Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1048: Revert to the wind (26)

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The website removed all Lin Yuxin's works, and even Lin Yuxin's personal homepage was closed.

If it weren’t for her book on the pirated website, no one would think that such an author existed.

Lin Yuxin did not wait for Ming Shu's so-called arrest, but was chased out of the place.

She had made money before, but she used it a lot, thinking that she would not worry about money in the future, but did not expect such a day.

There was a wound on her face that was caused by the woman.

The copyright fees she sold last time were used to cure the injury.

However, it is not complete yet. Lin Yuxin dare not go out now.


"You are back." Hearing the door, Lin Yuxin immediately looked up.

A man came in from outside the door. The man was full of alcohol and stumbled in.

Lin Yuxin immediately went over to support him, dissatisfied with his words: "He Qi, how do you drink like this?"

"You don't care." He Qi pushed Lin Yuxin and pointed at her, scolding: "If it weren't for you, how could she break up with me, you are all sluts."

Lin Yu was stunned.

She did not know that he had a girlfriend before, and this person He Qi...To be honest, she was very nice and generous to her.

When she didn't know where to go, He Qi took her in.

For that woman, he never mentioned...

She didn't expect that He Qi would scold her when she was drunk.

"It's over... everything is over..."

He Qi staggered into it and collapsed on the sofa, repeating these words in his mouth.

If she had nowhere to go and she had little money left, she would not be here.

Lin Yuxin reached out and touched her face, her face would be healed.

Lin Yuxin looked at the man on the sofa, gritted his teeth and helped the person to the bed.

All her money has to be saved for surgery.

Just when He Qi got to bed, He Qi suddenly pulled her, the man's strength, even if he was drunk, was much greater than her.

The clothes on the body were ripped apart violently, without even a cushion, and the man just rammed in.

Although he had already had a relationship with He Qi, He Qi was so drunk at this time that he was simply venting her.

After that, there were more cases like this, and He Qi didn't have much time to wake up.

The woman not only sealed Lin Yuxin, but also He Qi.

Lin Yuxin saw that He Qi lowered her breath and called the woman. She started to get through but couldn't get through.

"Damn it!" He Qi dropped his mobile phone angrily, and he looked at Lin Yuxin: "Lin Yuxin, you are all on horses."

Lin Yuxin frowned: "He Qi, you chased me first, and you never told me you have a girlfriend, ah... what are you doing!"

He Qi pulled on Lin Yuxin's clothes: "If it weren't for you, I would break up, Lin Yuxin, you are all sluts."

"You let me go!"

"Seduced me first!"

"He Qi you bastard!"

Lin Yuxin's scream gradually became a suppressed hum.

Lin Yuxin was wounded all over, and He Qi became crazy and violent, which has become more and more serious recently.

She can no longer stay here.

Before He Qi was still awake, Lin Yuxin packed himself up and was ready to leave.

But as soon as she dragged the suitcase out, He Qi appeared at the door: "Where do you want to go?"

Lin Yuxin endured his discomfort: "I want to leave here."

"Leave?" He Qi entered the door and closed the door: "I have lost my girlfriend, do you still want to leave? You want to be beautiful!"

He Qi grabbed Lin Yuxin and dragged her to the bed.

"He Qi you let me go, what do you want to do, you let me go, He Qi you bastard, you let me go..."

He Qi tied Lin Yuxin to the head of the bed with a crazy hate in his eyes: "I tell you Lin Yuxin, don't you want to leave."

He took away all of Lin Yuxin's documents, cell phone, and sealed the room.

He Qi blamed Lin Yuxin to seduce himself, he would lose everything.

He Qi wanted to start again, but the woman could not see him at all, and finally he saw another man beside the woman.

He Qi was angry outside, and either came back to fight Lin Yuxin or let her vent.

Lin Yuxin did not expect He Qi to become like this, obviously he had performed so well before.

She regrets it.

She would rather believe what Mingshu said, she came to catch her.

But no.

No one came to take her away.

She tried her best to escape and ended up with a beating.

Lin Yuxin discovered that she was pregnant three months later, and her morning sickness was severe. He Qi also discovered that it might be because of the child. He Qi did a lot better for her.

But she still can't leave the room.

Lin Yuxin knew that the child was her protection now, and she dared not make fun of it.

But after He Qi got drunk, the child was gone.


[Lin Yuxin's hatred value is full. 】

Most of the night...

Mingshu didn't have time to think so much, she was dealing with Chu Hui: "I sleep on the sofa today, you can sleep on your own."

The goblin didn't know what to think all day long.

Chu pouted back and said capriciously: "I don't want to sleep on my own."

Ming Shu is worried about the pizza that has not been finished: "Then you sleep first, I will come later."


Chu Hui blocked Ming Shu's path: "Are you someone outside?"

Mingshu: "..."

I have snacks outside!

Mingshu squeezed his hands, took a deep breath, and walked back towards Chu.

Chu Hui looked at her a little alertly.

Mingshu smiled, stretched out his hand first, and then embraced his waist, and leaned in to kiss him.

Chu's eyes were less alert.

As he prepared to respond, his eyes suddenly became dark, and the whole person softened.

Mingshu threw the man on the bed and sighed on his hips.

How can I be so strenuous to eat a snack now!

Mingshu put a blanket on him and kissed him again. Then he turned and went to the living room. The snack was cute! !

The next day, Chu nearly lifted the house.

Mingshu sneered out.

"Miss Wei." Chu Han carried a bunch of things and met Mingshu in the elevator.

"Great God." Mingshu greeted feebly.

"Are you going out?"

Mingshu nodded and took refuge.

"Little back."

"At home." Mingshu took out the key and stuffed it with Chu Han: "You go find him, I'll go first, let alone see me."

Chu Han holding the key: "..."

How do I explain the key?

Great God Chu Han stood for a long time, silently entered the elevator upstairs and knocked on the door.

As a result, no one opened for a long time, Chu Han hesitated for a moment, holding the key to open the door.

The room was a mess, and many things were broken.

Chu Han seemed to see that his family had been messed up by teenagers before.

The key is……

This is someone else's house.

"Little back..."

Chu Han walked a few steps inside and tried to scream.

The man with a meter and a few meters, his face tense at the moment.

"Where did you get the key?"

Chu Han turned around and saw his brother standing behind the door, looking at him expressionlessly.

Chu Han: "..." I can explain.

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