"The rib is broken, I can’t pick it up yet, but fortunately, you are very lucky. After the fall, you didn’t move much, so the bones didn’t grow crooked, so you can only raise them slowly. , Waiting for the time to grow well."

Gu Qian didn't expect that Chang Lan, who had saved him, had this kind of ability. It was only from his back that he could see that the bones in front of him were not misplaced.

But that said, I was on the ground at the time, and I was lucky if I didn't fall my head. I had a broken rib and there was no misalignment. I really don't know what virtue was accumulated.

"Little brother, thank you."

"Didn't you all tell you my name? Besides, you don't seem to be older than me. It's a bit inappropriate to call me little brother."

Gu Qiang felt a little bit embarrassed after hearing the phone call, but after saying that, he really seemed to be not as old as him. Looking at the person in front of him, he should be in his early twenties. Big head.

Chang Lan has always lived in the Valley of Clouds. Everyone here is the Yun family. Only Chang Lan is a foreigner, but no one has ever discriminated against him.

The people here are also kind-hearted. Seeing Chang Lan and his little brother "picking up" such a wounded person back, they also sent their home medicines.

"Then what should I call you?" After leaving the cold mountain, Gu Qiang felt that he was alive. Even if he was injured, he could not move for the time being, but he still joked with the person in front of him.

"Look at you, you will be so gentle next year. It is a bit inappropriate to speak so well." Chang Lan tilted his head, "Well, you can just call me by name. My name is Chang Lan."

"Gu Suran."

"Huh? Your surname is Gusu? It's the first time I've seen Fu's surname." Gu Qian found that, no matter what, even a small thing can make the boy in front of him smile happily.

But what is strange is that Gu Qiang always feels that the person in front of him looks familiar, and he does not know where he has been seen.

"Your last name is Chang?"

Gu Qiang tried his best to recall in his mind whether he knew any other surname Chang, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't have a clue.

But how could Chang Lan's eyebrows look so familiar to him?

"Yes, but this name is embroidered in my baby's swaddling clothes. I have never seen my parents. The villagers in Yunzhong Valley raised me. Although my name is not Yun, every household Think of me as your own son."

Even though he only said a few words, Gu Qian found that Chang Lan is really a person who loves to laugh. Compared with that, Gu Qiang is a bit lost. There are more and more things pressing on him, even he I seem to have forgotten how long I haven't laughed so unscrupulously.

Thinking of this, Gu Qiang was even more uneasy. I still don’t know what the situation in Yuhualou is. I’m afraid that Shen Qianshan hasn’t found it until now. Rong Yue pushed herself down the cliff and regarded her as her own. Junior sister, treat it with all my heart.

"Woke up?"

While the two were talking, a man about the same age as Chang Lan pushed the door and walked in, still holding the medicine in his hand. He heard Chang Lan talking all the time, and knew that the person in the house should have woken up. Push the door and come in.

"Well, Xiao Jue, I said he must be alive."

When Chang Lan found Gu Qiang at first, he actually thought he was dead. After all, after lying motionless on the snow for so long, his body temperature was indeed low. Fortunately, he looked at it twice, otherwise I am afraid that he will have to Buried Gu Qiang.


The young man who came in for the second time was different from Chang Lan. He didn't seem to like to talk very much. Even if Chang Lan was so enthusiastic, he just responded with an um.

"This is the medicine I just made, and it's still a bit hot, so let's drink it later. I'll go make you some food first."

"Yun Jue, don't worry about leaving, I haven't introduced you to him yet."

Although Yun Jue's face was a little reluctant, he still stopped.

"But the two of us carried you back together. Don't you know, the mountain road is so slippery, it's not easy for both of us."

Of course Gu Qiang was very grateful to the two of them, but it was a pity that she was hurt now, otherwise she would definitely have to get up and give a big gift.

After Yun Jue nodded, he pushed the door and left, leaving only Gu Qiang and Chang Lan in the room.

"Don't be surprised. He is such a taciturn person. It's not that he doesn't welcome you." Seeing that Yun Jue was so nonchalant, Chang Lan left after a few words, fearing that Gu Qiang would meet. Misunderstanding, explain quickly.

