"There is no dumb riddle, it's just that the prince did something wrong this time." Gu Huaian lifted his legs leisurely.

"Brother, did the prince ask you to come over and treat Rong Yue?"

It is not difficult for Gu Qiang to guess such a situation. After all, Gu Huai'an is a genius doctor. Shen Qianshan also told himself at the time that Rong Yue was injured all over his body when he arrived at Yuhualou. Besides, his brother knew about this, Gu Qiang It is even more certain.

"I have to go, but I have to tell you that all the injuries on her body were real, no fraud, and there was indeed a large bruise on the back of his head, although I am not sure if she really lost her memory. Now, in Shen Qianshan's eyes, Rong Yue should be terribly miserable."

Gu Huaian didn't actually want to add fuel to the vinegar, but the actual situation is the same as what he saw. At least in his own eyes, this time it is really likely that Shen Qianshan's arrangements were not thoughtful, so it appeared. Such a situation.

"Maybe if she finds someone to beat herself up by herself, wouldn't most people sympathize with this kind of poor person?" When Gu Qiang was ill, she stayed idle in the room and had nothing to do. Such stories don't I know how much I watched.

Gu Huaian patted her head helplessly, "I don't know what you are thinking about all day, can normal people really do such things?"

Gu Huaian had already personally checked his injuries anyway. Anyway, Rong Yue was indeed beaten like that. Shen Qianshan and her were friends since childhood, so it's okay to help.

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Gu Suliang guessed everything about the same thing, but even he thought that these things were probably because Gu Qiang had been thinking too much, but now he can't say it.

"By the way, Tiankuo already has some new news about the fake banknotes. Since you have also come back, it's better to follow us to take a look."

Gu Suliang couldn't think of a better idea for a while, and that was the only thing that could divert Gu Qiang's attention.

Gu Qiang knew what the priorities were. When he walked in, Gu Suliang seemed to be about to go out. It seemed that he didn't want to lie to himself.

"Then hurry and go. After all, this kind of thing can't be delayed." Gu Qiang has been staring at this thing for a while. Even in the past two days, Shen Qianshan has always caused trouble for himself. The serious thing he should do is himself. Still the same can not be leaked.

"Then I'll take her out first. You can help to look at the store." During the past few days, almost none of them took good care of the business in Lingyin Pavilion. Even when it was time for dinner, the hall was still there. They are all left in the cold, and there are not many people at all.

The people Gu Suliang arranged in the Lingyin Pavilion were originally good at his own hands. Since there is something to do, naturally they will all be sent out, so there are fewer and fewer people in the Lingyin Pavilion who can help. Up.

Gu Huaian stayed in the Lingyin Pavilion alone, as if there was nothing to do. He nodded. After the previous things, he also has a long memory. Before his hearing has fully recovered, he will not Will relax vigilance easily, it is safer to sit in the hall.

"Isn't this the last town?" Gu Qiang looked around for a week. Although it has been a while since the last time I came here, but he still vaguely remembered that there should be a patch of water around it, so the air feels very humid. .

Gu Suliang nodded, "Indeed, when we came last time, we missed some very important things, so I will bring you back this time. During this time, I sent someone to carefully look at the situation around here. Now, have you noticed that the young man we met was gone the last time we came here?"

Gu Qiang looked around with some doubts, "Didn't he have already said that, he doesn't always stay in the village on weekdays, this village has only him a strong laborer, isn't he always going out to sell goods? "

"Then ask carefully, why is there only one laborer in this village?"

"Does everyone think that there is nothing to make money in this place, so they all go out to work?"

Although Gu Qiang didn't know much about these folk matters, it was already the most reasonable way of saying that she could understand.

"Then if you say that, this matter will be even more problematic. Since there is no one in that village, where did he come from? If most of the people in this village have left, Why does he stay here?"

What the young man said at the beginning was really not a big problem, but after slowly thinking about it, Gu Suliang started to feel that something was wrong. Almost everything he said was reasonable and reasonable. In a reasonable place, how did the young man know that they would come to ask these questions.

