Shen Qianshanzi carefully took a look at the things Gu Suliang brought back, printed a page with paper, but found that the difference between it and the real cash in his hand was not so big.

"It's not right, this seems to be a deposit certificate."

After studying for a short period of time, Shen Qianshan spoke such a sentence, and Gu Qiang hurriedly took over. Is this treasurer Sun having such a big battle, is it just to hide these things?

"He also has several banks. Although there is not much circulation, this kind of things must be kept well. It is normal to find a separate room to store them. Moreover, although he puts hidden weapons, most people are in that angle. It's impossible to hit the point, let alone not poisonous."

Gu Huai'an analyzed it. Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, it seems that this clue is so broken.

"It seems that there is no other way. From this treasurer Sun, there is no useful thing at all."

Shen Qianshan didn't think they should always focus on the same person. For such a big thing, it's better to cast a larger net.

"But now we don’t have any clues other than this. If we follow our previous ideas, it’s no different from finding a needle in a haystack. Now those fake banknotes have become more and more circulating in the city. The only thing we can find The clear clue is Shopkeeper Sun."

Gu Qiang was a little bit big after being so dealt with. Indeed, they don't have any idea at all now.

"Don't worry, nothing is perfect, so in the end there will be some loopholes that we didn't notice. We might as well start from the beginning and think about whether there is anything in the clues we got that we have overlooked. "

Shen Qianshan didn't want to put too much pressure on them. If he really wanted to start the investigation from the beginning, he would be able to help a lot this time. In fact, there was no need for such a lot of pressure.

"It's light. When this matter just started, the prince was busy setting up a business for your childhood sweetheart. You may have some fake cash in your hand."

Gu Qiang was already angry, let alone this time, Shen Qianshan still wanted to calm them down.

Thinking of this, Shen Qianshan hurriedly took out his purse. There were indeed a few silver bills in it, but those who turned over and over did not see any problems, and the expression on his face became more and more surprised.

"How could this be?"

Gu Suliang felt strange when he saw him. After taking the banknotes in his hand and checking them one by one, his reaction was actually not much different from Shen Qianshan.

"It turns out that it's all true."

Gu Suliang could feel that his mind had begun to be a little unconscious, put the bank note in his hand on the table, and began to press his brow with his hand.

"If you don't feel awake, it's best to go back to your room and rest for a while. It takes two or three hours for the drug to be effective. It's useless for you to hold on like this.

Gu Huai'an could see that Gu Suliang was actually sitting here now with a strong spirit. Rather than being able to stay awake now, he might as well go directly to rest.

Gu Suliang was self-aware, and until that time he couldn't hold on anymore, and nodded, letting Zhuiyun help him back to the room.

Gu Qiang and Gu Huai'an looked at it carefully again, and now they were really sure that there was nothing wrong with the banknotes in Shen Qianshan's purse.

"Which stores did you go to, or did you say that when you went to the streets in those two days, the silver ticket hadn't started to spread?"

Gu Huaian has no good ideas for the time being, but there are only these two possibilities.

Gu Qiang nodded, "This matter really only started recently. According to the level of circulation of such small-value banknotes, it shouldn't take long for it to develop into the current state."

This is what they should really worry about.

It didn't take long for it to become like this. If you don't control it immediately, I'm afraid some new moths will emerge.

"Or maybe it's because they haven't issued such a large face value from the beginning?"

Shen Qianshan looked at the banknotes in his purse. If he remembered correctly, when he went to the street that day, he didn't think that buying those big objects would not cost as much as he thought, so he had these one hundred two two hundred taels. Most of the silver bills were not spent.

But the cash notes that Gu Qiang and the others brought back seemed to be fifty taels.

Gu Qiang just woke up from a dream and took out the fake cash receipts. Yes, no matter if it is those selling handicrafts in the mountain village or the small merchants, it is impossible for them to have large denomination cash receipts in their hands. The speed of spread is also the fastest.

"That means there is still a problem with the treasurer Sun."

Gu Huai'an briefly clarified the whole process. Except for Gu Suliang, Shopkeeper Sun should be one of the largest merchants in the capital. It is strangest that a small area of ​​banknotes appeared in his hand. of.