Gu Qian felt nothing. Even though Yun Jue didn't say a few words just now, he was still a very careful person. Why didn't he know that there is such a place here before?


"It's okay, I've seen people who talk less than him."

Of course Gu Qianshan deserves to be Shen Qianshan, but I don't know what's wrong. When I think of Shen Qianshan, I think of Rong Yue who has always been by his side.

Gu Qiang felt a little regretful after thinking about it. Why didn't she jump down with Rong Yue at the time, and pulled her to cushion herself, maybe these ribs won't break, even though she doesn't need a bone setting, it's her own pain.

"By the way, when I saw you, you seemed to be hurt badly. What happened? Did anyone want to hurt you, or did you slip up the mountain and fell off?"

Chang Lan is indeed very curious. After all, he goes to the mountains to gather some herbs every few days, but it is the first time that someone will fall in that place.

When asked by the person in front of him, Gu Qiang didn't know how to explain it for a while. He looked at Chang Lan with a blank face and didn't know where to start.

Do you really have to tell the person who doesn't understand anything in front of you, who looks like a child, what kind of things you have experienced?

I am afraid that even if he said it, he would not understand it. He would never have imagined that there would be a woman as bad as Rong Yue in this world.

"By the way, all your clothes are already dirty. I saw you didn’t wake up before. I’m not sure if you have any fractures. So I didn’t dare to change it for you. If it’s not convenient for you, I Come to help you change?"

While Chang Lan was talking, he also noticed that the person in front of him seemed to be a little wrong. As he spoke, his face seemed to change.

"It's all sirs, don't you?"

"No...no, no, do you have a female doctor here? Or just a normal girl."

Looking at the person in front of him, Chang Lan's expression became more and more strange, "You don't have any quirks, do you?"

Although Gu Qiang didn't know the origin of the person in front of him, after all, he saved his life. At this time, there is actually no need to conceal his gender.

"actually, I……"

"Oh, I know, are you actually as good as Longyang? So you are afraid if I change your clothes, what will you think of me?"

Gu Qiang was obviously taken aback by the words of the person in front of him. Of course, he did not expect that the brain of the person in front of him would turn so fast, and he hadn't even reacted to it. He had already found himself a step down. .

"No, in fact, I have other reasons. If it is not convenient, I should change it myself. Please find me a looser dress."

Gu Qiang heard Chang Lan's words and knew that he had a broken rib. Of course, he could no longer wear such tight clothes. He really felt that his chest was a little uncomfortable, and he didn't know if it was because of the broken rib. In short, she still doesn't dare to move.

"Okay, then I'll go find your clothes first. You can change them here by yourself, just be a little careful not to touch the bones that shouldn't be touched on your body, lest you have to reconnect the bones."

Chang Lan just kindly reminded him. To be honest, after hearing what Gu Qiang said just now, Chang Lan felt a little hairy in his heart, but after all, he was the person he rescued. Even if he likes men, it is not too big. The problem.

Gu Qiang lost a sigh of relief when he saw Chang Lan closed the door and walked out, wondering what was going on in this young man's mind? This was just saying that he hoped to find a woman to help him change clothes, he thought so much.

Gu Qiang sighed helplessly, but he had to admit that without him, he would have died.

Rong Yue, a dead woman, was really ruthless when she started, even if she pushed herself down from such a high place, she even made a palm.

A person who has been practicing martial arts since he was a child is so fortunate to be able to live so sturdily behind him.

After Chang Lan sent the clothes in, he helped Yun Jue cook together outside. When Yun Jue saw him coming out, he asked, "Can the girl change clothes alone? You didn't mean that she had a broken rib. ?"

Yun Jue originally thought that Chang Lan just wanted to find him a set of clothes, so by the way, he found someone to help him change it, but he didn't expect that he just came back with a suit of men's clothing.

"Girl? Where is the girl from?"

Of course Chang Lan hadn't reacted yet, but Yun Jue knew it when he first saw Gu Qiang.

"Isn't the one you saved is a girl? I told you just now that I asked you to go to my house to get my sister's clothes. Didn't you call her over by the way?"

Yun Jue realized that Chang Lan hadn't noticed it when he entered the house just now, but he had already reminded him of this. Why did he still react so slowly?



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