Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1030: Weiran wind (8)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Silverfish: Add me.

W: Why? Do you give snacks?


W: Sister, I am not lily, bye bye!

Ming Shu crossed the dialog box, and somebody in the group was inexplicably talking to her, probably seeing the post.

Zhang Mu called Mingshu directly.

"I saw such great news as soon as I came back. Who did you check?" In his impression, good friends didn't have the ability.

Ming Shu poked the gold ingot crawling around: "Myself."

"Let's come." Zhang Mu didn't believe it: "You have this skill, what text do you write."

Mingshu thinks: "It seems reasonable, or should I go for a trip?"

Zhang Mu: "..."

Zhang Mu felt suspicious for a while, and then turned back to the serious topic: "Writing a essay, how can there be so many dramas, she has acted alone."

"Life is like a drama, mixed well, it depends on your acting skills."

Zhang Mu felt that Ming-Shu was talking a few nonsense, but said nothing.

Chatted with Zhang Mu for a while and hung up.

She reached over and turned Jin Yuanbao over, watching Jin Yuanbao's limbs and short legs scribble in the air.

[... What kind of psychology do you bully small animals? 】

Can't you bully if you can't eat?

[The host still looks at the goblin...]

Before Harmony was finished, Mingshu blocked him.


Mingshu didn't wait until early in the morning before Lin Yuxin came out to clarify.

Wrote a long post.

Mingshu finished reading with a snack.

Had to sigh.

Tired of my little cute.

Lin Yuxin pushed all her faults to Liuguangyu. She told Mingshu before that a friend sent the screenshot.

Afterwards, the chat screenshot with Liuguangyu seems to want to delete Liuguangyu.

Because Liu Guangyu sent it from her computer, the IP address is of course the same.

Lin Yuxin sincerely said: I'm really sorry, I don't know if this will happen. I went out to buy things at the time, and the streamer rain came back when she left. Someone told me that she was gone, and I immediately apologized to Senior Wei Ran... …

Lin Yuxin's remarks and screenshots seem to be the same thing.

Liuguangyu has fallen asleep, and the next day when he knew about it.

The authors are all living creatures at night, this matter has long spread in the circle.

Waking up early in the morning, he was bombarded with news from familiar authors.

She almost vomited blood because of the consequences before reading.

She treats her as a friend, but she treats her like that.

She didn't know who sent the post before, but she felt that standing on Lin Yuxin's side was beneficial to her. That's what she said.

She could be okay, she was picked out, and even buckled herself directly.


Mingshu heard that the two had fallen apart, but the streamer rain was not Lin Yuxin's opponent, and a lot of black material was exploded by Lin Yuxin's trumpet.

Not only did she wash herself white, but she also successfully trampled the streamer rain, making what she said was sophistry to everyone, and the suspect of slandering Lin Yuxin.

Lin Yuxin became a victim instead.

Ming Shu was pleased to send congratulatory messages to Liu Guangyu.

W: Well, I’m right.

Liuguang Yu: You are less gloating and gloating there.

The streamer rain darkened Mingshu.

Mingshu wanted to continue to be angry and she had no chance.

Mingshu can only wear a sad scarf.

W: Life is like a play, and play is like a king. [Picture] [Picture]

Your little cutie is online: how can you make Jin Yuanbao perform all fours again?

Every day down: Jin Yuanbao's posture is cute.

Dididi: When will it be updated? Seeking updates! Seeking updates! !

Don't meet each other on rainy days: Why do I think the big words are ironic about who and who?

W: Hey, I'm not ironic.

W: I mean her.


This is too honest.

How can it be said that if someone takes a screenshot, they have to say that they have no one in their eyes.

But no one in sight is so cute.

In the following period, Lin Yuxin was much more low-key, quiet and quiet, and even fans were much lower-key.

Lin Yuxin did not jump, the world rose to peace, the world was peaceful, and there was no gossip in the whole circle.

Mingshu reduced several unnecessary plots and quickly finished your starlight.

Writing is too tired, she should switch careers.

When your starlight was over, the editor immediately sent a congratulatory message and asked her by the way about her new text.

Mingshu said she was going to eat...No, looking for inspiration, she would not open it for the time being.

Lemon White: I think the subject matter you showed me last time can be written. Didn't you write the outline?

W: You remember it wrong.

How much did the original owner like this industry, your starlight began to update, the outline of the next book has been seen by the editor! The outline came from the wholesale market?

Lemon White dumped a few screenshots.

M: You remember it wrong.

Lemon White: Do you think it's not you who turned the name upside down?

Lemon white is very speechless, why haven't you found this man so much skinned before.

M: Well, not me.

Lemon White: ...

Lemon White: Forget it, I won't tell you this first. The address of the annual meeting has been sent to you a few days ago. You are from this city. Come by on time.

M: Snow is flying, it is not suitable to travel.

Before Lemon White responded, Ming Shu seconds went offline.

Looking at the heavy snow outside, she really didn't want to go out, it was too cold.

But now it's very difficult to even order a takeaway...

Mingshu wrapped himself into a ball and opened the door to go out.

The sound in the corridor swept over with the cold wind.

"You have to pay today, I tell you, these things are not cheap, look at what you are doing?"

The woman's sharp voice passed through the corridor.

In a house next to her, the woman stood at the door with her arms akimbo, pointing angrily inside.

Ming Shu narrowed his neck and walked in the direction of the elevator.

When passing by that family, a person suddenly appeared inside and took her by the arm: "This is my sister, she pays!"

Ming Shu: "?????

Mingshu looked sideways, the teenager was wearing a thin light sweater, his hair was messy, and he was full of alcohol.

There was a pale face on the pretty white face, the tip of the nose was a little red, all under the eyelids were bluish black, and the eyes were puffy.

It looks particularly miserable.

The woman's sharp eyes turned to Mingshu: "Are you his sister?"

Mingshu shook his head: "No, I don't know him."

Her position at this time can be seen inside the room.

No wonder this woman has such a big temper, and the house looks like it has been demolished.

"Sister." The teenager had a pale face, and at the same time put a pitiful expression on her face: "If you don't help me, she will let me sell her body. Are you willing to let my lovely brother be defiled?"

"Yes." Mingshu nodded as she withdrew her hand.

"Stubborn boy, quickly lose money!!" The woman was a little impatient.

"She is my sister, you need money to find her." The teenager pointed at Mingshu: "I have no money anyway."

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