"It's light. Just facing the shopkeeper, I already feel that I am full of loopholes. If A Liang hadn't reminded me the last time, I'm afraid we would have been seen through before entering the door."

Chu Tiankuo fought on the battlefield for so many years, and after that, he experienced so many ups and downs. He never said a word of fear, but this time, he didn't want to face these weird businessmen.

Gu Suliang was very relaxed. He had already been there once before. If he went again this time, at best, he could only be regarded as revisiting the old place. There was no pressure on him.

Gu Qian didn't feel that this incident happened accidentally from the beginning, so they didn't warn them much when they went out. After all, Gu Suliang knew what to do and didn't need to remind himself.

She was wronged by the dark night, and kept by her side to help herself.

"Treasurer Sun, it's been a long time."

As a businessman, Chu Tiankuo also knows the minimum greetings. As soon as he walked in, he greeted the person in front of him. He didn't know if it was a coincidence or what happened. Chu Tiankuo always felt that the treasurer Sun was clearly more than just So a business, but they stay in this tea house every day, as if waiting for them to pass.

"Master Chu, have you decided what kind of tea you want to buy now?"

Shopkeeper Sun opened the door to do business, always welcoming people with a smile, but this smile seemed to be dangerous in the eyes of the dark night. Dark night was not good enough to remind him on the bright side, so he could only withdraw half of his body behind Chu Tiankuo. Pointing gently, Gu Suliang on the roof made a gesture, so the two of them must pay attention to safety.

Although Gu Suliang saw it, she didn't care. After all, she was so easy to get in and out the last time. This time there will be no problem. As long as the two of them are holding the treasurer Sun in front, they will also You will be able to find the real fake cash coupon extensions in the back smoothly.

"It's decided. The five kinds of tea you helped me last time cost ten catties for each of them. I hope that shopkeeper Sun will not think too little. Now that I have decided to open a tea house in this place, there will still be opportunities Shopkeeper Sun asks for advice."

"How could this happen? The visitor is a guest, and yeah, what you bought this time is not too small."

Standing on the roof, Gu Suliang heard the few of them chatting, and seized the opportunity to go to the backyard. At least it is now certain that shopkeeper Sun will not go to the backyard for the time being, and no one will run into him.

When Gu Suliang just arrived in the backyard, he saw the two guys who were standing guard. They looked unremarkable and probably weren’t any practicers. Gu Suliang didn’t pay attention to people like this at all. .

After solving the two people easily, Gu Suliang swaggered into the wood shed, without even considering whether there would be any organs around him.

Just when he thought everything was as smooth as last time, an accident happened suddenly.

I was already prepared for the place where I was injured last time, but I didn’t expect that this time the organization would have changed places. It was okay. After entering this room, Gu Suliang was actually on guard all the time, but After finally evading the first one, the agencies behind them sent out one after another. Seeing these two scenes, Gu Suliang immediately realized that today this time is likely to be the same game. As expected, I haven't waited for myself. After entering the secret room smoothly, other voices came from behind.

"Mr. Chu, I treat you as a good reception for the guests, but you have done such a thing. I am afraid this is not appropriate."

Shopkeeper Sun had a few subordinates around him, and neither Chu Tiankuo and Anye had weapons on their bodies, so they could only be forced to step back a little bit by them.

Gu Suliang had already been forced by the organs in the house to have nowhere to go. Since he had already seen it, it was originally a trap, and there was no need for him to keep hiding and tuck him. He opened the door and left. Got out.

"Treasurer Sun, the Ming people don’t talk secretly. Since you know that we are coming, it is enough to prove that you are not an ordinary person." Gu Suliang's clothes are already in tatters, although she said that she did not suffer any injuries. He just came and went with the hidden weapon in that room, and went around so many circles, basically he didn't have much energy.

Shopkeeper Sun smiled after hearing these words, "Master Gusu, the two of you who broke into other people's homes are the two of you, how come you start to blame me? If you change it, now I send someone to break your voice. Ge, would you still have such a good attitude towards me?"

"If you don't have any ghosts in your heart, why don't you let us take a look at what is hidden in your secret room?" Gu Suliang is also reluctant to say anything. Now no matter what, you have to think about how to get out. it is good.

