Yuhualou has always been a recreational place for these high-ranking officials and the princes of your family, so someone in the audience can recognize Rong Yue, and it should be reasonable. After hearing these words, Rong Yue didn’t seem to have any special reaction. He didn't even lift his eyelids.

As soon as Rong Yue stood on the high platform, everyone was amazed. Although Rong Yue said that he had fallen into the family when he was young, the temperament on him could not be concealed anyway.

Someone recognized it just as soon as he took the veil. Although he looked up carefully underneath, no one dared to speak loudly. After all, Rong Yue's dance was really good.

Wearing bright yellow clothes on her body, she actually looked a lot younger.

"How can Miss Rong be so downhearted? Isn't she the righteous daughter of the Queen Mother?"

"You don't know this. Miss Rong's family still befriended the Nine Princes. Maybe she helped the Nine Princes to support the market."

"It's really a shame. A good young lady, even if her father died in battle, she wouldn't end up like this, right?"

Hearing these discussions below, Shen Qianshan also frowned. These people were really rude, and they didn't even care about being here.

"I really don't know, this Miss Rong is not only good at kung fu, but also very good at dancing, so it's better to stay in Yuhualou and be the top oiran."

Shen Qianshan originally wanted Gu Qiang to come and take a look at the situation here, hoping that she would believe in herself, but he didn't expect that Gu Qiang would say such a thing.

"What's this? Isn't the words spoken by the people in the audience bad enough? She hasn't had any reaction. Can't it prove that she has amnesia?"

"How to prove that such a thing can also be installed."

Shen Qianshan actually felt that he had done too much, because even he himself did not believe that Rong Yue would lose his memory so easily, so Xiao Tao arranged her to perform on stage, but when he saw Rong Yue really standing When he was on the high platform, he was still softened.

"Forget it, she is also a girl after all. If I think about it later, it will be a great trouble to her reputation." Shen Qianshan feels that she has already reached this point, a self-respecting girl like Rong Yue , It must be unbearable.

Shen Qianshan flew onto the stage, put his coat on Rong Yue's body, turned around and waved, and put down the curtain in front.

Xiao Tao was explaining to the guests in front of her in a good voice, but many people also noticed the person who had just gone up.

"Is that person just now the Ninth Prince? Is this new oiran the new love of the Ninth Prince?"

"Didn't it mean that the Nine Kings did not marry anymore for the sake of the Nine Queens? It seems that it is not necessarily for the Nine Queens, right?"

The words of those people underneath became more and more ugly. Gu Qiang stood beside him, but he heard clearly. He was already angry in his heart. He happened to see Rong Yue who was being helped down, and the fire in his heart was even less pronounced. .

"Ms. Rong is really good at pretending to be pitiful."

"Sister-in-law, what do you mean by this? She is already like this, don't you still believe it?"

Shen Qianshan couldn't help it anymore. He felt that today's Gu Qiang, when he heard that Rong Yue lived in Yuhualou, had already begun to be a little yin and yang, which was completely different from her usual time.

"Is it too much, or is she acting too well?"

Gu Qiang murmured himself, but seeing Rong Yue's blank eyes, he still didn't say these words out loud.

What a Rong Yue, I hope you can pretend to be better and don't let me find any flaws.

"Well, the purpose of the prince bringing me here today has also been achieved. I am now fully convinced that Rong Yue really has amnesia, so can I leave now?"

Gu Qian didn't want to have trouble with herself anymore. The only one who stayed here was angry. Since Shen Qianshan was willing to shelter Rong Yue in this way, let him protect it like this. Anyway, it has nothing to do with herself.


"Brother, he is obviously a man, how do you call him a dick?"

Rong Yue blinked his eyes and asked the people around him. Shen Qianshan didn't know how to explain to Rong Yue now, so he could only shook his head, "I'll tell you about this later, you should change your clothes first."

auzw.com Even if Rong Yue did something like that before, Shen Qianshan still treats her as his own sister. Only now is he regretting it, and he shouldn’t have used it just now. Way to test her.

"Brother, just now you said that it was for me to help you, so that's why you let me go up, but why did those people give me pointers?"

Rong Yue can best hold Shen Qianshan’s softhearted place, and after knowing it for so many years, she still understands in her heart that Shen Qianshan can’t beat herself cruelly anyway, so just when he was about to dance, he still Stopped myself.

