If he didn't even know that Rong Yue was drugging herself, and the queen mother happened to force Rong Yue into a situation where she couldn't stand it, she would definitely plead and promise to come down to the marriage.

But unfortunately, after living here for so many years, he shouldn't have trusted anyone anymore.

Gu Qiang's intuition for Rong Yue was right from the beginning. Although Rong Yue only wanted to marry himself, he hadn't learned cleverness at all for so many years. After being used by others, he even felt that he was innocent.

Before the Queen Mother had time to say the words, Shen Qianshan had already left. I don’t know why, but he obviously lost his friend, but Shen Qianshan suddenly felt a sense of relief. Perhaps for so many years, he has not had any feelings for Rong Yue. It is a kind of guilt.

Rong Yue used a silver needle to transfer the poison from his body in order to help relieve the toxicity of his body. Therefore, a scar was left on Rong Yue’s arm forever. It will not be eliminated in this life, and he has always remembered it. This matter, so from then on, no matter how excessive Rong Yue's request was, he would still satisfy her.

"Qi Bai, go to Lingyin Pavilion, they still have important things to do today."

Maybe after this period of time, I should also have a good talk with Gu Qiang about this time. I have always thought that her sensibility is actually accommodating herself, and she didn't feel it at all. In fact, she was no longer The old kid who would occasionally be self-willed.

Gu Qiang said something like that to herself because she cared. It turns out that what she said was indeed correct. It was because she had been carrying the guilt she had been carrying for many years, so she turned a blind eye to what Rong Yue did.

Gu Qiang still felt that this matter was a bit unsafe. Indeed, Chu Tiankuo had never seen this treasurer Sun before, but he had never experienced anything like this before. He was a general on the battlefield before, and later The master of Tianji Pavilion, who is strategizing, has never done business in any identity.

This is what Gu Qiang is most worried about now.

Dark night is even more needless to say. He has always been Shen Qianshan’s guard. If he really pretends to be a merchant who wants to buy tea, the two of them will probably show their stuff if they can’t say a few words. This is Gu Qiang, who should be worried of.

"After entering, don't be anxious to express your intentions, simply look around to make sure there is no secret whistle around." Gu Suliang took out his clothes, but fortunately, he usually wears only a few pieces and many clothes. I haven't even seen it before, so it's not bad to take it out to support the scene.

Gu Suliang seemed to have considered them entering the door, but Gu Qiang still kept thinking about it.

"I said, if you continue to say this, the words I just said to the two of them, I guess they will soon forget." Gu Suliang really thinks that Gu Qiang made a fuss, after all, today I’m not looking for something, but I just want to see if the tea shop uses fake cash. As long as it looks like a businessman, it’s okay to simply buy a few things, and you will be able to identify the shopkeeper and shop. Is the banknote inside real or not?

"Alright, alright, then I won't talk about it, but you two must be careful in everything."

Shopkeeper Sun was a person who had dealt with his uncle before. When his uncle left, he even told his brother that he must be careful of this person. Of course, he dare not relax his guard now.

Compared to the two businessmen Gu Huai'an and Gu Suliang, even if they were wearing Gu Suliang's clothes, they always seemed a little strange to Gu.

"How are your preparations?" After Shen Qianshan settled Rong Yue's affairs, the whole person was a lot more relaxed. Today, I must find an opportunity to tell Gu Qiang all the things that happened just now. Shen Qianshan's heart is this. Big rocks can be put down.

Gu Qiang looked at Chu Tiankuo up and down, "Reluctantly, it's weird, obviously, the body shape is not so different. Why do they feel so different in the same clothes?"

Gu Qiang subconsciously compared the shoulders of Gu Suliang and Chu Tiankuo with his hands, but suddenly realized that Chu Tiankuo seemed to be much thinner than before.

Gu Huaian had been watching him all the time. Although he couldn't hear what his sister was saying, but when she saw her making gestures with her hands, she quickly stopped her, "What is this? The two of them are similar, but The clothes you usually wear are not the same, you think so."

Gu Huai'an knew very well that the drugs Chu Tiankuo took had begun to slowly eat back his body. Even if he seemed to have no problems on the surface now, his physical condition was already much worse.

