Obviously, the news has already spread. If he appears in the Lingyin Pavilion at this time, I am afraid even he will be suspicious, so even if he has received some news, he still cannot appear here.

"Speak quickly." Gu Qian knew from the beginning that no matter how much thought they spent, they would definitely not come as fast as the news from Shen Qianshan. After all, now, Chu Tiankuo has to rely on Tianji Pavilion to get news. The news of the news came, and it would take a day or two to say nothing, and the speed is definitely not as good as Shen Qianshan.

"The prince said, starting from Pinmingzhuang, his staff can also follow your control."

Although it is inconvenient for Shen Qianshan to show up, it is not a problem to help secretly. What's more, it is impossible for Shen Zhongbai to do this thing from the root. Shen Qianshan actually has no scruples at first, but it is because of the movement. When he got older, he had to hide temporarily.

"Pin Mingzhuang? Where is that place?" Gu Qian never took care of these industries in the capital on weekdays. Even if he had several shops under his name, he had never taken care of it, so I didn’t know this. What is the origin of Pinmingzhuang?

Gu Suliang lowered his head a little, and pursed his lips before speaking, "It seems that I still can't escape. This Pinmingzhuang is the largest shop under the name of Shopkeeper Sun. It seems that we have to make time to go tomorrow. Pay a visit."

Rong Yue, hello, hello, hello, after coming out of the palace, I happened to meet Shen Qianshan, who came back from the outside, but Shen Qianshan’s attitude towards him changed drastically. Not only did he ignore him when he spoke, Even when he talked about the past, he didn't seem to be interested anymore.

Rong Yue originally thought that he was too tired that day, so he didn't care, but he didn't expect that for the next few days, Shen Qianshan would avoid seeing him, even if he stood at his door and said he wanted to give He sent something to eat, he just let himself put the things down and leave.

Rong Yue was wondering more and more about what was going on. Gu Qiang had already left the palace. Shouldn't Shen Qianshan be the only one in his eyes now?

"Has the news been sent?" Shen Qianshan has been slowly adjusting his body these days, and he has never touched all the things Rong Yue sent over. He has known good friends for so many years. He drugged himself, he didn't know who he could trust besides Gu Qiang.

"The news has already been told to the princess, but they are discussing who should be sent there tomorrow? After all, several of them seem to have appeared in front of this shopkeeper Sun." Qi Bai was not prepared to hide it, and he did indeed do so when he went. I have discussed this with everyone.

Gu Qiang didn't remember whether his memory was accurate, so she asked him to verify whether it was only Dark Night who had never appeared in front of Shopkeeper Sun at that time.

Of course, Qi Bai didn't remember such a long time very clearly, but according to the time calculation, it should not be much different. Dark night was originally in the Lingyin Pavilion, and it was much easier to get things done.

"How's that? Have you discussed the results?"

"It should be for the dark night to go with Master Chu, because at that time Master Chu was not in the capital, so the treasurer Sun should have never seen Master Chu either."

No matter what news he heard these days, Shen Qianshan tried his best to keep himself calm. In fact, it was very difficult for him. While suppressing the effect of the medicine, he also kept taking the antidote. He didn't even think that although the medicine Rong Yue used was not poison, it was even more difficult to dispel than ordinary chronic poison.

He was afraid that when he saw Rong Yue again, he might not be able to control his mood for a while, and he would say everything he knew, so he simply didn't see her.

The matter has not been investigated, and if I see him in a short time, I don't know how to face it.

"Master, Miss Rong is standing at the door now, as if waiting for your reply. Are you really not going to see you?" Qi Bai has heard a lot about Rong Yue since the beginning, so now Seeing her like this, I felt a little bit unbearable in my heart.

But Shen Qianshan can no longer make this bet with the people around him. He originally thought that Rong Yue had not changed for so many years, and she was still the innocent little girl in her own impression, but she made it so that she could not forgive anyway. Things.

"Let him go back quickly, just say that I still have something to do, it is not convenient to see her."

Shen Qianshan decided not to let go of the things on both sides, at least on the side of Rong Yue, he had to figure it out.