Shen Qianshan was said to have said this, and agreed with him. If it is really a bill of exchange, he should indeed choose a relatively hidden place, but what if it is to cover people's eyes?

Just now Gu Suliang had already said that there were a lot of similar rubbings in that room. In case the rubbings of the fake banknotes appeared there, Gu Suliang was unconscious just now, and he may not be able to see it.

"Yes, it seems that he still has to start this matter."

Just when the three people temporarily agreed on this matter, Chu Tiankuo and Anye returned, with some tea in their hands, and the expressions on their faces were not very good.

"I bought less, and it was easy to reveal my identity. I bought more. If I accidentally, it would be enough for one hundred taels. He wiped out the odds for me, and he would never give me a chance to get the cash in his hand. "

Chu Tiankuo had never had any idea in this regard, not to mention the current situation, this time he was really helpless.

When Gu Qian heard about this place, he could only helplessly spread his hands. It seemed that this shopkeeper Sun was not ordinary shrewd, and was defensive to everyone around him.

"Let me just say, in a big tea shop like him, where did his subordinates get the small denomination banknotes to those merchants?"

Gu Huai'an can be completely sure right now, this treasurer Sun is definitely guilty of conscience, otherwise he wouldn't have so many institutions, just for him to hide the drafts in his own bank.

At this point in time, things are actually a bit eye-catching, but even if they know that there is something wrong with the shopkeeper Sun, they can hardly be sure of Gu Suliang’s behavior today and whether he has stunned the snake. At this time, it’s obviously a little bit past. It's not realistic anymore, even if you know he has a problem, you have to be cautious.

"Has anyone been to the backyard just now?"

Although shopkeeper Sun is not a martial artist, he has always been cautious, so even if Gu Suliang was very careful when he entered and exited, he still left some traces, and shopkeeper Sun couldn’t tell. What is wrong is that it feels different from usual.

"The shopkeeper, there were guests in front of me just now, and the guys were all waiting in front."

Shopkeeper Sun's job didn't know what had happened, but he could be sure that none of the guys here just went out.

"That's weird, has anyone come in?"

Shopkeeper Sun hurriedly asked all the guys around him to go back to the front, and went to the wood shed to check the situation by himself, but there was nothing worthy of attention there, and the situation was completely the same as when he was there just now. It was exactly the same. Shopkeeper Sun stepped forward to check the hidden weapon, but found that among the weeds on the ground, there seemed to be traces of being stepped on...

"It seems I can only think of other ways now."

Shen Qianshan originally wanted to take Gu Qiang back to the palace today, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing, nor did he think that this time it was so difficult.

I always feel that this time it seems to be a little less optimistic, maybe someone moved his hands and feet behind his back. Perhaps it was during this period of time that I was really careless. I didn’t realize it for a long time before, whether it was Shen Zhongbai. Someone else, it seems that there hasn't been much movement during the recent period.

"Well, then, we still have to start with shopkeeper Sun, but there is something to be said in advance, no matter what, none of you should risk alone."

Even though Shen Qianshan was worried about this matter now, he still noticed Chu Tiankuo. Since he came back from the tea house, the condition of his whole person is actually not very good. Although it is not clear what the cause is, it can be seen. Chu Tiankuo had many things hidden in his heart, and he didn't tell everyone.

Shen Qianshan always felt that Chu Tiankuo might have some news that everyone did not know. Shen Qianshan was not afraid of what Chu Tiankuo would do to harm everyone. He just didn't want him to commit a risk, just in case something happened. If they do, they won’t even receive any news.

Everyone present nodded their heads, even Chu Tiankuo was no exception. Although such a verbal promise was as light as a feather, at least Chu Tiankuo had agreed to it now, and he had a bottom in his heart.

"Sister, go home?"

"No, Lord, don't forget what you just promised. Your green plum is not that simple."

Even if Rong Yue has left now, Gu Qiang doesn't feel that this matter is over. Although he has left this time, who can guarantee that he will not come back in the future?

Shen Qianshan also knew that Gu Qiang must still be angry about what happened before, but there is only this he can do. After all, the person behind Rong Yue is the queen mother, and he has no way to reach into the palace.



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