Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1029: A return to the wind (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

W: Let her wave, I'll eat Wang Ba first.

Zhang Mu:? ? ? ?

King Ba? What king?

Zhang Mu: I rely on, you want to eat the gold ingot?

Zhang Mu knew that the original owner had a tortoise and also took the name of a gold ingot.

The gold ingot is an ordinary Brazilian tortoise, bought by the original owner for a few dollars, and then somehow raised so large.

Mingshu threw the gold ingots that were crawling on the ground into its nest. The house was heated and the temperature was twenty-six degrees. The gold ingots would not hibernate at all, and they lived all day.

Mingshu took two pictures and asked Wang Ba on the scarf.

Every day down: Big, Jin Yuanbao is so cute, why should I eat it?

I will get bigger and smaller: Boom Boom, most of them haven't sent soap bars of gold ingots for a long time, and I saw that they are going to eat gold ingots.

It's a little fangirl: The gold ingot is so cute, hahahaha, it's naughty again.

Your Starlight 35: When will it be updated? The recent update looks great but not addictive.

Little Little Little Little: When you update, I will tell Jin Yuanbao how to eat.

Ming Shu asked a king how to eat, this group of people suddenly pulled on the update.

Mingshu glanced at the gold ingot next to her, sighing, and decided to become self-reliant-go out and eat.


Lin Yuxin's Weibo just happened to brush Mingshu.

The time was just over ten minutes ago.

When such a big thing happened, she still had the mood to send an unimportant Weibo?

"What on earth did she want to do?"

Lin Yuxin muttered while turning over the comments.

Just now she asked herself not to delete that post. Is this a normal person's reaction?

Lin Yuxin thought more and more weird.


Mingshu had a meal outside and returned with snacks.

She lay dead on the sofa for a while, got up and sat in front of the computer, slowly writing and updating today's update.

"Come on baby, let you see my baby."


#The author who wrote 18X turned out to be...#

Everyone clicked into this extremely explosive post, but went in to have a look.

Where is there any 18X?

Click to lie!

But the protagonist in the post is Lin Yuxin. The post next door is still on fire, and one suddenly pops up, and everyone can't ignore the condemnation of the party who posted the title.

The beginning of the post is a few big letters.

Me, yes, Wei, really.

Below is a screenshot of the IP of the poster in the next post and the IP of clarification posted by Lin Yuxin.

Obviously an IP.

In order to prove that the above IP is Lin Yuxin, Mingshu also picked the IP that Xia Lin Yuxin posted in the past.

Thank you Ji He for the skill she provided.

It is still useful to be a school bully.

......However, this kind of thing Harmony should be very happy to do.

Mingshu also posted a chat record with Lin Yuxin.

Lin Yuxin said that the chat record was sent by her friend, but the post was sent by someone else, but the same IP, the person who posted the post can steal the IP from the air?

Mingshu wrote three sentences--

Landlord: I think that this year's best drama award should be awarded to our lovely Miss Lin Yuxin. (There should be applause here)

I'm just targeting her. If you want to ask why, I'll tell you when I think about it. If you have to know it, then I can't see her.

Finally, everyone here is rubbish.

1st floor: just look at the title.

2nd floor: same.

10th floor: There are a lot of melons today.

15th floor: Is Weiran's tone a bit big? What are you all trash? She scolded us all?

Landlord: Strawberry flavor. Yes, you are right, I just scold you, how about, want to hit me? !

18th floor: ...Were the Great God stolen?

A nice girl, suddenly so arrogant, a little uncomfortable.

Previously, Wei Ran was famous for her works. As the author of Wei Ran, they really didn't know much, because they couldn't get in touch with a great **** like her.

20th floor: Is the picture upstairs P?

30th floor: After the identification of the boss, either P, or Lin Yuxin directed and acted on his own.

Floor 35: Isn't it... a little messy. Does anyone understand? In the end is the great **** bullying, or is Lin Yuxin self-directed?

68th Floor: Come and come, I, the melon-eating crowd, will explain to you—

The first reason is that Lin Yuxin's new article collided with the big brother Weiran's new article. Lin Yuxin published the article first, so her readers said that Wei Ran's copying their family was big.

Afterwards, Wei Ran clarified that the setting of her book had existed long ago, and she also came up with a real hammer.

Lin Yuxin’s readers can’t help it, and then Lin Yuxin apologizes. Here is a screenshot of Lin Yuxin’s Weibo apology.

Wei Ran also agreed to expose it.

Next was an exchange meeting organized in the circle. Lin Yuxin did not know how to clashed with Wei Ran, who fell into the pool. Then Wei Ran forced Lin Yuxin to jump into the pool and apologize.

What happened today was that Lin Yuxin said in the group that he apologized to Wei Ran, who seemed to have not forgiven her and sent a screenshot by accident, but she quickly withdrew.

But immediately after the forum appeared a post next door.

The IP address posted by the big boss now proves that it was Lin Yuxin himself.

What the 68th floor said is basically all going through, without adding oil or vinegar, nor helping anyone, just describing the whole thing again.

When Lin Yuxin saw this post, the reply was almost 80th floor.

She felt something wrong before, at this time she also reacted.

No wonder she did not allow herself to delete posts.

Waiting for her here! !


Lin Yuxin looked at the screen, pinched the armrest of the chair with his fingertips, and pinched out several stamps.


Mingshu is waiting for Lin Yuxin's solution.

The big night was boring, and Mingshu was sleepy eating snacks.

Beep Beep--

Mingshu blinked his eyes, patted his face and sat up, touched the head of the mouse to jump.

The person who jumped out was not anyone she knew.

Silverfish: [Photo]

It is a super scary picture.

Oops, this is to scare me to inherit my snacks?

I've been a ghost. What horror scenes I haven't seen before will be scared by this! joke!

The conversation was sent through the group. Mingshu thought that it was Lin Yuxin's brain powder, but looking at the name was a bit familiar.

She easily searched, and was also a big romance, with a reputation similar to that of the original owner.

W: Are you expressing dissatisfaction with me on behalf of all authors?

Silverfish: [Photo]

The last sentence of the screenshot of the Mingshu post.

Everyone here is rubbish.

W: What did I say? Am I wrong?

If you dare to admit it, you will have hatred.

Silverfish: You are amazing.

W: It's average, it's the best in the world.

Silverfish: ...Do you want a face?

W: Face? Can you eat it? Sister, did you come to praise me at night? I'm embarrassed.



Looking at what you said, I suddenly felt that Mingshu and Jiu Shao were engaged in online dating...


Little cute ones, ask for monthly tickets every day!

Also vote for the recommended ticket! See me see me see me see me see me see cute me! !

Come here, the ticket is waving, I am still your lovely little fairy~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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