After Shen Qianshan heard these words, it really didn’t feel good in his heart. Although he rarely interacts with people, he still wants to treat his friends wholeheartedly. That’s why I saw Rong Yue alone. Standing on the high platform, when those noble princes underneath spoke rudely to her, he still couldn't help it.

"It's okay, this time it is considered that the senior owes you a favor, and you can tell the senior what you want in the future."

In fact, Shen Qianshan felt that what he was treating Rong Yue was too much. When Rong Yue was returned by Xiao Tao at first, although he had confirmed her identity, he still called Gu Huai'an for an injury inspection.

Rong Yue’s injury was indeed the result of a beating. Even Gu Huaian felt a little worried after seeing it. Although Rong Yue had bullied his sister before, Gu Huaian was a doctor after all. Seeing such a scene, I felt a little bit worried. Can't bear it.

"What the **** is going on? Didn't you arrange her well?" Of course, Gu Huaian knew that this was impossible. Shen Qianshan had always been relatively safe when speaking and doing things. He should arrange everything afterwards. , Will leave.

Speaking of this place, Shen Qianshan was actually a little bit upset. This incident was indeed unreasonable by his own arrangement. The killer assassins who appeared in that place were most likely to come for him.

"Perhaps I made her tired. Those people might have thought that I had arranged some special characters in that house, so they would assassinate her."

The more Shen Qianshan thought about it, the more he felt sorry for Rong Yue, looking at Rong Yue who turned to leave, he bowed his head deeply.

When Rong Yue left his light, he saw Shen Qianshan with a remorseful look. He wanted to make him regret so now and let him know how important he was in his heart. Rong Yue knew in his heart that only in this way can he stay there. By his side.

Looking at the person in the mirror, Rong Yueliu frowned, and touched the wound on his face covered by powder.

The Queen Mother did a real trick for the trick this time, she actually sent someone to assassinate her. Of course she was not polite to attack. The fight was really real. If it weren’t for the Queen Mother to tell herself in advance, and in the end, those people didn’t kill. If so, Rong Yue might really think that someone was killing her.

There are injuries everywhere on her body, although it is not very serious, but if you are in pain for a while, she also understands in her heart that this is asking Gu Huai'an to come over, and she is letting herself go on stage to perform. This is nothing more than Shen Qianshan is testing herself. Is it amnesia? The more he looks like this, the more he will pretend to be innocent.

Rong Yue secretly remembered in his heart that the few people who had just spoken to tease him, and now they can be so cool, after that, he will retaliate fiercely.

Ever since I was young, I have never suffered such humiliation. If it weren't for returning to Shen Qianshan's side, why would I have done something like this?

Gu Qiang rushed back to the Nine Kings Mansion. Fortunately, when he cleaned up the room before, he hadn't put all his luggage back. It was too late, but now it’s alright. You can bring these luggage back to Lingyin. Pavilion.

As soon as Gu Qiang entered the door, she threw the baggage on Gu Huaian's body angrily, and the expression on her face was even stranger.

"My ancestor, what's the matter with you? Didn't it work well when I went back?" Gu Suliang panicked when he saw that Gu Qiang took the luggage back intact. This ancestor would not I just quarreled with the prince again just after I went back?

Gu Huai'an understands the current situation of Sister Thought very well, "If it were me, I would definitely come back."

After Gu Suliang heard this, she couldn't understand even more, "You know what's going on, then why didn't you tell me when you came back?"

"What's the use of saying it? The matter between the two of them."

Gu Huaian shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, his ears have recovered well recently, and now they can hear clearly when they speak, but this time they really don't want to intervene in the affairs of the two of them.

Although Gu Qiang was angry now, her ears were so terrible. Hearing Gu Huaian's words, she quickly stood up and walked to him.

"Brother, have you already known this time?"

It's no wonder that Gu Huai'an would say such things to himself when he left. He thought he was afraid of being bullied, but now it seems that he was the only one who was kept in the dark.

"What the **** is going on, you two should stop playing dumb riddles, okay?"

Gu Suliang had obviously become the one who knew the least things now. He didn't know anything and couldn't comfort Gu Qiang. He didn't know which side he should be on now.



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