But after a while, in a daze, a human face actually appeared in front of him.


Hearing the response from the person lying on the ground, the young man also seemed very excited. While helping her check the injury, he introduced himself.

"You fell from above, tusk, it should be quite serious."

The man didn't sound too old, he saw the pool of blood next to Gu Qiang and made this judgment.

"My name is Chang Lan, remember me, in the entire valley of clouds, no one will bully you."

Cloud Valley...

"Don't move, four broken ribs, it's really not easy for you to be alive."


"You have a fracture. I dare not move you easily. Drink some water first. I'll find someone!"

Chang Lan has always lived in Yunzhong Valley, but no one knows where he came from. A man who has no support, no father and no mother, has lived in Yunzhong Valley for a full twenty-four years, even The people who watched him grow up in it all felt a little weird.

Chang Lan didn't dare to move Gu Qiang easily, so he could only go back to Yunzhong Valley, and found his friend who had been playing with him since childhood, made a stretcher, and then brought Gu Qiang back.

Gu Qiang's consciousness is already very unconscious, it's not that she knew her rib was broken, so she didn't move, but every time she moved, she felt very painful. After waiting for two days, the surroundings were deserted and she had already lost it. Hope, lying there quietly waiting for death, but didn't expect Chang Lan to appear at this time.

Gu Qian didn't have any consciousness of wanting to live anymore. He didn't know how long he had to wait for Chang Lan, and slowly got ready to go to sleep, but at this moment, Chang Lan actually returned with his friends.

Chang Lan has a big burn on his neck. If it weren't for this scar, he would be a very delicate man. Gu Qian felt that his internal organs were so painful that he couldn't speak at all, so he could only let him do it. He carried it back to the Valley of the Clouds, anyway, looking at Chang Lan, he didn't look like a bad person.

The study room of the Nine Kings Mansion had never been lit until this time. Shen Qianshan quietly looked at the kneeling people in front of him. The pear blossoms were crying with rain, but Shen Qianshan had no expression on his face.

"Are you going to let me continue to investigate?"

Rong Yue didn't talk to him, but kept sobbing in a low voice, trying to use the name of amnesia to continue pretending.

"Don't force me, my patience is limited."

That’s what I said. Even if Rong Yue wants to continue to pretend, it’s not possible, "Brother, I want to know...why? Why are you so good to her? When I was young, I was willing to do it for You give your life, and my love for you will never be less than her, but you..."

Shen Qianshan just wants to know where Gu Qiang is, and he doesn’t have the patience to listen to Rong Yue’s words, “This has nothing to do with your life-saving grace to me. If you want me to pay back, you can take my life away. Why should you embarrass Gu Qiang?"

"But you didn't even give me the chance to be a flat wife..."

"I am the queen mother and righteous daughter. If you marry me, they will definitely not continue to embarrass you anymore. Why are you unwilling? Why is she worth asking you to say that? There is one of your nine princesses. That sentence?"

Rong Yue really didn't understand that Shen Qianshan was not like this before. In order to ensure the safety of everyone around him, he would accept all kinds of arrangements the emperor gave him, and even go to a distant fief, but now? How could he have changed so much for such an ordinary woman?

"Stop talking, tell me the truth, where did you take her?"

"If you don't say it, it's no use saying it. She is already dead."

Shen Qianshan's emotions have been pushed to the extreme in the past few days. To be honest, he can't stand any stimulation and defiance.

Gu Suliang felt something wrong, and when he was about to hold Shen Qianshan, he left his seat earlier, not knowing when he rushed to Rong Yue's face, and stretched out his hand to pinch her neck.

"I give you one last chance."

Shen Qianshan's palm was gradually exerting strength. If he hadn't experienced it personally, I'm afraid there would be no way to experience this feeling of the air in his chest being slowly drained.

"I owe you my life and I will give it back to you, but you can't do it to her."

Rong Yue was completely choked by Shen Qianshan's big hands, but still had a weird smile on her face.

"Brother... you know what... when there were only two of us in that room, she was like this..."

Shen Qianshan was irritated by Rong Yue's sudden sentence, and his whole body was instantly relieved and Rong Yue's neck was loosened.

Gu Suliang, who had always wanted to persuade him, was not afraid that Shen Qianshan would really kill Rong Yue, but now, the woman in front of him should be the only clue they could find Gu Qiang.

"You calm down a little bit. No one knows where Gu Qiang is now except her."