Gu Qiang tilted his head, "Then, according to what you said, it is indeed very unreasonable."

In terms of facts, the strangest thing is that when the young man took them around here, there was no villager around to say hello to him. If he was really such a helpful person, how could the surrounding villagers treat him? Is it like treating a stranger?


Gu Qiang thinks about it now, only to feel that something is wrong. Gu Suliang is really amazing, and he has already checked it again. He even looked back and looked again, but if it weren't for him, they might not have found it.

"That is to say, that young man is likely to be a dragger sent by the black hand behind him." Gu Suliang has been in business for many years and has seen more dirty methods, so he thought that he must come back and read it again. , Killed a carbine, but didn't expect to be hit by him.

Back to this place again, Gusuliang searched inside and out several times, but couldn't find the young man I saw that day. Even if he sent someone to guard for several days, there was still no news.

"You can think of this?" Gu Qiang obviously began to show admiration for Gu Suliang. Although it is important for business people to keep a little more eye-catching, but looking back and checking the places previously checked, it is estimated that I am an idler like myself, and I don't think so.

"For so many years, I have been counted more times. This idea is still necessary." Gu Suliang lowered his head. There were indeed people in this village who had seen the young man, but he didn't tell the young man himself. same.

"Think about it now. That person said at the time that this place is not suitable for farming, so those mature men left, so I didn't ask much. His skin color really doesn't look like someone who often works at home. people."

Gu Qiang only now recalled what was wrong with the young man, but it was only an afterthought.

"He did accept the handiwork done by the old people in this village, but since he was arranged by the black hand behind him, why did he consciously lead us to shopkeeper Sun?"

This is where they find it difficult to understand.

In this village, the two people should have received little news, so they can only walk back slowly in the direction of Kyoto.

"It stands to reason that he should be anxious to get rid of himself, why is he still leading us over?"

The more Gu Qiang thinks about it, the more it feels wrong. There is a secret room in the shopkeeper Sun’s firewood room, and there are so many drafts of drafts in the secret room. All this is like someone arranged for them in advance.

"No," Gu Suliang walked and stopped, "I still have to go to shopkeeper Sun's tea shop."

Gu Suliang didn't think that these things were all coincidences. Whether it was the young man or the clues they had discovered before, they were more or less related to the treasurer Sun.

Gu Qiang nodded when he heard this, but if you can't go alone, you still have to rub Chu Tiankuo and Anye to help you.

The last time Gu Suliang was able to enter the secret room smoothly was because at that time, Chu Tiankuo and Anye were in front of him to help him divert the attention of Shopkeeper Sun. At that time, there was no one behind, so he could enter and exit.

Of course Gu Suliang knew that, after all, when he went in by himself last time, there was no one in the entire backyard. Otherwise, he would not be so smooth.

Anye and Chu Tiankuo didn't have any objection to this matter, anyway, as long as they could help, they would try their best to do it.

Only this time, the matter was not as smooth as they thought.

After the last incident, Shopkeeper Sun found something wrong. From the situation in the room, Shopkeeper Sun knew that someone must have entered. However, he did not take any action on the surface, he just sent two. Personally, the backyard is enclosed.

Chu Tiankuo and Wan Ye changed their clothes and went to the tea shop of shopkeeper Sun again. The last time they bought only a small amount of tea, it almost aroused his suspicion. This time, they both had no matter what. Talking about some big deals.

"Why do you want to go? It's not confirmed last time. There is indeed a secret room behind his tea table, isn't it? If we really want to go in, we can get in while it's still at night."

Chu Tiankuo really couldn't bear this kind of dress up. He had hardly done business before, and he didn't find it so difficult when he saw them doing business. How could he pretend to be different when it was his turn? ?

On the contrary, Gu Huai'an comforted him with a good voice, "If it goes well, maybe you will be able to get rid of the fake bank notes this time. This is actually a relief for you, isn't it?"



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