The spring banquet can be regarded as a royal family banquet. Although Shen Zhongbai does not have Rong Yue as his own sister, but in name he is also the righteous daughter of his own mother. After I went out, I said that my brother in name didn't understand this sister who had lost her father since she was a child.

The queen mother is of course happy for this banquet. Whether Rong Yue will come back or not, this is an opportunity for herself to get out of the palace gate. She has been locked inside for so many days, and Shen Zhongbai does not allow herself to contact the outside world. , It is really annoying.


After all, Shen Qianshan is also the prince, not to mention that Rong Yue is his childhood sweetheart. It is indeed a bit too much to not appear on such an occasion. Although Shen Qianshan does not want to meet Rong Yue in a short time, he has no choice. On this occasion today, he must To appear.

"My lord, are you finally willing to see me?" Rong Yue hasn't seen him these days, but her heart is actually a little hairy. She is not sure whether the things she did before have been discovered by the people in front of her. At the beginning, I could still persuade myself. As long as Shen Qianshan becomes angry with Gu Qiang, the relationship between the two of them will never be restored to the way it was before, before I can have a chance.

But the more she is separated like this, the more she has no bottom in her heart. Shen Qianshan is a prince after all. What kind of scenes she has never seen before, while she is afraid that what she has done will be discovered, while hoping that she will not be discovered, but When she really saw Shen Qianshan, she still felt guilty in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Shen Zhongbai deliberately did not invite Gu Qiang today. Of course, it was also because this was an internal royal banquet. She would inevitably be a bit eye-catching when she appeared in this place, so Shen Qianshan came here today just for a formality. Not really ready to meet Rong Yue.

Rong Yue heard his alienated tone, his expression dimmed suddenly, "Brother, do you already know it?"

Rong Yue should have thought long ago, how could a person like himself be able to beat Shen Qianshan?

In the imperial palace, he had not hurt Shen Qianshan for so many years. He should have known that such a method would not be popular in his eyes.


Shen Qianshan's tone is still flat until now, and he doesn't seem to want to accuse Rong Yue, but Rong Yue clearly feels that Shen Qianshan's attitude towards him is completely different from before.

"Brother, if possible, I also hope that those things never happened, but..."

"Since everything has happened, so be it. I have always been grateful to you for saving my life, but I can't forgive you for killing the junior girl I trust the most."

Shen Qianshan has not made any waves anymore, he is not prepared to say anything to Rong Yue, he obviously feels that his mood has eased a lot, but there is a word he still has to remind the person in front of him.

"I can leave the blame for what you did to me, but in any case, I also ask you not to hurt Gu Qiang anymore. She has never offended you before. Why do you have to offend her?"

The last thing Rong Yue wants is to hear the name of Gu Qiang in the mouth of Shen Qianshan. I don't know why, she just has a feeling that if there is no Gu Qiang, she can marry Shen Qianshan smoothly, and the nine princesses will only be herself. A person.

"But without her, the two of us would definitely be together."

"There is no absolute thing in this world. What's more, I have always treated you as a sister. All my exceptions to you are because I regard you as a true friend, a trustworthy person, but you How is it done?"

Shen Qianshan stared at Rong Yue and saw that she hadn’t made any response, so he continued and said, “That medicine should be given to you by someone else? He told you that the medicine that can be used as a soothing fragrance is even in overdose. It just makes people irritable, but you never thought that he might be lying to you."

Rong Yue panicked when he heard this, indeed he had never verified the true effect of that kind of medicine, but how could this happen?

"After you took the medicine, did you have any reaction?"

"Of course there is. If the medicine is taken too much, it is not only because of bad temper, but also may be retrograde. If I hadn't found it earlier, I am afraid that the body in front of you would already be a corpse."

Shen Qianshan turned around, "There is one sentence I have to tell you, no matter how good the relationship between the two of us was before, from the moment you decided to add medicine to my diet, the two of us have been unable to recover. When the relationship is over, you will take care in the future. I will help you pack up your things and stop staying in the palace."

Shen Qianshan already knew that the medicine in Rong Yue's hand was given to her by the Queen Mother. He also knew that at today's banquet, the Queen Mother would choose to propose marriage.



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