"Cough cough cough..."


Rong Yue took his breath with great difficulty, breathing heavily, but still did not forget to laugh at Gu Su Liang in front of him.

"It's ridiculous. Even if you choke me to death now, Gu Qiang will never come back. Why can't you forget her? Is it true that all the good things you have done to me before are fake?"

"Qianqiu! Put her in a jail, and no one is allowed to visit without my permission!"


Shen Qianshan sat back a little tired, yes, Rong Yue has always been such a person, Gu Qiang has clearly reminded himself many times, but why didn't he see it?

Rong Yue looked at the man in front of him with his head down. He was indeed someone he had liked for so many years. He was extremely clever and ruthless. He was not the one who would buy cakes and coax her around Gu Qiang.

"I'm so stupid to believe her time and time again."

Gu Suliang felt Shen Qianshan's eyes lost, for fear that he believed what Rong Yue had just said, and quickly came up with other possibilities.

"Didn't she just say that when her door was in the room, did she ever choke Gu Qiang's neck like this? If she really killed Gu Qiang in this place, she wouldn't say you forever I can't find it anymore, maybe Rong Yue just hid Gu Qiang somewhere else?"

Gu Suliang believed that he wanted to see people in his life and the corpse when he died. Before he saw Gu Qi's remains with his own eyes, he firmly believed that Gu Qi must still be alive.

"Yes... it must be so, then we continue to examine Rong Yue, she will definitely say."

Rong Yue was escorted by Qian Qiu in the direction of the water jail. Qian Qiu could not help but sighed when he saw this situation. "The water jail is not something ordinary people can survive. Since things have reached this level, why are you? He just refused to tell where he hid the princess?"

Qian Qiu once suffered from this woman's loss, but now, she happened to be the only person who knew the whereabouts of Gu Qiang, and he wanted to help.

Rong Yue didn't even have any thoughts to reply Qianqiu's words now, only that he was ridiculous.

When Shen Qianshan looked at himself just now, his eyes were full of disgust and hatred. He has changed. He is no longer the one who will turn towards him in everything.

Shen Qianshan in the room looked at his hand, and the strength he had just used was great. If it weren’t for Rong Yue’s years of martial arts, he wouldn’t be able to sustain it at all. He had practiced martial arts for so many years. These are used on my good friends who grew up.

"Are you regretting that you just acted on Rong Yue, or did you not believe Gu Qiang's words before regretting it?"

Gu Suliang thought for a long time, but still didn't know how to explain Shen Qianshan's behavior.

"Bring Rong Yue back. I have to ask where Gu Qiang is today?"

Shen Qianshan turned around and picked up the long whip that he had kept in the cabinet. Rong Yue saved himself and harmed himself. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, he had already said that the grace of saving lives in these years should be a reward. pass.

This time, he could no longer be soft-hearted.

"Master, Miss Rong said."

Qian Qiu actually didn't expect this powder to be so easy to use. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge on Rong Yue's use of him at the time, so he secretly took the powder that he had shown off to him before eleven.

It was given to them by Gu Huai'an. Of course, it was originally for Shen Qianshan, but it was useless for Shen Qianshan to hold it in his hand, so he gave it eleven.

It's heart-sweeping grass, but it's not poison.

As soon as Gu Huaian heard Qianqiu's words, he ran out and saw that Rong Yue was already in the bushes, struggling to die, but he couldn't use any strength anymore.

"Qianqiu, how did you get the Heart Eating Grass?"

After all, it was the medicine he had prepared himself. Seeing Rong Yue's current situation, Gu Huai'an already knew that it must be a heart-eaten grass.

"This is what you gave to the prince before. It was collected by Eleven and Qianqiu. I just just casually..."

Qian Qiu subconsciously looked at Shen Qianshan's reaction, but Gu Huaian was the first to applaud.

"Great, why didn't I think of this?"

Gu Huaian knelt down and pulled Rong Yue's collar to pull her up from the ground, "Say, where did you hide my sister?"

"In the sinkhole of Huitou Cliff...hahahahaha... However, when I beat her down, I used all my strength and fell from such a high place. I guess I can't live anymore."

Rong Yue twitched and laughed wildly. Even if she couldn't live, Gu Qiang couldn't come back. The end result was the same. She just didn't want Gu Qiang to come back.

Gu Huaian's expression changed when he heard her, and he rushed out without even thinking about it.



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