They originally thought that the matter had been resolved this time, but they didn't expect that this matter was far less simple than they had imagined. Rong Yue's hiding behind him was not just a queen mother.

Rong Yue himself is even more extraordinary.

Some things are far from being as simple as they seem.

"Mother, Yueer..."

Shen Qianshan's words were already so clear, Rong Yue actually didn't want to stick to anything.

Speaking of that, in fact, Rong Yue also feels that the relationship between himself and Shen Qianshan may end here. Although there is still some unwillingness in his heart, but for himself, this last point of self-esteem is still necessary. of.

She wanted to leave silently, but the queen mother was going to call herself into the palace at this time.

At the very least, after having known each other for so many years, Shen Qianshan still saved a bit of face for Rong Yue, and did not make it public that Rong Yue had drugged him in his diet.

For this, Rong Yue is actually very grateful.

Rong Yue is inevitably a little bit disappointed, living alone in such a yard is actually quite terrifying for her.

"It's okay, the queen mother knows that Yue'er has been appointed."

The queen mother reached out and touched Rong Yue in front of her, seeming to comfort her.

Rong Yue didn't have any doubts in her heart. She knew that what Shen Qianshan and herself said should also be true. Because of this, Rong Yue now feels especially uncomfortable when facing the queen mother.

Shen Qianshan said that the initial effect of those powders was indeed similar to what the Queen Mother said, but if he took the medicines for a long time, he would die by retrograde meridians.

But what the Queen Mother said at the beginning was that she wanted Shen Qianshan’s character to gradually become irritable. In this case, Gu Qiang, who gets along with him day after day, will inevitably have some conflicts with him, as long as there is a problem between the two of them. , Do not worry about the indestructibility between them.

But the words Shen Qianshan and himself said were definitely not fictitious, otherwise, he wouldn't be so angry, so angry that he could ignore his friendship with him for so many years.

"Mother, what is the use of the powder you gave me before? Will it harm the body?" At this time, Rong Yue still wanted to ask, she didn't want to make herself so unclear. Of being used.

"Didn't you tell me before? That medicine is meant to soothe the nerves, but after using it too much, it will make people feel a little irritable. Can't you still trust the queen?"

I can't say that I can't believe it, but I have heard of it recently that the contradiction between the Queen Mother and Shen Qianshan is definitely not shallow, let alone the relationship between Shen Qianshan and Shen Zhongbai.

During the years when I was not in the capital, many conflicts occurred between them because of various things. Rong Yue didn't know these, and she was still not sure whether the Queen Mother knew about this matter.

But the Queen Mother would say such things, and Rong Yue already knew it in his heart.

Rong Yue knew in her heart that even if she didn't say it, the queen mother should already know what happened at the banquet that day.

Whether it was at the spring banquet that day, Shen Qianshan left on his own not long after, or the movement of giving away all his belongings inside and outside the Nine Kings Mansion, it was impossible for her as the queen mother to be ignorant.

Shen Qianshan had already sent someone to give away all his belongings and placed them in a small house in the capital that was not very conspicuous. It was silent and almost didn't alarm anyone, making Rong Yue feel even more uncomfortable.

Everyone can see that Shen Qianshan was really anxious this time, otherwise, he would not have done such a thing.

His current status and status are unusual, and every move is being watched. This time after he recovered his status, he was even more cautious in doing things. For him, even if he buys a small house in the city, he may be caught. I found that I found out a lot of things about him.

So since this time, Shen Qianshan has always been very cautious, but because this time, what he wanted to do was revealed, he even ignored such risks and "invited" himself from the Nine Kings Mansion.

The queen mother got up and reached out to help Rong Yue who was kneeling on the ground, "My child, you can't be blamed for this matter. We underestimated them from the beginning, so don't blame yourself."

After hearing this, Rong Yue felt that it was even more uncomfortable in his heart. If he changed the situation, all of this originally belonged to him, how come back after a few years, everything has changed?

That brother who is only dedicated to protecting himself, how can he help others blindly now? It could be said that she was looking for a chance to return to Shen Qianshan, but now, she seems to have become the superfluous person.

