Shen Qianshan was indeed very grateful. Rong Yue didn’t push Gu Qiang directly off the cliff, but after taking the antidote given by Gu Huai’an, she did not recover quickly. The whole person was still a little haggard, but she was still very haggard. Rampant, now she may not care about it anymore.

"She is like this, can she still go up the mountain?"

Shen Qianshan looked at Rong Yue's current madness, but still felt a little unsafe. After all, if you want to find Gu Qiang, you'd better take her up together.

"Oh, is it possible that the prince regrets it? Isn't it at this time that I feel distressed again?"

Gu Huaian has been abiding by etiquette since he was a child, and has never said anything like this, but he can't think of any more polite words for the two people in front of him.

After taking the Herba Sorbus, it takes a long time to treat even if you take the medicine, but what about Huaian?

Gu Huaian directly tied Rong Yue's hands with a rope, and directly cut her hand muscles with his own hairpin.

"That's not enough? Take her up the mountain with her. After finding my sister, I will naturally stop her bleeding."

Perhaps it was because Gu Huai'an was so fast to start, or perhaps because the medicinal effect of the Heart Cortex hadn't completely dissipated, Rong Yue just watched his two wrists bleeding, after a while. Only afterwards began to scream.

When Shen Qianshan saw such a scene, he could only shook his head helplessly. He really had never seen Gu Huaian like this before. Even when Gu Linjiang was exiled in an accident, he had never acted like this.

Not only Shen Qianshan, even Gu Suliang on one side couldn't stand it.

Gu Huai'an dragged Rong Yue up the mountain, regardless of whether she could keep up with everyone, but when she reached the top of the mountain, she flicked it fiercely.

"Where did you push her?"

The few people were originally the mountains that went up at night, and they couldn’t see everything clearly. The snow on the mountain had not melted, and they walked cautiously. However, Shen Qianshan and Gu Huaian seemed to be crazy, and they didn’t care about their feet. The situation dragged Rong Yue forward.

"Just ahead." Rong Yue seemed to have no strength to raise his hand, and pointed to a large hole not far in front. If he hadn't looked carefully, Shen Qianshan would have thought it was a cliff.

He walked forward quickly, but when he was about to reach the edge of the cliff, he stopped.

Shen Qianshan still clearly remembered in his mind that if according to what Rong Yue said just now, the 嫱er had been pushed down from that place for four days, and she had fallen from such a high place, now will she...

Shen Qianshan hesitated for a long time, but still didn't dare to step forward. He didn't have the courage to face Gu Qiang. He was like this, and Gu Huaian was of course the same.

Gu Suliang had just recovered, but when he finally followed, he found that both of them were standing at a distance from the edge of the cliff. He also felt strange in his heart. When he went to look at it, Gu Huaian was only gentle. Tugged him.

"The two of us dare not come forward and see, can you..."

After Gu Suliang heard this, she was stunned for a while, and then she remembered what Rong Yue had just said.

Yes, if Gu Qiang was really underneath, it would have been four days, I’m afraid it’s already...

After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Suliang decided to go down on her own. If something really happened, the two of them would have no way to deal with it. Instead of letting the two of them break down here, let Rong Yue fail. Seeing the joke for no reason, it would be better to go by yourself.

Although even Gu Suliang didn't know it, how would he react if he really saw Gu Qiang's body?

Seeing Gu Suliang walking forward, Shen Qianshan turned his head directly, his nerves were highly tense, his nails were embedded in the flesh of his palm, and his whole body was tense.

Although I don't want to hear bad news, when Rong Yue's words were just said, I already had some bad premonitions in my heart.

"Why are you so nervous? I have already told you the result. Even if you go down now, it must be a cold corpse to greet you."

Rong Yue smiled more and more wildly, even disregarding any face at all.

There is blood...

This was probably the first thing Gu Suliang saw when he jumped down. Because of the location, there was still a lot of unscattered snow in this place, and there was a thin layer of snow, and the blood was particularly conspicuous in this place. After seeing this situation, Gu Suliang felt very tight. Even if he followed the two of them up the mountain, he always thought in his heart that Gu Qianfu was dead and he would definitely not Something happened, but this blood...

Gu Suliang tried her best to calm herself down, and went around for a while, but didn't find Gu Qiang. He sighed in relief and squatted beside the pool of blood.

