeze a smile.

"It looks like you two should have gained something, right?"

"of course……"

Just as Gu Qiang was about to speak, Qi Bai walked in from the door, and after waking up to Gu Qiang respectfully, he spoke.

"Master, I have some news from the prince who asked me to bring you, saying that it was the thing that I said yesterday, and he is already a little eye-catching."

Shen Qianshan actually wanted to come here in person, but he didn't expect that in just one day, Gu Qiang and Gu Suliang would make such a big mess.



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