Although he tried to cover up, if he, a doctor, didn't help him, his current situation would soon be discovered by others.

"I just think he seems to have lost a lot of weight recently. Isn't he too tired?" Gu Qiang can't believe his eyes, but it seems to be like this. If he remembers correctly, Chu Tiankuo has been fighting on the battlefield all the time. The application should look a little stronger than Gu Suliang, but how do you feel that he has become thinner now?

"Don't think about it so much. If you keep on going like this, I'm afraid it will be dark."

Chu Tiankuo was obviously also afraid that Gu Qiang would continue to insist on this issue. If he really found out, he really didn't know how to explain it for a while.

auzw.com Seeing that Gu Qian hadn't paid any attention to him, Shen Qianshan also found a place to sit down, preparing to wait until they were finished.

Gu Suliang and Anye left like this. Although they don't know what they will get, at least they have to try.

"Is there anything the prince came over today?" Gu Qiang seemed to be doing the leisurely Shen Qianshan, and he didn't hit the fire. If I remember correctly, today should be the royal spring banquet. Would Rong Yue miss it? Such a good opportunity? Just let him out like that?

"This king is coming to see his princess, is there anything that is not allowed?" Shen Qianshan is also going to tell her about this anyway, and simply tell him all the things at the banquet today.

"Allow, but I heard that there is only one princess in the Ninth Prince. After today's banquet, don't you want to change to a princess?

Gu Qiang must admit that he is indeed a little curious about what happened today. After all, it is a royal banquet. Today's protagonist is Rong Yue. No matter what, he wants to know whether this Rong Yue will take this opportunity to directly. I took Gu Qiang down, but looking at the expression on Gu Qiang's face now, the possibility of this is not very high.

"I came out ahead of schedule for today's banquet, and Rong Yue will soon move away from the Ninth Prince's Mansion. It has nothing to do with the two of us." When Shen Qianshan said this, the color was slightly dim.

Gu Qian didn't even think that things would develop to this point. He didn't know why Shen Qianshan would do this thing so brilliantly. He looked at the expression on Shen Qianshan's face before speaking for a long time.

"Do you mean it? Have you cut off your kindness with her?" Gu Qiang's most fear is that some people do impulsive things because of them. I became like this.

"Because of me?"

Gu Qiang didn't even know what happened these days, so he asked tentatively.

Shen Qianshan shook his head, "It doesn't matter. This matter has nothing to do with you. This is a matter between me and Rong Yue. She did something sorry for me. After I discovered it, we two would never It's impossible to be friends." Although Gu Qiang didn't know what happened, he could understand the situation.

When Rong Yue entered the palace from the very beginning, he felt that something was wrong with him. It was a waste of Shen Qianshan's maintaining her in front of him.

"I shouldn't have believed you from the beginning. I was too confident in my previous feelings. I even forgot that the environment would change a person. I heard that even I don't know her a little bit."

When Shen Qianshan said this, he was still very emotional, but after all, it was past. No matter how unwilling he was, he could no longer regard a person who once wanted to harm him as a friend.

Seeing that he was lost, Gu Qiang followed his example and touched his head with her hand.

"Okay, since things are over, you don't have to stick to what happened before, it's okay, I can forgive you."

The reason Gu Qiang was angry from the beginning was that Shen Qianshan had no reason to believe that even if there were so many doubtful places in Rong Yue, Shen Qianshan never doubted it.

"Eh eh eh?"

Just as the two of them were discussing things, Gu Huaian, who had been sitting on one side, suddenly made a voice, "How come I can hear it?"

As soon as Gu Huai'an heard this, Gu Huai'an quickly ran to him with excitement. This matter has been delayed for so long. If his ears do not recover, I am afraid that he will have another deaf brother in the future.

"Can you really hear it? Can you hear me?"

Gu Huaian looked at Gu Qiang a little blankly, patted his head with his hand, "I can hear it, but I can't hear it clearly."

Other people’s voices are indeed a bit irritating, but at any rate, I feel a little bit like I want to recover. It’s a good thing. I always stay in the room and hear nothing. Gu Huaian can’t take it easy. People are going crazy.

"Don't shoot anymore, I'll be deaf again after a while."



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