Next to the blood stain is a clear human figure. Gu Qiang’s height should be right. Seeing this, Gu Qiang said that after lying here for several days, the surrounding snow was washed away a bit, that is to say, Gu The 嫱 was really pushed down.

Gu Suliang took a closer look. The blood here should not be enough to kill a person, and there seemed to be two different footprints around here. Although it was a bit messy, Gu Suliang stood up and gestured. , I realized that this should be the footprints left by two people trying to save Gu Qiang.

In other words, Gu Qiang should still be alive now.

After confirming this matter, Gu Suliang was going to go up immediately, at least not to let the two above wait too long.

But I didn't expect that it would be easy to get down, and it would be more difficult to get up. Gu Suliang found several places to support him, and finally climbed up, looked at the two people who were closing their eyes, and opened his mouth calmly.

"no one."

"Huh?" Gu Huaian's reaction was fairly quick. While his body relaxed quickly, he twisted Rong Yue's wrist fiercely. "Where is my sister? If you don't say anything, I will All your hamstrings are also broken."

"Eh eh eh, don't worry, people are not there, but there are blood stains underneath, and there are traces of some people lying down." Gu Suliang really doesn't want Gu Huai'an to continue doing these cruel things, since they are all determined. There is no big problem with Gu Qiang, it's better to give Rong Yue a good time.

"Hahaha..." Rong Yue laughed loudly when Gu Suliang said hello, hello, "It seems that you are still late, not only failed to save Gu Qiang, but also her body. They were all dragged away and eaten by wild beasts, hahaha..."

Gu Suliang frowned in disgust when seeing Rong Yue like this, and suddenly felt that she shouldn’t have thought like that just now. Gu Huai’an should really be tortured and tortured her, “I said there were beasts around her. Footprints?"

When Shen Qianshan heard Gu Suliang's relaxed words, he also knew in his heart. It seems that he has discovered something and can be sure that Gu Qiang should be alive now, so he can talk to them so easily.

"Don't sell it, hurry up."

"There are a few shallow footprints next to the humanoid imprint. It should have been a short time after we left. Maybe someone who went up the mountain found the injured Gu Qiang, so he took it back for treatment."

Gu Huai'an and Shen Qianshan were relieved after hearing this. At least they could prove that Gu Qiang is still alive and it is very good for them. As long as they can find her, they will be at ease. .

"Hmph, maybe she just carried her body away, I don't know where it was buried, and ah, there are no people living in this place for ten miles, and there are only bandits and bandits. They haven't seen anything all winter. Xunxuan, you said, would they even eat human flesh..."


Listening to Rong Yue's description, Shen Qianshan felt very disgusting, not to mention that she was in a state of being like a madman, and she was completely different from the little girl in her memory who was willing to sacrifice for herself.

"Is it very possible? Don't think about it. There are thousands of women in this world. You don't need to put all your thoughts on her alone."

Rong Yue can think about it at this time. Since she is someone she can't get, Gu Qiang can't even think of it. Even a cheap stranger will not have her turn.

Shen Qianshan turned away with a look of disgust, but Gu Huaian leaned forward, "I don't know if anyone can eat human flesh, but I don't mind having one more living person come and test my medicines."

As long as he hadn't seen it, Gu Huaian believed that his sister must be alive. As for this woman, he had already thought about how to deal with it.

Rong Yue hadn't forgotten the pain that the herbal medicine had on her body just now, and the expression in her eyes immediately became panic, ", you crazy man."

"Say I'm a lunatic, thank you for the compliment, I happen to have a lot of drugs that I haven't tried, and someone who has practiced martial arts like Miss Rong should be able to withstand a larger dose of poison.

Gu Huaian is indeed the son of Pian Pian, and he is also gentle and gentle in front of everyone, but this is on the premise that no one touches his bottom line, but Rong Yue has stepped on his tail, and it is not good to provoke him. His most distressed sister in his life, dare not say anything else, there are a hundred ways to make her die.

"Okay, let's go back first, and we will come back together during the day tomorrow and look for nearby villages."

When Gu Qiang really regained consciousness, he opened his eyes and was already in a small house, confirming that he had not stayed in the ice and snow, and was not dead. Gu Qiang was still relieved.

Seeing her wake up, Chang Lan spoke immediately.



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