"After all, the two of them have been in love for such a long time. It is not easy to be shaken easily." The queen mother pretended to be very sad, and seemed to feel sorry for the pleasure. "Actually, that position should have been. your……"

Rong Yue couldn't bear this kind of half-and-half words, which was enough to make her start thinking wildly along with these words, and she was indeed thinking a lot because of this sentence.

"Qianshan he..."

Of course, Rong Yue couldn’t bear to give up like this. He was someone she liked for so many years. He had become someone else’s husband when he came back. If that’s the only way to go, but Gu Qiang has lost his original. His identity is not worthy to stand beside Shen Qianshan.

"Yue'er, since this status can't allow you to stay in Shen Qianshan by the way, it would be better for Aijia to give you a good idea."

The queen mother usually eats fast and reciting the Buddha in everyone's eyes, and she does not seem to be a scheming person, but in fact, who can imagine, she is not merciful in killing people.

From the last time she started on Gu Qiang, it was enough to tell that she was by no means kind.

"Mother, don't hesitate to say, as long as Rong Yue can do it, she will do her best."

As soon as Rong Yue heard that there was a way to get her back to Shen Qianshan's side, she suddenly became energetic. She had lost all trust in front of Shen Qianshan, and the only thing that could allow her to keep a place in front of him was just I once saved him in my childhood.

Rong Yue didn't want to just give up like this, so when the Queen Mother said this, she had already made up her mind, no matter what she did, as long as she could return to him, she would do it without hesitation.

"If you want you to return to Shen Qianshan's side, the first thing to do is to let you return to him, otherwise everything will be in vain. Can Yueer understand this?"

Hearing this, Rong Yue's eyes dimmed suddenly, "But..."

Shen Qianshan has already said so absolutely, is there really room for recovery?

The queen mother pretended to have a headache, supported her head with her hands, and sighed pretendingly.

"The queen mother can help you, but this matter still has to make you suffer. Otherwise, Shen Qianshan will not believe it."

"Yue'er is willing, it's nothing to suffer."

It’s not that Gu Qiang didn’t think about the things that happened during this period. The Queen Mother shouldn’t have been involved in these things. After all, she had always eaten and chanted Buddha. After Shen Zhongbai’s registration, she actually didn’t show up for a long time. In the field of vision.

Before that, when Gu Qiang was trapped in the palace, she also tried her best to help Gu Qiang escape. Although from that time, she might have done that thing for the sake of her son, but until now, Gu Qiang still didn't understand why that kind-eyed person suddenly became like this.

There was a strange look in the Queen Mother's eyes, but Rong Yue kept his head down, and didn't notice any strangeness at all.


"Yeah, isn't this someone who said a few days ago that he would never return to the palace? Why did you start packing today?" Gu Suliang didn't have a big deal at first, perhaps because they were staring too closely these days. The fake banknotes circulating on the street have obviously begun to gradually decrease.

Although they can breathe a sigh of relief temporarily, for them, this is not necessarily a good thing. After all, it is not known whether the temporary calm is because the other party is really afraid or because they want to cause more trouble.

"Then what else can I do? He comes here every day, isn't it the same as me going back?" Gu Qiang actually felt quite helpless, but Rong Yue never showed up again during this period of time, and Gu Qiang didn't need to pay for it. This incident delayed the relationship between himself and Shen Qianshan.

"Okay, that means you two think we have a hard time, so just run back and forth every day. In the end, we didn't let us move things for you." Gu Huaian seems to be used to this situation a long time ago. , Consciously carried Gu Qiang's luggage, "Fortunately, you have come back more frequently recently, and there are not too many things."

Gu Huaian didn't actually want to tease his sister, it's just that the two of them were happy friends, and they finally returned to their previous state.

In fact, it’s not just Shen Qianshan, it’s also easy to see that her sister has been for a long time and has not explicitly expressed her emotions to them. There are too many things hidden in her heart. It may also be a good opportunity to vent your emotions.

"Oh, then you have to keep that room for me, lest I have to come back in two days."

It's not that Gu Qiang feels worried about Shen Qianshan. It's just that she always feels that Rong Yue's things have not been dealt with this time, and one day she can't calm down.



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