"Princess Gusu, what you said is not very reasonable. What does it have to do with you living in a secret room in your own house? Besides, if you broke into my house privately, it would be a trouble. The government, I also make sense."

"Dark night, hurry up." Chu Tiankuo carefully observed the people behind Shopkeeper Sun, and felt more and more unsure. No matter what, the three of them couldn't all be planted here, even before Gu Suliang could react. When he came over, Chu Tiankuo slapped the person in front of him with a palm and made way for Dark Ye.


Just as the rest of the people were about to stop the dark night, shopkeeper Sun suddenly stopped his own person.

"Forget it, but it's just a subordinate. From the beginning, even if you wear the master's clothes, you can't pretend to be a master."

In the final analysis, shopkeeper Sun is just a businessman. It is ingrained to look down on these scary people around him. Although he does not understand why Chu Tiankuo must send his subordinates away, even if he leaves alone, there is nothing left. The two below are definitely inevitable.

Gu Su Liang was also clever, but fortunately, when he went out today, he was carrying a hidden weapon, for fear that something would go wrong in the dark night, so naturally he was not used in the end.

Taking advantage of the power of the person in front of him, Gu Suliang used the long needle in his hand to control him and snatched the knife from his hand.

"Do you still have the strength?" Chu Tiankuo has also felt that his physical condition is getting worse and worse recently, but he didn't expect that now he would have to rest for such a long time even to slap a palm. Take it easy.

Gu Suliang originally wanted to ask this sentence. After all, when he was hiding in the room, he had consumed a lot of physical strength. Now it is really not practical to let the two of them run out like this.

Gu Suliang was holding a knife in his hand, leading Chu Tiankuo by his side and stepped back a little bit. After entering the firewood room, Chu Tiankuo quickly opened the mechanism, and the two of them withdrew from there.

"Princess Gusu, I have already said that when you visited last time, I already knew it, do you think there will be anything in that secret room?"

Shopkeeper Sun obviously didn't quite understand why the two of them had to go down from there, and no one could tell that they both chose this way because they were exhausted and had nowhere to go.

"Are you sure you weren't spotted the last time you came?" Chu Tiankuo stood quietly by the window without making a sound. He had just sent the dark night out, and he had already begun to lose strength. It is not easy to be able to stand here forcibly, and now it must be slowed down, otherwise, after a while, he won't even have the strength to escape.

Of course Gu Suliang is confident in his light work. Over the years, he and shopkeeper Sun have also had a certain relationship. He has tried many times and naturally believes that shopkeeper Sun himself does not know how to martial arts, so in He had never guarded against shopkeeper Sun when he was going in and out, and of course he believed that he would never show his feet.

"Of course no problem, don't you believe my light work?"

Chu Tian cast his eyes down broadly, "It's not that you don't believe it, but your old opponent. It's not as simple as you think."

Although he doesn’t know much about business matters, he has seen too many things over the years, and there are too many ways to hide his martial arts. Gu Suliang has been doing business with these people all year round. When dealing with them, of course, they would not expect that these people can use various methods to conceal the fact that they can martial arts.

"Impossible, how can it be so long?"

"If he really doesn't know how to use martial arts, how does he get along well with Modo? Have you forgotten what Modo used to make friends with?"

Modo, that is, the uncle of Gu Ling and Gu Huai'an, that rugged foreigner, used to be regarded as the most powerful figure on the border. There is only one criterion for him to make friends, and he must be able to fight.

If I remember correctly, the intersection between Gu Suliang and Modo was also because of this.

Gu Suliang only remembered now, no wonder he always felt that there was something wrong. It turned out that he had been exposed the last time he came.

"Now we can only find a way to escape. The dark night has already left, but we may not encounter any situation. The two of us are trapped here now. We have to find a way to get out quickly."

Chu Tiankuo felt that he could no longer continue to survive, but if he fell in this place, it would not only be a burden to Gu Suliang, but even the use of forbidden drugs privately and forcibly recovering his skills would be fundamental. I can't hide it anymore.

"Now, I have a short knife here. Since this place is a natural stone cave, as long as there is a place for ventilation, there must be other outlets."



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